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Check twitter, Oh shit, we can't because anon shut it down


Was it Anon then?.....


since DNS attacks are going off. Then why not create false ones on sites that give the ability for Julian to live update from?


Go in and get him with no one knowing until after its done. DNS attacks over......Later to find out it wasn't Anon..... tin foil hat.

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The IP's are random owned targets. Not a single source. They are large botnets from around the globe. The puppet master stays anon. Takes work to redirect traffic.. but this was just the start..


If you think taking down twitter, amazon, reddit is an easy task...


It is a very basic attack, I'll give you that. Anon is claiming credit.. but who knows really.

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Are they claiming credit? Or just getting credit?

With random stunts like this, their credit rating is dwindling.


The IP's are random owned targets. Not a single source. They are large botnets from around the globe. The puppet master stays anon. Takes work to redirect traffic.. but this was just the start..


If you think taking down twitter, amazon, reddit is an easy task...


It is a very basic attack, I'll give you that. Anon is claiming credit.. but who knows really.


The IP leaves a very clear trail right back to the source. It's more vulnerable because a data request overload attack is ongoing until it's shut down. It's not something like an untraceable Torjan virus that shuts down the system from inside.


Although I get the connection "you shut down Julian's internet, we'll shut yours down". Because it's directed at the general public's access to the internet though, it plays like a pissy little random stunt, or a false flag event rather than a real step towards revolution. Had it been directed at US embassies around the world, or the state department, you might have something. Don't get me wrong, I think what Anon did to Scientology was a brilliant bit of cyber warfare in response to Scientology's heavy handed intimidation of their critics. That was a ballsy, direct, and concise action with global reach. 

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OMG, P L  E A S E. Saying something is true doesn't make it true. If only it were. ...and it's HUGE you fucking twit.



For things to move towards improvement you have to be in a place where it can't go in any other direction. It's called rock bottom. Right now America is on it's knees vomiting and Hillary is holding her hair. It's going to get a lot worse before it may get better, but ....  no time soon.

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I don't think you're understanding this attack...

Trust me, I understand it matt


"Drawbacks of using Low Orbit Ion Canon LOIC: The main drawback of LOIC as a DOS attack tool is that it is very easy to find the attacker. This tool does not take any precautions to hide IP address of the origin of the attack. Attacks generated by this tool are simple and expose the IP address of attacker in each request packet sent to victim server to flood the request queue. If you are thinking that we can use proxies to solve this problem, you are wrong.




So how is the use of this rinky dink tool against one east coast public server hub a fitting response to Assange's situation? Seriously, this is the start of a revolution? 

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OMG, P L E A S E. Saying something is true doesn't make it true. If only it were. ...and it's HUGE you fucking twit.



For things to move towards improvement you have to be in a place where it can't go in any other direction. It's called rock bottom. Right now America is on it's knees vomiting and Hillary is holding her hair. It's going to get a lot worse before it may get better, but .... no time soon.

Generally, that's a sign that you are doing it right.

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This is one of a number of areas RW is an SME on!


Trust me, she has broken every rule in the book!!


Not surprised though, even our own Government is not cyber savvy, using a basically unsecred app to "chat" with.


How HRC hasnt been pulled through the meat grinder over her cyber infidelities, God only knows.

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