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Initial review of the dumps from today look like only a few fireworks.. but there are some.


EMAILID 5688 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/5688


How to create a debate schedule most favorable to Hillary? How to rig the debate schedule and the rules to be most in her favor? This memo will explain. For example: "to eliminate the possibility of one on one debates; the most likely standard that would achieve this result is to allow any announced candidate who is: 1) a Democrat and, 2) who meets some threshold of viability (1 percent) in either a national or state specific (e.g. Iowa, NH) to participate." One on one debates would have been better for Bernie Sanders, so they wanted to avoid that at all costs. They also wanted to limit the number of debates, and start them late to minimize the impact of the debates. 

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EMAILID 5479 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/5479


John Podesta receives Hillary's tweets for approval a few days in advance of the tweets going online. Together with previous leaks, it looks like Hillary doesn't have much input into any of "her" tweets. They are put together by a group of staffers. 

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This one is bad.. too sensitive for email. Pay to get access to Hillary's friends...


EMAILID 5469 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/5469


Huma reveals there is a "Friend of Hillary" list which is available for rental. Seems like some shady shit because even Human wants to discuss off email: "We should be thoughtful about any group that wants to rent Friend of Hillary list now because there is interest. This is also probably best discussed off email." 

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EMAILID 6391 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6391


Lot of staffers discussing Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenas issued for Hillary Clinton emails. At the very least this proves that a ton of campaign staff was actively aware and discussing the subpoenas as early as Mar 4, 2015 . This is before Combetta from Platte River Networks used Bleach Bit to wipe out tens of thousands of emails. 

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More proof.. there was no chance in hell for Bernie.


Person who wrote the superdelegate rules advises Clinton Campaign how to create an illusion that Bernie people won something so they would work their asses off for Hillary. "So here's my idea. Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary. .. why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs... So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy.
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EMAILID 6616 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6616#efmADuAGD


Internal document assumes that Hillary will ultimately support TPP. Could be one of those private positions that she will ultimately support it. "This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP"  Not just the draft assumes that she will support TPP, most of the electorate assumes that as well.

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Two email dumps from wikileaks today. It looks as if we might get at least one dump per day.. all the way to the finish line. If that's true.. the dirt will only get dirtier as we approach election day.

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More proof.. there was no chance in hell for Bernie.


Person who wrote the superdelegate rules advises Clinton Campaign how to create an illusion that Bernie people won something so they would work their asses off for Hillary. "So here's my idea. Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary. .. why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs... So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy.



All them corrupt politicians will die before they let anyone change what they have going on, the only way I see to change anything is to vote them out of office.

Oregon and Washington did start down that road, we voted in term limits, they(the corrupt politicians) found that unconstitutional, and I am sure them very politicians or ones like them in the past are the ones that put that in the constitution, no one is going to remove them from office.

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EMAILID 6616 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6616#efmADuAGD


Internal document assumes that Hillary will ultimately support TPP. Could be one of those private positions that she will ultimately support it. "This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP"  Not just the draft assumes that she will support TPP, most of the electorate assumes that as well.


Please cut to the smoking gun Julian Ass hinge. This slow trickle shit is torture. I'm starting to think he has nothing and is just milking it for the publicity. 

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EMAILID 6900 - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6900


Another gem from journalist Brent Budowsky. A desperate plea to Podesta about the Clitons' money troubles: "If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alerts, loud bells, warning signals, and red flags and I am now seriously pissed off that there is a real chance that her candidacy and the Democratic Party could be destroyed by these self-created dangers that continue to proliferate the closer she gets to presumably announcing her candidacy. If she is not hearing this from others, please feel free to forward this to her, I will play the bad guy here because I do not want her money and because she needs to hear this from her friends and she will sure as hell be attacked for this by her enemies, and it will be megaphoned throughout the media, and foreign donations and paid speeches and hustling gold mining deals by her brother are entirely legitimate issues that are self-created, and must self-corrected before it is too late....and I do not believe the Clintons fully understand the magnitude and immediacy of the danger in the current political and media climate" 

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Please cut to the smoking gun Julian Ass hinge. This slow trickle shit is torture. I'm starting to think he has nothing and is just milking it for the publicity. 


It's more effective this way. Release 2000 emails per day.. a number which a team of people can consume and report about. It's better to have it in the (honest) media every single day for 30 days straight than have it in the media until another big story knocks it down. Slow painful end.. rather than a single blow which she could potentially recover from.

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I'd say the stuff that is being leaked.. is pretty substantial. If it were Trump, he would be DONE. D - O - N - E.



Or anyone else for that matter. Clinton has so many ties... it's difficult to break.

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It's more effective this way. Release 2000 emails per day.. a number which a team of people can consume and report about. It's better to have it in the (honest) media every single day for 30 days straight than have it in the media until another big story knocks it down. Slow painful end.. rather than a single blow which she could potentially recover from.

Come on Draker, if any other candidate had pulled one of the things Trump does on a daily basis they would be done. He has a whole other level of standard he's being judged by. You really think that if there was a death blow that Julian would save it? With all the discord in the RNC, I would LOVE to see the same on the other side. Then the people would be motivated to shut the shit show down and hit restart.

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Come on Draker, if any other candidate had pulled one of the things Trump does on a daily basis they would be done. He has a whole other level of standard he's being judged by. You really think that if there was a death blow that Julian would save it? With all the discord in the RNC, I would LOVE to see the same on the other side. Then the people would be motivated to shut the shit show down and hit restart.


That is true. He's playing by his own rules. He basically told the GOP yesterday.. I'm doing this with or without you. He built a base.. which like it or not crosses party lines to some degree. It's a party of ending corruption. Weather he does that or not.. who knows. He's selling it.. and he's a business man.



I definitely think Julian would save it. The more emails that are released.. the more people are paying attention. People (me included) eagerly wait for the latest release.. and the number of those people grow by the day. In a way.. Wikileaks is building up their base... and I believe the details will get worse.. and worse. The emails are not being release by the date they were originally sent. That means they are using some other metric. Not sure what that is.. but you better believe they have a release schedule and it is highly organized.

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