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Rockin' the fake vinyl top look with rolled on paint...

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So, my wagon was originally born with a vinyl top but of course after 40+ years & living under the California sunshine…it's toast. When I bought her, she came with a small strip around the back hatch with the original vinyl & the previous owner threw some house paint on the roof to keep it from rusting out…it worked, too. Since I can't afford a proper paint job, am trying to avoid rust & liked the vinyl look, I've been enjoying the "I can't hurt it anyway so, why not?" attitude & am rockin' the faux vinyl look. This time I actually sanded & primed before using a paint roller to apply the color. Doesn't look too bad from about 20 feet away…. B) Just thought I'd share the fun.


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You crazy girl. Love it looks good. What happen to the Texas Wagon? Nissan jam I expect you there.


Haha…ya, crazy IS as crazy DOES.

Been busy working so I can afford work on my wagon…plus, the Solvang show is coming up on the 23rd so I'm getting her all presentable & shit.

That Texas wagon was way too wonky & overpriced. Guy wouldn't budge on price despite the issues I pointed out (with lots of help & feedback from respected ratsun members…thank you). All worked out for the best Tanker.

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Haha…ya, crazy IS as crazy DOES.

Been busy working so I can afford work on my wagon…plus, the Solvang show is coming up on the 23rd so I'm getting her all presentable & shit.

That Texas wagon was way too wonky & overpriced. Guy wouldn't budge on price despite the issues I pointed out (with lots of help & feedback from respected ratsun members…thank you). All worked out for the best Tanker.


Solvang crap I don't if I can go. I will try though. Maybe I will see you there.

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Angela, that does look good!


Rare to have a vinyl top or 'two tone' paint for that matter but if any car can pull it off it's a wagon I think. I used to spray paint mid '70 GM cars and they had automated over head sprayers for the roof. Part of my job was watching for the 'Landau' models and tripping a switch so they wouldn't spray paint where the vinyl was to cover. So under the vinyl was just primered metal roofs and in a short time the vinyl was bubbled up and were rusted through. Cheap bastards.

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So, my wagon was originally born with a vinyl top but of course after 40+ years & living under the California sunshine…it's toast. When I bought her, she came with a small strip around the back hatch with the original vinyl & the previous owner threw some house paint on the roof to keep it from rusting out…it worked, too. Since I can't afford a proper paint job, am trying to avoid rust & liked the vinyl look, I've been enjoying the "I can't hurt it anyway so, why not?" attitude & am rockin' the faux vinyl look. This time I actually sanded & primed before using a paint roller to apply the color. Doesn't look too bad from about 20 feet away…. B) Just thought I'd share the fun.




When I read the title of this post I thought, fuck, lets take a look at this abortion. But that looks pretty fucking good, nice job!


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When I read the title of this post I thought, fuck, lets take a look at this abortion. But that looks pretty fucking good, nice job!



Jeez Cam, "abortion"? that's pretty harsh!


Glad I surprised you :rofl:

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That looks good Angela! The whole car does for that matter...and the carbs are badass!


Thank you very much S30Jay!

She really wants to get up & go now! Last year or the year before I dropped in another L16 that had an A87 closed chamber peanut head that'd been bored out a bit. I was running Weber 32/36 & it was ok after some initial fussiness but now its a whole different story. With the SU's there seems to be a notable difference in power. Every time I shift gears it feels like a sling shot catapulting me forward…really fun :thumbup:

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