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Covid-19 Prepared?

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On 12/4/2023 at 9:01 PM, Dguy210 said:

Jist of it is an already long approved MMR vaccine worked better to block Covid than the experimental one, and they knew this in 2020, but that doesn't make Pharma corps billions of dollars.


I actually know my titer for Mumps as I get titer tested as part of my job, mine is above the ability of the machine to test. All my titers for everything are always stupid high though, so that is just normal for me. I've also been *heavily* exposed in person 5 times I know of including within the last 2 months and never had so much as a sniffle. But the plural of anecdote is not data. I've posted the peer review articles linking increasing mumps titer too increasing resistance before and I feel to lazy to look it up again right now.

Had you some antivenin recently? poly or mono? #covidfromsnakes

Edited by gh0stwerx76
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/7/2023 at 5:34 AM, datzenmike said:

I had mumps about 60 years ago does that confer some immunity?

I haven't seen data for it but that would be reasonable as the vax is just an attenuated live mumps virus so the immunogens present would be very similar. All the data I saw was from the MMR vax itself and there was a strong correlation between level of titer of antibody against mumps and the level of protection against Covid (symptomatic) infection.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/5/2023 at 10:40 PM, IZRL said:

Stay strong folks don't give into the constant fear mongering!  As George W. Bush once said "There's an old saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says...fool me once,shame on......shame on you. Fool me.................you can't get fooled again".


Read below this line at you're own risk! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->


The Gov has gotten into the habit of trying to keep us in a state of constant fear/panic. Does anyone else remember that after 9/11 they created the color-coded terrorist threat advisory scale? Even when it was first being implemented, 1. I question who and how they decided the threat level should go from orange to red and then back to orange in just a matter of a few days(which i thought was more hilarious than scary)? 2. I wondered if it was a way to keep us in a state of constant fear? Now Covid-19 is created in a lab and leaked. The gov then does everything possible to put out stats that are far far worse then they actually were. They silenced all scientist, well they silenced pretty much everyone who spoke out against the fake stats. They took our freedom and forced people to take an experimental vaccine. Now they're going back to the same style of fear tactics used after 9/11. Which by the way I don't even want to get into the similarities I see between the creation/tweaking and leak of covid-19 and the attacks on 9/11.

Today not only are they trying to extend the fear of covid and are clawing to maintain the control they had over the population during that time. Now the new fear/panic tactic is the whole end of the world scare due to climate change. Which interestingly enough all the counter measures that are currently being implemented and the ones that are going to be implemented in the near future to combat this. Make life substantially worse or impossible for the average/below average pawn.


I didn't take the vaccine. Those who questioned my decision got the same answer "There are two coins I could flip, I can either flip the experimental vaccine coin which could possibly kill me in 5-10 years, or I could flip the anti-vax coin, and risk dying from covid"."I choose the latter, and everybody should have the right to choose which coin they want to flip without having to be judged for it."

All this to say. We all willingly gave up our freedoms during covid because we were lied to. I'm going to do whatever i can to not make that same mistake.


I posted this comment back in September of 2023. I've been saying this for years now. I just watched this interview last night.  Listen to what Russell Brand says between 18:48 and 19:50 in this interview with Tucker Carlson.




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You had me till Tucker Carlson. Blah blah persecution, blah blah conspiracy, blah blah blah. We lived in fear through the 50s and '60s... it was called the Cold War and where did that end up for Russia. Oh yeah it fell apart.

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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

You had me till Tucker Carlson. Blah blah persecution, blah blah conspiracy, blah blah blah. We lived in fear through the 50s and '60s... it was called the Cold War and where did that end up for Russia. Oh yeah it fell apart.


McCarthy was right


Edited by Dguy210
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Who TF is Ryan Ryles??? Is it a play on works Ryran Riles? Can't find him anywhere. Does he exist? Did he live in the 50s? Or is he one of those academic types that read history books and write their own like they know all about it.


