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By all means be cynical and jaded, it is the easy way out, suits you just fine.


Believe what you want about the media but it was real reporters Woodward and Bernstein who broke Watergate.


More recently it was the gang at the Boston Globe who brought down the Catholic Church in their pedophilia scandal (see "Spotlight" it's a great film).


I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions.


Actually the only issue I have with President-Elect Trump is when he uses Twitter to communicate misinformation!


He makes himself look stupid and ill- informed.

Woodward and Bernstein were around when there were still journalists!!!!. Didn't you believe me when I said 'journalism died in the '80s' along with newspapers'???? It's gone. It's corrupted. It cannot be trusted. When you realize this, a lot of other stuff will fall into place. News is entertainment.


Twitter is verifiable, fast and can't be 'massaged or interpreted' specially by the media. One down side is commenting on something too fast and getting it wrong. 

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Twitter is the ultimate avenue of social media projection. What Trump tweets says more about him than who or what he's tweeting about. Like any narcissistic personality, fundamentally he is trying to cover up his insecurities about being criticized by reflectively projecting criticism from a one way platform. Weak fucking sauce IMO. 

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That reminds me of a sterling example of true news reporting!  When President Reagan was shot, all the "news channels" competed to be "first" with breaking news.  The ABC news lead reporter [sorry I can't remember his name but really should!] was handed a "News Flash" piece of paper live on line.  He took one glance at it and threw it at the aide who had handed it to him!  "I will not report such a result until it is verified!" was his response!  My very dim opinion of the ABC News Network really improved that second [we used to call the ABC News Network "The Yuck Yuck News Network since they had to all appearances been taken over by the Entertainment division], all they lacked was a nutcase shouting out the window like in the movie.


Walter Cronkite was the best true reporter since Ernie Pyle!  I still remember the live battlefield report from Ernie Pyle as his jeep was blasted to bits live on the radio!  Now that was real time news! 


Also rermember listening to radio [you know TV without video] when the Eastern Wartime Standard Tom Mix broadcast was interupped to announce the death of President Franklin D Roosevelt.  Yes, I am that old!


We had a Long Distance Short Wave antenna and obviousla a compatible [Hallicrafters] radio.  When my Dad would come home at 2 AM from his job in a wartime contracted plant, we would tune in German short wave broadcasts.  We didn't understand all the German, but there was no doubt that Hitler was a mad man!  And my Dad would cook a really mean breakfast!

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Woodward and Bernstein were around when there were still journalists!!!!. Didn't you believe me when I said 'journalism died in the '80s' along with newspapers'???? It's gone. It's corrupted. It cannot be trusted. When you realize this, a lot of other stuff will fall into place. News is entertainment.


Twitter is verifiable, fast and can't be 'massaged or interpreted' specially by the media. One down side is commenting on something too fast and getting it wrong.


If journalism "died in the eighties" how does one explain the Boston Globe breaking the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal just a few short years ago, which by weight of comparison is much larger than Watergate?


Some people still believe, if you're not one of them, well that's just super for you then I guess.

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when lefties begin to eat one another.......


Are White People Promoting Homosexuality As A Means Of Undermining The Black Struggle?


Homosexuality Was Brought To Us By White People


Homosexuality derives from Europe. It can be seen in the white mans religion of Roman Catholicism. A Roman priest isn’t allowed to have sex with a woman, so what does he do instead to sexually satisfy himself? He preys on innocent children. This whole idea of homosexuality comes from colonialism, when white people invaded Africa and forced their religion upon us. Being gay is very unAfrican and it is shunned by African spirituality, which is the true religion of Africans.


Homophobia? What Phobia?


White people have forced this whole homophobia rhetoric down black peoples throat. By definition, a phobia is an extreme or irrational of something. Who in their right mind is actually scared of gay people? The only fear we have is that they’re falling into the idea of Euro-centrism by confirming with homosexuality. We scared that they are being brainwashed by the white man and that we are losing our people. That’s the only fear we have.



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Oh you like baseball?

That figures, are you a pitcher or a catcher?

Neither, i love the chesslike matches that go on during the game, once you understand how the game mechanics works and all the strategies being played pitch after pitch, you (if are a strategy type person) fall in love with the game.

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when lefties begin to eat one another.......


Are White People Promoting Homosexuality As A Means Of Undermining The Black Struggle?


