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If someone did this to your car...

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I've been known to get out of my car and confront idiots who think they're the only ones on the road/oblivious in their tanks (never said I was smart!!) but have been able to resist the urge for the past few years... it's taken a LOT of self control.


But this guy throwing a large rock and the sound it makes impacting the car...



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Its less than a minute long, the guy in the lambo is obviously an asshat, and I would have done worse than throw a rock at his car if he was doing that in my neighborhood.


Notice the guy sped off like a bitch.



To answer the question, I would end up in cuffs if someone did that to my car, mainly because I don't drive like a tool

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while good points have been brought up that the driver had probably been doing 100+mph passes in the neighborhood that probably has kids in it.....i would still put this guy in the hospital. have some god damn balls and talk to the guy instead of having your full grown immature nerd rage...

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I would have used a shotgun on the car.  Anyone who comes to my street and thinks they can rip it up can go fuck themselves. They don't shit in their back yard but think they can shit in mine??? Assholes.


If you have the urge to be a dick be careful where you do it.

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while good points have been brought up that the driver had probably been doing 100+mph passes in the neighborhood that probably has kids in it.....i would still put this guy in the hospital. have some god damn balls and talk to the guy instead of having your full grown immature nerd rage...


A rock off his POS will have a bigger 'impact'.




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I cant speculate, but I have had my limits with ass-hat drivers. Usually its when They have made contact with my car on I-5 and refused to stop. Then it became a beat down at a gas station. 


I had a 20 year old boy get pissy at me over him not knowing the proper 4 way stop rules. It was a surprise to me to suddenly see a POS honduh EG block me against a curb. The kid had made a U turn to come think he was about to make go of things. I gave the boy 4 warnings to leave me alone while 911 was on the phone. Once he pulled the mirror off my van the pistol became visible. He got a tow and a nice ride to county. 

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Street racing is a dick move.




Vandalizing other people's property is a dick move.







Not enough evidence to tell the whole story, but likely more than one dick in that clip.



And, he "just happened" to have a rock in his hand! Sure, I always take my pet rock with me when I go for a walk.





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Come racing around in my damn neighborhood with my kids outside and a rock hitting your car will be the least of your problems!  I'll shoot at your ass just like Mike said. Street racing is for douchebags, period. I jerked a damn riceboy out of his car and beat his ass once for cussing out my wife at a stop light with my then five year old daughter in the car.

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while I agree....I've seen parents flip out worse than that over someone doing 20 mph in their neighborhood.  and from the looks of things, the lambo is on a main street, neighborhoods on the side(if your kids are playing next to a 6 lane road, theres more problems than people speeding imo)  and the guy goes off about street racing, but theres only one car.  so while part of me thinks the guy in the lambo was being an asshat, another part of me thinks that the guy tossin rocks was an overprotective, overbearing parent that thinks their child needs to go to the hospital every time the kid sneezes.  if the first is true, dude shoulda thrown more rocks. if the second is true, I would have pulled off to the side, gotten out, called the cops, followed him home when he ran cause he most likely would have, and pressed charges for attempted assault with a deadly weapon, and taken him to small claims for repairs. as dumb as that may sound, you can pull it off with a good lawyer, and I have good lawyers in the family. i'd rather send his ass to jail for a few years, than go there myself.

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while I agree....I've seen parents flip out worse than that over someone doing 20 mph in their neighborhood.  and from the looks of things, the lambo is on a main street, neighborhoods on the side(if your kids are playing next to a 6 lane road, theres more problems than people speeding imo)  and the guy goes off about street racing, but theres only one car.  so while part of me thinks the guy in the lambo was being an asshat, another part of me thinks that the guy tossin rocks was an overprotective, overbearing parent that thinks their child needs to go to the hospital every time the kid sneezes.  if the first is true, dude shoulda thrown more rocks. if the second is true, I would have pulled off to the side, gotten out, called the cops, followed him home when he ran cause he most likely would have, and pressed charges for attempted assault with a deadly weapon, and taken him to small claims for repairs. as dumb as that may sound, you can pull it off with a good lawyer, and I have good lawyers in the family. i'd rather send his ass to jail for a few years, than go there myself.


You think he would get 2 years for throwing a rock? I'm not siding with anyone, especially cuz I don't own a house or a Lambo. 

One thing for sure is never fuck with people that have money unless you are DAMN sure you can get away with it, lawyers are deadlier than rocks and Lambo's.

The guy with the rock coulda made a citizen arrest if he wanted too, a little late now tho. 

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while I agree....I've seen parents flip out worse than that over someone doing 20 mph in their neighborhood.  and from the looks of things, the lambo is on a main street, neighborhoods on the side(if your kids are playing next to a 6 lane road, theres more problems than people speeding imo)  and the guy goes off about street racing, but theres only one car.  so while part of me thinks the guy in the lambo was being an asshat, another part of me thinks that the guy tossin rocks was an overprotective, overbearing parent that thinks their child needs to go to the hospital every time the kid sneezes.  if the first is true, dude shoulda thrown more rocks. if the second is true, I would have pulled off to the side, gotten out, called the cops, followed him home when he ran cause he most likely would have, and pressed charges for attempted assault with a deadly weapon, and taken him to small claims for repairs. as dumb as that may sound, you can pull it off with a good lawyer, and I have good lawyers in the family. i'd rather send his ass to jail for a few years, than go there myself.

First post who actually took a look at the situation, a giant road, with no cars (who is he "street racing"), or people (OR KIDS)... besides some tool in an intersection lol. That doesn't make it OK to speed but its very different than the reactions you guys are basing your replies off of... like you guys never speed or have loud cars ever. HA. Let he who is without mistakes cast the first stone... lol.



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There isn't enough video there to come to any conclusion, the driver of the car went from whatever he was doing speed wise to a complete stop in less than 8 seconds, and that stop was not a fast stop/emergency stop, it was just a, "some guy is in the middle of the road" stop.

It is a main double lane road, although the speed limit could be 25, as I have a double lane road near me that the posted speed limit is 25mph, at the same time I have had jerks telling me to slow down when I was not speeding, I have had customers yelling at car driving by that were not speeding while I was standing there giving them a verbal bid for a job.

There are a lot of people out there with minor mental issues that think that their way is the only way, like someone saying their way of painting is the only way to paint, and everyone else is wrong, and they will go crazy if you don't listen to them, there just isn't enough information in the first video to draw any conclusion.

All I seen was someone maybe speeding, and another guy acting like a dictator throwing something, I would have stopped and called the cops myself.

BTW, I visited a friend from my past recently, he almost started yelling at someone that drove by us fast, I stood there and thought that he had done way worse than that with me in his car at the same intersection, my friend is a hypocrite.

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So lemme get this straight…. fast car not going as fast as it could have…just a little fun on a non busy industrial setting… douchebag with a rock?  I woulda got out and rubbed his nose in the paint chip like a puppy.

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