McCarthy was a whack job fanning the flames of paranoia and riding that vehicle to the top of the shit pile for his own glory. I can't imaging the kind of world we would be in today if he had gotten his way. Fuck him. Only good thing to come of him is the term McCarthyism for nut bars that see evil around every corner. While there could be danger around the corner in almost all cases there is not. A modicum of care goes a long way.  

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A friend of mine and I were talking last week about the fact that people who lived prior to the 60s had an undying trust for the US Gov. They believed every word the US Gov said no matter how crazy it was. The further we get from that time and the more technology advances, the less people trust this Gov. and it's for a good reason. Those who still trust that our Government, or any Government for that matter, is looking out for it's citizen's best interest in 2024, are completely delusional. "Conspiracies" from the past have been proven to be correct many times over the years. Don't be so quick to dismiss what people say (this rule doesn't apply to people born after 1990. Take everything they say with a grain of salt).

Edited by IZRL
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Well a lot was BS also but I hear what you say. For me I remember those times. Today, most people have never known anything but distrust and contempt for the people they voted in.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh Jesus..... Tim made his bones over covid. It's all he knows. Lots of places are in population decline including China. The boomers are dying off and they had smaller families, and their kids had smaller and smaller families till here we are.  He even says he can't verify this. Collapse way more dramatic than decline.

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On 2/20/2024 at 11:27 AM, Duncan said:

I remember in the 60's we had nuclear bomb drills in school.  We'd get under our desks and pull a sweater or sweatshirt over our heads.


Pretty laughable thinking about that now..




          But it worked - we haven't had a single nuclear bombing death since.

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17 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

How odd.....



I have read that "vax injuries" vary, between countries, regions, etc.  But this video is clear, that it is cardio based, so perhaps the Greek physiology has been affected harder than others............??

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


I have read that "vax injuries" vary, between countries, regions, etc.  But this video is clear, that it is cardio based, so perhaps the Greek physiology has been affected harder than others............??



Fuck Tim and Elon. What degrees do they hold in virology, immunology, pharmacology, cardiology or anything else for that matter? Fuck celebrity opinions. HARD. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else here. Maybe Greece has a large aging population so proportionally strokes and clots may be higher? Baby boomers are now dying off naturally of old age. If they had on average 2 or less children there will be a decline in the population in a couple of generations. Duh!

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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Fuck Tim and Elon. What degrees do they hold in virology, immunology, pharmacology, cardiology or anything else for that matter? Fuck celebrity opinions. HARD. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else here. Maybe Greece has a large aging population so proportionally strokes and clots may be higher? Baby boomers are now dying off naturally of old age. If they had on average 2 or less children there will be a decline in the population in a couple of generations. Duh!


Well, I do not think ANY of these guys, have said "THIS IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM!".  Nor have I ever said that.  You too, might be correct.  Social media must be taken with a grain of salt.  I firmly believe that vax injuries, related to the Covid jab, are real.  As I have mentioned before, I have personally seen what anybody that believes vax injuries are possible, would agree.  I lost a couple friends to Covid, an older lady with NO PREVIOUS ISSUES, gets massive heart issues?  A very close friends daughter is now in a wheel cahir, having had no previous issues & the doctors have no explanation.  Now, mind you, ALL of these people will NOT even consider these symptoms could be related to the jab.  That is their decision.  My brother was FORCED by his job with the NFL to get the jab.  He was a healthy homeopathic follower (health related) & would not have done it on his own accord.  He just got over a 3 week health issue, but he will NOT even consider it could be due to the jab.  I do not give any of these people a hard time, not even my brother.  That is likely one reason I "vent" here................to learn & to offer thoughts & theories.  Some agree & some don't.  I accept that 😉 

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13 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

First... FUCK Pfizer ... now, he called it a report of a complaint and almost said who but who???? who made this complaint and is it really valid? or hearsay?

Agreed fuck Pfizer, but I would include almost all pharmaceutical companies. What does it matter who made the complaint? The CMPCA ruled that Pfizer broke 5 rules and have continued to do so multiple times. Of course no actual consequences.. Bad boy, don't do it again. 

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