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Sounds good to me, but I'm no economist.


Come to think of it, seems most of the time they don't even know what they're talking about. It really is an absurdly complex socio dynamic organism that moves way faster than our ability to understand it.


It's almost as if economists never talk about how to create work but speculate where to shift existing money to generate added wealth. Wait.....Yep this is what they do. 


They speak to a smaller group of people, and its not the middle earners or the lower earners.

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If you are worried about getting deported then your lucky Obama is leaving office.

Republicans always say they are going to deport people and build up borders, but it NEVER happens. Same shit, different term. 


Trump is concentrating to much on the " silent majority " which no longer exists.




thought this was interesting,suckadick

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It's almost as if economists never talk about how to create work but speculate where to shift existing money to generate added wealth. Wait.....Yep this is what they do. 


They speak to a smaller group of people, and its not the middle earners or the lower earners.


Actually there are a lot of economists who champion the middle and lower class, like Robert Reich. Their just dismissed as liberal quacks by the BIG $ establishment. Not saying I agree with everything he says, or discount the need for big $ entities in a healthy economy. My issue is the free market system is anything but, it's a rigged game were the little guy is the only one playing by the rules. 



He must be onto something when both the Right and Left are hating on you. Trump knows all about this concept.


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Do you guys think that a wall from the Pacific ocean in Ca to the gulf of Mexico in Tx is actually going to stop illegal immigrants and drugs?


Me......no it wont, it'll slow it down but not stop it, we have thousands more miles of coast lines and the entire border with our cannuck neighbours, so.... a "beautiful tall wall" isn't a solution imho...my alternative would be beefing up our border patrol and give them the tools necessary to be effective in their job, they're way under staffed, out gunned and red taped.

A better wall would put a big dent in smuggling of both people and drugs.I ride desert toys (quads) out in a place called Imperial sand dunes.They built that big wall and it stretches for miles.Guess what ? we no longer see the immigrants walking through a barren desert anymore.We dont see the remnants of migrant campsites(piles of trash).This wall is pretty complete from Tijuana to Yuma except in places where the terrain is just too rough.Border Patrol is pretty beefed up,i have a friend that is an agent.The tactics that are used to get people and drugs across the border are amazing.A wall wont stop it all but it certainly would help.

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Welfare creates a culture of dependency. It's a downward spiral that traps good people, and is harder to break than you think. Judging these people for their condition is a huge factor in what keeps them there. She doesn't appear entitled to me, she looks like she feels like shit about herself. It's called learned helplessness. 

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Immediately execute all heinous offenders and death row inmates. make America great again.



cut off all welfare recipients. if you do not work you do not eat or stay warm, If you cannot work you die off. was that way for hundreds of years in this great country. make America great again.


If you are not an American get the fuck out, if you would like be to American do it the right way. kill all illegal aliens. was that way for hundreds of years after we took it from the real natives. and we made it great. lets do it again.

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Immediately execute all heinous offenders and death row inmates. make America great again.



cut off all welfare recipients. if you do not work you do not eat or stay warm, If you cannot work you die off. was that way for hundreds of years in this great country. make America great again.


If you are not an American get the fuck out, if you would like be to American do it the right way. kill all illegal aliens. was that way for hundreds of years after we took it from the real natives. and we made it great. lets do it again.





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"If you are not an American get the fuck out, if you would like be to American do it the right way. kill all illegal aliens. was that way for hundreds of years after we took it from the real natives. and we made it great. lets do it again."


So, every one non-native since 1492 or earlier if you believe my Nordic or Saint Brendan ancestors landers need to get in line for the few cruise ships that have not been abandoned by their Italian Captains and crews and look for canoes or Curraichs [google it]  and leave the Western Hemisphere to the descendents of the Incas, Aztecs, Apache and Athapachans tribes so that they can result their rightful places?  Where does this leave the Polynesians ?

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Where does this leave the Polynesians ?




Hence the "sweet potatoe", a 1000 year old tradition in Polynesian culture..........


Potatoes are not an island normaliy, especially a sweet potato.... merican

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Taters aren't murican, potatoes origin is the Andes....Incas made them part of their diet thousands of years ago upon discovering them and realising how good the yields were and how easy it was to grow them....it's believed that the sweet potatoes origin is Central America but turned out the Incas grew and cultivated them as well.

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The variety of sweet potato grown in old Hawaii is very closely linked with an old Central American variety. It has been theorized that Polynesians made the journey across the pacific and brought them back. But it could have been any voyager of old stocking their boat with sweets at their stopover in America. Way before Cook or Columbus

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Pinnapples, coconut, sugar cane, bannanas, is any of that stuff native to merica? not to go down a beaten path, but what I think is the pacific islanders were the first to use sail or rowing technology as in fast kyake style, probably like a catamaran with oars. Those fools were buff too.


Anyone who is native to an island had to be the first to sail. How the heck did they get there to begin with.

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