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So how do you know who the elector votes for?


They vote the way the congressman that got them that position tells them to vote, but if someone else buys their vote, they vote that way, and it said, "No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged".

So both Sanders and Trump are right, it's all rigged, the whole thing is controlled by the politicians and the rich that control them.

I will still vote so that I have the right to complain about how things are going to turn out when Hilary becomes are President, as if I didn't vote I really don't have a right to say anything.

Get ready for more of the same crap we have gotten from Obama, no regular people having good jobs unless they are self employed, or if they already have good jobs, if your middle class, you are going to have to fight to stay there, and if your rich enough to pay off politicians, your likely going to do alright.


By the way, if Obama or Hilary start a war, expect bombs to fall on US cities this time, as Russia has a shit load of them.

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4 minutes between the order and launch of nukes stated by Hillary.....uhm.....sensitive information anyone? Isn't this info suppossed to be top secret ????


Except when this  'leaked' information would give an enemy cause to worry about how short the time is. Or is it disinformation? Or is it even shorter time? "Holy fuck Kim, a nuke will be on the way here faster than you can find your dick!!!"

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In other words, sheeps will believe alegations and deny facts, spoken like a true democrat.

Sooo. Where did my comment deny facts? Or what about allegations? And where's your token Libtard comment? If you think Trump hasn't left a juicy trail of shit in his wake you are denying facts. And don't say "well look at Hildabeast!" Comparing the two party candidates is supposedly what you are against. All I'm saying is Trump has toilet paper on his shoe. And that is true. He hates media, publicly as he should. And it's expected that they would not treat him well. Do democrat would insult their candidate like that.


Why do Democrats have two candidates this year anyway?

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Except when this 'leaked' information would give an enemy cause to worry about how short the time is. Or is it disinformation? Or is it even shorter time? "Holy fuck Kim, a nuke will be on the way here faster than you can find your dick!!!"

If the information was a state secret then it isn't now, but I guarantee the joint chiefs double face palmed and are now working on a new time frame ha ha ha.

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The Straylian media (whom RW doesnt trust as far as he could kick them) is scoring the Don as a winner.


My two pennies worth, he spoke moderately, and, didnt bite as hard as I thought he would when pressured on the mysoginy related issues.


Sillary, well, in a past life RW has had to justify his actions to Lawyers; she IMLTHO, is a bitch of gargantuan proportions, who, dare I say it lies, or at least bends reality, as perceived by her, to meet the circumstances.


God bless you Muricans (even though Ratsun is multi cultural), I dont know how your going to cope with either of these "candidates".


Im happy to sponsor/recommend any Murican if they want to emmigrate here.

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The Straylian media (whom RW doesnt trust as far as he could kick them) is scoring the Don as a winner.


My two pennies worth, he spoke moderately, and, didnt bite as hard as I thought he would when pressured on the mysoginy related issues.


Sillary, well, in a past life RW has had to justify his actions to Lawyers; she IMLTHO, is a bitch of gargantuan proportions, who, dare I say it lies, or at least bends reality, as perceived by her, to meet the circumstances.


God bless you Muricans (even though Ratsun is multi cultural), I dont know how your going to cope with either of these "candidates".


Im happy to sponsor/recommend any Murican if they want to emmigrate here.


They don't let people leave, at least they don't leave with any significant amount of money.

I did fly out of the USA in a hangglider once back in the 90s, I suppose I could take up hanggliding again to escape to Canada, the problem is that the Canadian Mounties showed up last time looking for the wrecked plane that someone called in.

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They vote the way the congressman that got them that position tells them to vote, but if someone else buys their vote, they vote that way, and it said, "No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged".

So both Sanders and Trump are right, it's all rigged, the whole thing is controlled by the politicians and the rich that control them.

I will still vote so that I have the right to complain about how things are going to turn out when Hilary becomes are President, as if I didn't vote I really don't have a right to say anything.

Get ready for more of the same crap we have gotten from Obama, no regular people having good jobs unless they are self employed, or if they already have good jobs, if your middle class, you are going to have to fight to stay there, and if your rich enough to pay off politicians, your likely going to do alright.


By the way, if Obama or Hilary start a war, expect bombs to fall on US cities this time, as Russia has a shit load of them.


                    Nope - Obama came on tv & told us that Trump was wrong,

the elections ARE NOT rigged,so Trump needs to quit whine'n.

                  He also told us that the FBI & CIA said that there's no corruption 

in either organization.

                  You ever notice how,when in "election" mode,Obama doesn't

pronounce his "G's"? I guess that makes him a Cool Dude.  

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I was watching on delay... At first I thought Trump was too soft.. he got in a few solid hay-makers though. Hillary at times was literally reading off a script. She was looking down so often during certain times, it was painfully obvious she was trying to hit the topic verbatim. Anyone else notice that early?


Anyone catch the Donna brazil interview afterwards? Megan was grilling her hard, with facts. Donna basically claimed all wikileaks as false. If I run across the clip.. I'll post.

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The kid is very media savvy, dad has clearly spent some money in media training.


Too bad dad didn't sit in on some of them media training sessions. :LOL:


I forgot about the debate tonight until 7pm, so I missed most of it, so I am not aggravated this evening, I guess my subconscious wanted a pass on the criminals lies and Trumps interruptions and facial expressions.

They will blame any demonstrations and riots on Trump if the people don't believe that the election was legit, it's going to be a sad day November 8th when Hilary wins, I wonder if the will sensor the actual candidates numbers of each states returns, I mean they don't want to publish a landslide for the popular vote for Trump, and show a landslide for Hilary on the electoral vote.

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