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Datsun Lovers trying to hurt me

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You are not a Datsun enthusiast so you have no expectation of being fairly treated here for buying one simply to flip it for gain. Do what you like, but don't whine about it, and not here.


It costs zero to ask someone to marry you. Ask. If she accepts you have a bond and an agreement. The money (thousands that you can't afford) spent on a ring is money tied up and never recovered again. You can't cash it in later for a house or on kids or on education. Get your education now, get married cheaply now or more later. Or wait. If your g/f is awesome, it won't be hard to work together, get jobs and secure your future. 

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Elliot you do know it takes 5 different IP addresses to even flag an ad. I doubt much it's other datsun owners/sellers, even so coming here and whining isn't going to do any good what do you expect us to do? Also emailing people to ask if they flagged your ad, why would you call us Datsun a Enthusiast bad people? You need some cheese with that wine?

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