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Well. He increased government workforce (less than half of that military.), He tripled our debt (largest percentage increase since Rosevelt maybe). He is certainly a decorated war hero for ending the Cold War right?


Sorry. Reagan in particular got written wrong in the public history. It kinda scares me how his term seems to be recalled. He said all the right things, and seems to be remembered for it. He took office at a difficult time, so I give him some credit for stepping up, but he was not an economic hero. He was more of a marketing hero.


To put it in perspective, government spending (as percent of GDP) is lower under Obama... Both during war.


And if you don't like stats from UC Berkley, please lead me to water. I try to avoid partisan biased stats. Berkley is not a bad source considering what I could grab.


True That^^^

Reagan created the biggest snake oil POS swindle of all time with Supply Side" economics. Deregulation of the airlines, savings and load industry, Telecom, and a huge tax give away for the rich did have a fantastic short term boost to the economy, but most people want to forget the bubble burst on this BS carnival act, and the middle class has been in free fall ever sense.



"No taxation without representation" was one of the major causes of the American Revolution. This is important stuff to know when talking about our F'ed up Merican economic and political structure. Our income tax system, as we know it, is greater cause for revolution than the taxation without representation BS that created this country. What's the saying again? "follow the money".


1791 to 1802, the government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property sold at auction including slaves, and corporate bonds.


War of 1812 brought us/US sales taxes on gold, silverware, jewelry, and watches. Thinly veiled tax on the rich.


1817 Congress did away with internal taxes, getting enough money to run the government from tariffs on imported goods.


1862 Congress collected income tax to support the Civil War. people making $600 to $10,000 a year paid 3%. People making more than $10,000 paid a slightly higher rate. 


1862 the office of Internal Revenue was established.


1895 the U.S. Supreme Court decided income tax was unconstitutional, because states weren't paying the same amount.


1913 the 16th Amendment made income tax permanent. It also gave Congress the authority to tax the incomes of individuals and corporations. This is when shit starts getting weird.


1981 the economy was tanking so Congress enacted tax cut's that were "offset" by two tax increases in 1982 and 1984. WTF?


1986 President Reagan signed into law the Tax Reform Act of 1986 cutting the wealthiest Mercan's income tax almost in half. This got the economy going, but it also opened the door to the greatest divide in wealth the US has ever seen. This is when average Joe American was introduced to what it feels like to be trickled down upon.


1993 President Clinton fanned the flames of wealth imbalance with the Revenue Reconciliation Act, which included a huge cut in capital-gains tax for individuals.


2001 President George W. Bush sealed the deal with further tax cuts on the top tax rates, and lowered individual tax on capital gains and dividends even more.


2008 the economy tanked, but the favorable rates on capital gains and dividends were extended to 2010.


2016 in the face of crushing losses in our retirement savings, Obama has done DICK to change the tax system that clearly favors the wealthy.


God save the one%


 We the people doing all the fucking work in this country are not being represented by OUR government. Our Government is being used as a police force by the wealthy, so they can control their subjects. The American people should revolt in light of this new form of monarchy and taxation without representation. Instead we're voting for the next rent a cop. 

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I stand corrected.Just another bad president.He cut government spending,created a healthy economy,ended the cold war and got the world to reduce nuclear weaponry.What the hell was he thinking.Oh and that graph from UC Berkley ? Reagans Presidency ended in 1989.

Gotta love liberals-if the facts don't their position-change the facts.
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True That^^^

Reagan created the biggest snake oil POS swindle of all time with Supply Side" economics. Deregulation of the airlines, savings and load industry, Telecom, and a huge tax give away for the rich did have a fantastic short term boost to the economy, but most people want to forget the bubble burst on this BS carnival act, and the middle class has been in free fall ever sense.

Telecom wasn't de-regged until 2000.
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I stand corrected.Just another bad president.He cut government spending,created a healthy economy,ended the cold war and got the world to reduce nuclear weaponry.What the hell was he thinking.Oh and that graph from UC Berkley ? Reagans Presidency ended in 1989.

89 is just about where shit stops going to shit on the graph.

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Telecom wasn't de-regged until 2000.


Actually, telecom de-reg started with the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 and that was all Reagan's. It deregulated cable television and long-distance phone service.


He also removed controls on oil and gas, interstate bus service, and ocean shipping. Reagan also removed restrictions on loan-to-value ratios for Savings and Loan banks. As a result, banks invested in risky real estate ventures leading to the Savings and Loan Crisis of 1989. People lost their homes and savings, while big banks swallowed up the entire savings and loan banking industry. Sound familiar?


Yes, it's just like what removing Glass Steagall did in 2008 (thank you Bush), and stock trading deregulation did in 1929 (thank you Coolidge).  Banking deregulation has created financial bubbles in the market, and when they bursts, BIG banks are able to collect hard assets for pennies on the dollar, consolidate power, and gain greater control of the banking industry. And there by, control of the market economy. Believe it or not, this is referred to as asset harvesting in the Wall St. banking community. In the passed, engineering an economic bubble required a willing or ignorant participant in the White House. Today, CEO's of the BIG THREE banks are in Washington, and are in charge of the whole shooting mach. It's a total power Monopoly at this point. 

