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Reading the news today, and this scares the shit out of me.

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I'm not too worried about the grid.  Except for the fact that my home is 100% electric on the utility side.  That might pose a problem.  Aside from heat in the winter, it's not a big concern.  I wouldn't be able to visit Ratsun.  I'd have to start paying bills non-electronically.  I still do mail the occasional letter.  A lot of it is to generate fear though.  The news is great for that.  They say it was a targeted terrorist attack.  It could have been two army-reject morons playing call of duty who decided to shoot up a substation.  Anyone doing that would have the brains to wipe their shell casings before loading magazines.  I'm not sure it's actually terrorists.  Not to say we shouldn't be more vigilant, but still.

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So, I'm an electrician by trade. Specifically a solar electrician . My home is powered with solar energy. This highlights a huge vulnerability that fortunately is quickly getting smaller, though will never go away. Huge installments are going in across the country to produce clean energy, but it does not touch the distribution vulnerability. Seriously gents, if you own your home, this is worth doing. It works in the winter too. Even in Seattle. Cold weather actually increases efficiency. Most won't hear this, and that's okay. But I've got my house covered, and it just feels great, and saves me fuck loads. I was paying $200/month for electricity (Hawaii). I spent under 7K and now I have solar energy. I'm not selling. Not about that. But if you really are interested, I've been installing for around 8 years and I could tell you what legit, and what's bull.


What was funny about this story on NPR, they said it wasn't terrorists. What? What the fuck is a terrorist then? Are you saying "there was no evidence of a turban on site"? This is an attack meant to instill terror. Thus it was a terrorist attack. I think it was fed up Americans though. Cause its a pretty obvious target really.

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It seems it was more than two army rejects. especially if you go over the events in sequence. The tactical precision of being able to take out 17 transformers and dump 52,000 gallons of cooling oil in a matter of less than 25 minutes from the time they started assaulting the place to when they left says this was well planned and well executed by likely more than two or three guys.


Its scarey that this stuff is so unprotected and that theres no security guards or anything.

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So, I'm an electrician by trade. Specifically a solar electrician . My home is powered with solar energy. This highlights a huge vulnerability that fortunately is quickly getting smaller, though will never go away. Huge installments are going in across the country to produce clean energy, but it does not touch the distribution vulnerability. Seriously gents, if you own your home, this is worth doing. It works in the winter too. Even in Seattle. Cold weather actually increases efficiency. Most won't hear this, and that's okay. But I've got my house covered, and it just feels great, and saves me fuck loads. I was paying $200/month for electricity (Hawaii). I spent under 7K and now I have solar energy. I'm not selling. Not about that. But if you really are interested, I've been installing for around 8 years and I could tell you what legit, and what's bull.


What was funny about this story on NPR, they said it wasn't terrorists. What? What the fuck is a terrorist then? Are you saying "there was no evidence of a turban on site"? This is an attack meant to instill terror. Thus it was a terrorist attack. I think it was fed up Americans though. Cause its a pretty obvious target really.

My house is solar with a mix of a hydro generator, it works awesome, and I live in WA. I personally find it very gratifying to depend as little as possible on 'the system', but I know that's not for everybody.

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I'm not too worried about the grid.  Except for the fact that my home is 100% electric on the utility side.  That might pose a problem.  Aside from heat in the winter, it's not a big concern.  I wouldn't be able to visit Ratsun.  I'd have to start paying bills non-electronically.  I still do mail the occasional letter.  A lot of it is to generate fear though.  The news is great for that.  They say it was a targeted terrorist attack.  It could have been two army-reject morons playing call of duty who decided to shoot up a substation.  Anyone doing that would have the brains to wipe their shell casings before loading magazines.  I'm not sure it's actually terrorists.  Not to say we shouldn't be more vigilant, but still.

Power grid would effect way more than heating your home or paying bills. If the grid goes down so do banks, and most people dont have much cash laying around. Even if they do what would you buy? No power means no groceries. A couple days without groceries and peoples kids are starving they are going to turn on each other. It would get very ugly very quickly if the grid went down

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