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I will be glad to see 0bamacare bit the dust. It has been seriously detrimental to the economy.

Agreed, my folks own a small business and don't qualify for it but to get insurance for the two of them it will cost $1800 a month, before Obama care it was only like $400

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Agreed, my folks own a small business and don't qualify for it but to get insurance for the two of them it will cost $1800 a month, before Obama care it was only like $400

Same here, now i have my ER visit and surgery that's gonna hit the $40k neighborhood....ugh...thanks Obama.

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Carlin is the truth and no bullshit, but his logic there?

Seems air tight , but a little childish. Kinda like a politically correct or SJW argument imho



Don't know I've ever (until now) come across a comment where Carlin is called PC or a SJW.


Interesting how you think that of his points but hey your thoughts don't worry me,amuse me maybe. 

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Same here, now i have my ER visit and surgery that's gonna hit the $40k neighborhood....ugh...thanks Obama.

Damn. Went without insurance? That not funny at all.


We seriously should have just done single payer from the beginning. And insurance companies should stop devicively tearing our country down like this.


I have health insurance, but often pay out of pocket because insurance is fucking everything up. My wife's birth cost me 30% of the price insurance gets billed. Seriously! When you say you are paying cash, the price is less than 1/3! That's why everything is getting so fucking in-affordable. Do the same with prescription meds. Ask the pharmacist next time for a cash price. Then, after they tell you, ask them what they bill insurance for the same script. The insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are all on the same end of the rainbow. Obama care progressively cuts this gouging down every year. So insurance companies are responding by raising rates to kill the bill. I don't really care for Obamacare, but I can see where the problem actually stems.

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Don't know I've ever (until now) come across a comment where Carlin is called PC or a SJW.


Interesting how you think that of his points but hey your thoughts don't worry me,amuse me maybe.


Cool, I'm not very clear most times.


Argument style , analogous to anti white argument (for example), "blacks are people too". 'god wants money, will send you to a bad place, but he loves you.' life is beautiful , but you have too believe/love to participate


Amused?:) All good.. and i know it's comedy, sorry

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Cool, I'm not very clear most times.


Argument style , analogous to anti white argument (for example), "blacks are people too". 'god wants money, will send you to a bad place, but he loves you.' life is beautiful , but you have too believe/love to participate


Amused? :) All good.. and i know it's comedy, sorry



No apologies needed at all. 


George of course is mocking the subject matter so he's not making any kind of serious posit on it,showing how stupid the whole thing is given how serious people take it all. 


From all I've seen of George's interviews and comedy routines he's never been one to promote any kind of PC liberal agendas,more so he mocks it over and over.

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In the case of comedians,they are riffing off of whomever are the persons/situations/current events that make for good laughs.


It's their "job" to be irreverant and make the subject even more ridiculous than it already is.


SNL I reckon want to show how ludicrous Trump is that he takes himself SO seriously over all these small points about himself where he's running for POTUS. 


From my obsdervations re: Trump - he's super touchy etc and is addicted to tweeting his frustrations out. 


He needs to not sweat the small stuff now that he's in the biggest league there can be. 


But in the meantime whilst the planet is going to shit we can all at least get a laugh. 

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Tr83r , competion lowers prices?

O care killed that, insurance co. have had there ass handed to them (regulation), but they pass that on.

I'm speaking from no real experience with said insurance companies

God bless Kohearts and you ,wife and child

I dont want single payer, i want affordable insurance.

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In the case of comedians,they are riffing off of whomever are the persons/situations/current events that make for good laughs.


It's their "job" to be irreverant and make the subject even more ridiculous than it already is.


SNL I reckon want to show how ludicrous Trump is that he takes himself SO seriously over all these small points about himself where he's running for POTUS. 


From my obsdervations re: Trump - he's super touchy etc and is addicted to tweeting his frustrations out. 


He needs to not sweat the small stuff now that he's in the biggest league there can be. 


But in the meantime whilst the planet is going to shit we can all at least get a laugh. 

Darn good reason for it and reason it is not going to stop. How did Trump win? Stood up for himself through all the lies the media tried to tie him down with. Romney did and look what it got him, McCain was even worse. Trump is not going to get fair coverage period. The only recourse is to bypass the media making them as irrelevant as possible, going directly to the people.

From now on this is going to be the standard. Every conservative. The reason SNL is attempting to make fun of it, pissed off he is not Bush just standing there taking all the rotten eggs thrown at him.

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SNL are not pissed off at all,they're just running with what the politics gave them.


My comments about Trump and how touchy he is just a fact,as to why he does it - I don't give a shit. 


In politics or any other public life,you'll have comedians taking the piss - it's what they do.


The more serious and upset the Donald gets the more material and momentum he gives SNL.


Comedy is NEVER about being "fair" btw.

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Tr83r , competion lowers prices?


O care killed that, insurance co. have had there ass handed to them (regulation), but they pass that on.


I'm speaking from no real experience with said insurance companies


God bless Kohearts and you ,wife and child

Competition does lower prices. But this industry created a marketplace that blocked competition from ever reaching the buyer. You see this in the way drug companies compete. Not with price reductions, but with rebates to major buyers (insurance companies). This allows them to compete without lowering prices. If medical bills were actually paid by the consumer, we would see typical free market competition. But we don't. This is the largest industry in the world encompassing the largest workforce, and impacting everyone.



Wife's a doctor. I worked for a major health insurance company for years in their headquarters. And this stuff facinates me. Yet I hear people with such adamant, strong opinions that really have spent 0 time looking into the working of this industry. It's unique. And extremely calculated against the consumer. ACA was an attack on that calculation, and they are fighting back. I'm very interested to see how Trump backs away from health savings plans. Because that would also fuck the industry and help consumers. Thus, I expect a back peddle.

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I point out how our health care works here and... 'you're a fucking socialist'




Your heath care system has been pissing in your face and telling you it's raining.... and you believe it, and support it. There's always some explanation why it's soooo great.





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the sad truth is just greed, like the aids medication that went up like 5,000 percent or the Epipen from $100 to $600. If they can get away with it imagine other companies getting away with greed and I'm certain that there are others who are charging waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.

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