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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Not that we don't have any Native Americans, but we surely have relatively few. If you are referring to native Hawaiians, then you have every right to be concerned. But their genealogy is quite far removed from the Americas. Nice thing about Hawaiians, they settle shit with fists. Guns are for hunting.





Probably not by choice as Hawaii has some of THE strictest gun laws in USA.. If they had access to guns like people in Baltimore have i can very much assure you fists wouldn't be flying at the drop of a hat. Shooting someone has absolutely nothing to do with your "heritage" ........... Nothing.

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Not that we don't have any Native Americans, but we surely have relatively few. If you are referring to native Hawaiians, then you have every right to be concerned. But their genealogy is quite far removed from the Americas. Nice thing about Hawaiians, they settle shit with fists. Guns are for hunting.

Speaking of reparations, now that California is out of water, think the US is going to return the land? That's how it works right? Land is worthless, so give it back and herald it in every paper in the country.

Hawaii is 'merican therefore the homo sapiens indigenous to that particular piece of dirt are native Americans.


Guns are for killing.

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Probably not by choice as Hawaii has some of THE strictest gun laws in USA.. If they had access to guns like people in Baltimore have i can very much assure you fists wouldn't be flying at the drop of a hat. Shooting someone has absolutely nothing to do with your "heritage" ........... Nothing.

Shooting someone has nothing to do with Heritage? Let's look at extremes. Tibetans. Balinese. My point: culture, or heritage plays a large role in respect for life. Therefore has an effect on common practice for conflict resolution. Now if your point is that your genes play no role, and a Tibetan growing up in south central LA is quite capable of gang banging with the good ol boys, I'll not refute that. I'm all about nurture over nature. But a culture plays a larger role in gun violence than gun laws. I'll defend that point.


As well, getting a gun was as easy as filling out an application and waiting two weeks. Is it that much easier elsewhere?

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Hawaii is 'merican therefore the homo sapiens indigenous to that particular piece of dirt are native Americans.


Guns are for killing.

You're pushing buttons right?


You don't actually think United Stated of America and America are one and the same do you? There is a continent and there are countries. Pacific Islanders will never be Americans even if they are united states citizens.


If all you were up to was pushing buttons, I suppose a hat tip is in order.

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Shooting someone has nothing to do with Heritage? Let's look at extremes. Tibetans. Balinese. My point: culture, or heritage plays a large role in respect for life. Therefore has an effect on common practice for conflict resolution. Now if your point is that your genes play no role, and a Tibetan growing up in south central LA is quite capable of gang banging with the good ol boys, I'll not refute that. I'm all about nurture over nature. But a culture plays a larger role in gun violence than gun laws. I'll defend that point.


As well, getting a gun was as easy as filling out an application and waiting two weeks. Is it that much easier elsewhere?



Does Hawaii have open carry ??

Yes they have the law,,  but has anyone you know been granted a permit?


If your going to get all bent for reasons i have no idea why ,,maybe i shouldn't mention in Washington i can go to a gun show and carry the gun out that day, , Hawaii has to register it within 5 working days, with the police.... Here not so much.


Tibet ? don't know how to even debate that.



I guy i knew in high school ( a few years older ) blasted his girlfriend with a shotgun,, Hawaiian

My very good friend Jerry shot his uncle cuz he was drunk,,, again you guessed it.

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No. I think you are dead on about open carry. I remember NPR talking about that. Like 1 permit in the last few years. I'm kinda thinking most shootings are not by registered gun carriers though. Could be wrong.


I'm actually not into debating guns. I'm conflicted on the issue internally. I lean libertarian on that though most days. I kinda hate Hawaii's statehood though. I admit my reaction is less than accommodating. That said, I don't hate the US. The merge was/is just ugly for Hawaii. Kind of a common story I suppose.


Be back later.

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