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Having a choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is like being given a choice to jump out of an airplane without a parachute, or get a handjob from Edward Scissorhands. It's just plain messy either way. ;)

I choose Airplane. But I'm not sure which candidate that is

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yes you made your point, 15 is not a magic number, it is an arbitrary number. The conservative line is usually inflation, and competitive pricing in the global market. where are you on that?

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yes you made your point, 15 is not a magic number, it is an arbitrary number. The conservative line is usually inflation, and competitive pricing in the global market. where are you on that?


I am not on that. I appreciate you seeing the point. If the economy was as good as what the media is projecting then the minimum wage issue probably would be largely a background issue and not up front. 


We are seeing a potemkin economy right now. No wealth is being made among the lower tiers of income and this will exacerbate this fight for more wealth. When our national economy start to uptick at a steady 3% or more then large groups of these people protesting for this will fall off, because more jobs with a higher rate of earning should/would be available.


Right now we have falsified growth being spread around to make legacies look good for powerful people. Our economy needs to become a growth econ vs Stagnant for this to really be fruitful for anyone. 


Para I think we argue for similar goals under different words.   

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I took my first job pouring concrete moulds when I was 14. Started at $11 but settled at $13 if I recall. I was quite grateful to have the work and I was very upset to have to quit at the end of summer to start high school. But it was that job that got me my first car. My Z.

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Just reinforces the point that if you came from a craphole of a country to the US because it's such a great country, then why do you want to change the US once you get here?

Swap "state" for "country" and "Oregon" for "the US" and it's exactly how I feel about Californians.

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My first job was at a Del Taco,$3.10 an hour to start.A few months down the road minimum wage went up to $3.35.My life was made so much better with all that extra money.I couldnt spend it fast enough. B)

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my only thoughts are.............does crime pay?


I'm in a bad mood, I wanna grab some fuckers face and smash it into a sidewalk. I hate whats become of my old working class neighborhood. Fuck you with your bearded pussy husband and baby stroller looking all put out because the brunch line is too long. you people are the fucking scum of the earth. Oh your a fucking craftsperson/artist.........really ???? Have you ever paid your rent with your fucking crappy art, you ever buy medication with your cock sucking candle stick holder?????   NO!    you are a pink bi product of tecnological scum, the kind that rises to the top of a public hotube.



anyway 720 is looking sick!

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