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That's some bullshit

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Most cops I run into either kick down the wrong door, shoot the wrong kid or detain the wrong pervert, but thats Oakland for you, we have a long history of disfunction. Most of these older metropolitan cities have been devastated by "The War on Drugs", where basically crack was introduced through the government as a cheap alternative to cocain, with punishments over 100 times that of pure cocaine. This is a brilliant way of incarcerating the poor, many who are still in prison. The legal system has failed many. I have no problem saying I am not a fan of law enforcement but maybe I should just keep that to myself. In countries that have no public police force the wealthy have dogs, guards, gates and guns, where the poor only have what they can get there hands on, but at least they are not being targeted.  I guess my point is that public law enforcement is only beneficial to some and actually just seen as terrorism by others.

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Most cops I run into either kick down the wrong door, shoot the wrong kid or detain the wrong pervert, but thats Oakland for you, we have a long history of disfunction. Most of these older metropolitan cities have been devastated by "The War on Drugs", where basically crack was introduced through the government as a cheap alternative to cocain, with punishments over 100 times that of pure cocaine. This is a brilliant way of incarcerating the poor, many who are still in prison. The legal system has failed many. I have no problem saying I am not a fan of law enforcement but maybe I should just keep that to myself. In countries that have no public police force the wealthy have dogs, guards, gates and guns, where the poor only have what they can get there hands on, but at least they are not being targeted.  I guess my point is that public law enforcement is only beneficial to some and actually just seen as terrorism by others.


To get back to the original posting title, this posting is really Bullshit! :"crack was introduced through the government as a cheap alternative to cocain" being the key password to this total crap entry!  By the way you misspelled "cocaine" the first time.  Do you need to clean your pipe?

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       Did you/he file a complaint with his Chief?

Sometimes that gets instant recognition,& goes

into the officer's personal file.


                                 - Doug

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To get back to the original posting title, this posting is really Bullshit! :"crack was introduced through the government as a cheap alternative to cocain" being the key password to this total crap entry!  By the way you misspelled "cocaine" the first time.  Do you need to clean your pipe?



Before you try to insult me with your " Bullshit! : " grammar, please do a little research on this subject. Sorry I don't use spell check.

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freeway ricky ross is a pretty interesting story. according to him the cia was supplying him with the dope. he started talking too much about it so they rolled him up. in prison he taught himself how to read and write so he could fight his case, eventually freeing himself. rick ross the rapper was a prison guard.

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       Did you/he file a complaint with his Chief?

Sometimes that gets instant recognition,& goes

into the officer's personal file.


                                 - Doug

I did not want to bore you all to drool with every little detail of this so I cut it short. The chief of police is my Father's closest friend and has been since high school. I'll let you fill in the blanks of how this will work out for the storm trooper.

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Sorry, man, but just because it's YouTube don't make it correct, right or true.



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Most cops I run into either kick down the wrong door, shoot the wrong kid or detain the wrong pervert, but thats Oakland for you, we have a long history of disfunction.


Well...you live in Oakland...where the cops are out numbered like what...over a thousand to one? They go out every day knowing there is a target on their back and best of all, they chose this job! Where you live, 10 year old's are in gangs and know how to shoot a gun (and use it) better than most of us here. They kick in the wrong door because somebody told them the wrong address and they grab the wrong pervert because their is like 40 of them living within one city block of each other.


Trying not to get off topic or take sides. Smoke, what happened to your Dad, pure Bullshit man. THAT guy who has being a bad cop hopefully got his balls snipped and calmed him down a bit.


Now for the most part, I love the people (on youtube mainly) who post that all cops are power tripping assholes whom need to be taught a lesson after reading or hearing a bout a story were the cop seemed to be or sounded like he was out of line. RatVonDude, that vid you posted about all the guys riding the quads and dirt bikes on the streets and what not...yeah, they were not in the right...I mean really, what kinda of accident WILL they cause or people they WILL hurt because they think they should be able to ride where ever the hell they please doing all kinda of stunts where they could and will lose control of their bikes that weigh anywhere from 150 to 300 pounds going at speeds of 40 and up? You do the math.

Point is, most of the people bitching about the cop being on a power trip was after the people they were chasing or pulled were acting all self righteous, being a complete a-hole to the cop and getting up in the cop's face. Funniest thing is...when something bad happens to people like this, they are the ones screaming the loudest as to why the cops didn't show up to help. Go figure that one out?


I could go on and on about this but ya'll are right, they are out to serve and protect themselves because who else is going to? Us? Didn't think so...I listen to both sides of the story before I say who's at fault. I've seen bad cops but I have seen very good cops too. It's getting to the point a cop will be nothing more than a glorified observer that will show up to watch you be murdered because he is not allowed to do anything for fear of being sued or rules placed against them but watch and make sure your name gets spelled right on your grave stone.


We as people will never remember all the good a certain group has done for the world but we never let them forget the one time bad action of one bad apple.


Smoke, sorry for the rant man, again...what happened to your Dad, I'm in complete agreement that the cop could have and should handled the situation better. It's a just a sad, scary, world we live in now.

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When I used the word dipshits I think I was referring to the first guy whom trashed me,,,,,     and yes datsunmike, for dissing an ancient video that just barely touches upon thousands of written facts and confessions by former C.I.A agents and government officials re-guarding the War on Drug, crack epidemic.


To be quoted and referred to as "Bullshit" is annoying and straight up fucking rude. 

Whether anything I said or anyone else's posted relates to Smokes original thread..............?        I don't know

ALL  I was saying is that it is going to be long time for some people to regain trust in their Police force after what went on during the Reagan administration.



Do I really have to go into heavy detail about the history of the C.I.A's involvement in drug smuggling and how it relates directly to the deterioration of law enforcement.?????????

I feel like you should do that research  yourself if you want to have a sensible debate.

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Sorry, man, but just because it's YouTube don't make it correct, right or true.


This was just a gentle reminder that nothing is what it seems either way and the 'real' truth is probably stranger and even more unbelievable. (just like religion and politics the bigger the lie the more it's believed) So what makes this 'documentary' factual and true? Anyone could have backed it even the CIA to cover or muddy the waters about it just like the air force and UFOs and 'vapor chem trails' don't get ME started...










... was kidding about the chem trails and probably about UFOs.

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When I used the word dipshits I think I was referring to the first guy whom trashed me,,,,, and yes datsunmike, for dissing an ancient video that just barely touches upon thousands of written facts and confessions by former C.I.A agents and government officials re-guarding the War on Drug, crack epidemic.


To be quoted and referred to as "Bullshit" is annoying and straight up fucking rude.

Whether anything I said or anyone else's posted relates to Smokes original thread..............? I don't know

ALL I was saying is that it is going to be long time for some people to regain trust in their Police force after what went on during the Reagan administration.



Do I really have to go into heavy detail about the history of the C.I.A's involvement in drug smuggling and how it relates directly to the deterioration of law enforcement.?????????

I feel like you should do that research yourself if you want to have a sensible debate.

No, actually you do not have to go into heavy detail. Take a deep cleansing breath....



Speaking of cops.... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/61007-update-stolen-521-found/

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