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Actually, telecom de-reg started with the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 and that was all Reagan's. It deregulated cable television and long-distance phone service.


He also removed controls on oil and gas, interstate bus service, and ocean shipping. Reagan also removed restrictions on loan-to-value ratios for Savings and Loan banks. As a result, banks invested in risky real estate ventures leading to the Savings and Loan Crisis of 1989. People lost their homes and savings, while big banks swallowed up the entire savings and loan banking industry. Sound familiar?


Yes, it's just like what removing Glass Steagall did in 2008 (thank you Bush), and stock trading deregulation did in 1929 (thank you Coolidge). Banking deregulation has created financial bubbles in the market, and when they bursts, BIG banks are able to collect hard assets for pennies on the dollar, consolidate power, and gain greater control of the banking industry. And there by, control of the market economy. Believe it or not, this is referred to as asset harvesting in the Wall St. banking community. In the passed, engineering an economic bubble required a willing or ignorant participant in the White House. Today, CEO's of the BIG THREE banks are in Washington, and are in charge of the whole shooting mach. It's a total power Monopoly at this point.

The Glass–Steagall legislation was enacted by the United States Congress in 1933 as part of the 1933 Banking Act, amended as part of the 1935 Banking Act, and most of it was repealed in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA).


Bill Clinton......

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Yes, it's just like what removing Glass Steagall did in 2008 (thank you Bush Clinton), and stock trading deregulation did in 1929 (thank you Coolidge).  Banking deregulation has created financial bubbles in the market, and when they bursts, BIG banks are able to collect hard assets for pennies on the dollar, consolidate power, and gain greater control of the banking industry. And there by, control of the market economy. Believe it or not, this is referred to as asset harvesting in the Wall St. banking community. In the passed, engineering an economic bubble required a willing or ignorant participant in the White House. Today, CEO's of the BIG THREE banks are in Washington, and are in charge of the whole shooting mach. It's a total power Monopoly at this point. 


The Glass–Steagall legislation was enacted by the United States Congress in 1933 as part of the 1933 Banking Act, amended as part of the 1935 Banking Act, and most of it was repealed in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA).


Bill Clinton......

Thanks Matt, I learned there is yet another reason not to trust the Clintons.

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Actually, telecom de-reg started with the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 and that was all Reagan's. It deregulated cable television and long-distance phone service.


He also removed controls on oil and gas, interstate bus service, and ocean shipping. Reagan also removed restrictions on loan-to-value ratios for Savings and Loan banks. As a result, banks invested in risky real estate ventures leading to the Savings and Loan Crisis of 1989. People lost their homes and savings, while big banks swallowed up the entire savings and loan banking industry. Sound familiar?


Yes, it's just like what removing Glass Steagall did in 2008 (thank you Bush), and stock trading deregulation did in 1929 (thank you Coolidge).  Banking deregulation has created financial bubbles in the market, and when they bursts, BIG banks are able to collect hard assets for pennies on the dollar, consolidate power, and gain greater control of the banking industry. And there by, control of the market economy. Believe it or not, this is referred to as asset harvesting in the Wall St. banking community. In the passed, engineering an economic bubble required a willing or ignorant participant in the White House. Today, CEO's of the BIG THREE banks are in Washington, and are in charge of the whole shooting mach. It's a total power Monopoly at this point.

Sorry Dude,but I was in the business.I had a CATV engineering company and the break up of AT&T in 2000 killed my industry. And the act was repealed by Clinton-not Bush.

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Not that you guys need help, but here's another reason to kick Hillary to the curb.


Gary Gensler, a former Goldman Sachs partner was recruited by Clinton to be undersecretary of the treasury. This ass hat, Gensler worked with Sen. Phil Gramm, and the acting U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to write The Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA), then hid it in a massive spending bill that would avoid a Gov shut down. This ill conceived legislation was essentially a blank check for the marketing of bogus collateralized debt obligations and exempt credit default swaps from regulation, which led to the collapse of AIG resulting in the largest taxpayer corporate bailout in U.S. history. Pretty simple, this fucking Gensler twat is a shyster. 


So what does Obama do? He makes Gensler head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission... WTF? You mean the hope candidate is nothing but a BIG money sock puppet?


Now that Hillary is running again for President, one might ask if her economic policies will differ form Bill's. I think that's a fair question. Well, turns out she's deeply in bed with our Mr. Gensler, the same shiftless little fuck who strapped the next generation in debt before they are even born.That's right, (or should I say Left) Hillary made him the CFO of her 2016 campaign. 

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How did these policies like Reagan's or Clinton's affect you personally?


general question for everyone.


Under the guidance of Greenspan, their deregulation policies created the .com burst that took my photo studio in 2001, killed my Design Build Contracting business, gutted my retirement account, and threw my home equity under water in 2008.

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Sorry Dude,but I was in the business.I had a CATV engineering company and the break up of AT&T in 2000 killed my industry. And the act was repealed by Clinton-not Bush.

I think we're talking about two different things, 1984 Deregulation vs. the 2000 break up of ATT's monopoly. As far as I know, deregulation is was what made it possible for ATT to consolidate control of the lines and with it, control of the telecom industry.

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