Homosexuality Was Brought To Us By White People


Homosexuality derives from Europe. It can be seen in the white mans religion of Roman Catholicism. A Roman priest isn’t allowed to have sex with a woman, so what does he do instead to sexually satisfy himself? He preys on innocent children. This whole idea of homosexuality comes from colonialism, when white people invaded Africa and forced their religion upon us. Being gay is very unAfrican and it is shunned by African spirituality, which is the true religion of Africans.


Homophobia? What Phobia?


White people have forced this whole homophobia rhetoric down black peoples throat. By definition, a phobia is an extreme or irrational of something. Who in their right mind is actually scared of gay people? The only fear we have is that they’re falling into the idea of Euro-centrism by confirming with homosexuality. We scared that they are being brainwashed by the white man and that we are losing our people. That’s the only fear we have.




And then there's North Africa!  Just talk about homo behavior!  No White "force" just "[un]natural selection.

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President-Elect Trump uses Twitter because his life and experience in his alternate reality would not stand up to scrutiny by real reporters in the arena of a real press conference.


So he gets to type 140 character missives with no follow up questions or in depth exploration of the issue at hand, no we get blurbs which have to be interpreted, followed up on or walked back on by his handlers. 


Twitter is probably the lowest common denominator of online "communication", even this thread on this forum has a back and forth which Twitter lacks.


Now there is an app. to check the claims IN his Twitter Tweets, (Twitter Tweets, god that sounds so f!@$ing lame, and to think this may be the preferred communication method by the most powerful person on the planet.) so the average citizen can see that President-Elect Trump has a peculiar relationship with what you and I might call the truth. Ah the problems of perception.




I would think that President-Elect Trump might want to make friends with the press and have them on his side, but he is probably afraid of objective reporting and real reporters ain't gonna lie down for him.,.

That first sentence cracks me up,real reporters ? name one.

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If journalism "died in the eighties" how does one explain the Boston Globe breaking the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal just a few short years ago, which by weight of comparison is much larger than Watergate?


Some people still believe, if you're not one of them, well that's just super for you then I guess.


There are a few good, as there were always a few bad, even back in the 70s, but overall, ethics/honest/pure journalism is back seat to entertainment. By back seat I mean, back of the bus. If you seriously believe and don't wonder about the what and how the media entertains you, you really need to pull your head out. 


CNN used to be fairly good back in the 90s. Even movies showed presidents scolding their CIA for not having the intel that CNN had or using CNN FOR their intel. I stopped watching TV over 4 years ago and last spring worked out of town when the Philadelphia AmTrak crash happened. There was nothing to do after work and for days, continuously, they had some dick reporting zero over and over and endless 'experts' opinions but no news.. I was appalled at how the mighty have fallen. I think this is because there are few independent sources of news with healthy competition for viewers. America wants reality TV not news.


So turn your TVs off they are the last place to look for truth in the news. Trust me... you'll be a lot happier.

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There are a few good, as there were always a few bad, even back in the 70s, but overall, ethics/honest/pure journalism is back seat to entertainment. By back seat I mean, back of the bus. If you seriously believe and don't wonder about the what and how the media entertains you, you really need to pull your head out. 


CNN used to be fairly good back in the 90s. Even movies showed presidents scolding their CIA for not having the intel that CNN had or using CNN FOR their intel. I stopped watching TV over 4 years ago and last spring worked out of town when the Philadelphia AmTrak crash happened. There was nothing to do after work and for days, continuously, they had some dick reporting zero over and over and endless 'experts' opinions but no news.. I was appalled at how the mighty have fallen. I think this is because there are few independent sources of news with healthy competition for viewers. America wants reality TV not news.


So turn your TVs off they are the last place to look for truth in the news. Trust me... you'll be a lot happier.



 Gee Mike, I thought you would have seen the easy to see differentiation in my above posts between print/ electronic media.


Apparently not.


Preach on brother....

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By all means be cynical and jaded, it is the easy way out, suits you just fine.


Believe what you want about the media but it was real reporters Woodward and Bernstein who broke Watergate.


More recently it was the gang at the Boston Globe who brought down the Catholic Church in their pedophilia scandal (see "Spotlight" it's a great film).


I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions.


Actually the only issue I have with President-Elect Trump is when he uses Twitter to communicate misinformation!


He makes himself look stupid and ill- informed.


I love how you try to dismiss people! 


Keep hittin that shit, Homie! 



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