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poor guy resorts to ad hominem. The link you posted is broken.so you are saying that 35 LEGISLATIVLEY PREVENTABLE deaths a day is acceptable? Of course you shit the pool, that's expected behavior from infants.

Explain this "legislatively preventable death", it seems like a really good story.......a fictitious story....

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poor guy resorts to ad hominem. The link you posted is broken.so you are saying that 35 LEGISLATIVLEY PREVENTABLE deaths a day is acceptable? Of course you shit the pool, that's expected behavior from infants.

Did the link take you to the FBI web site? Seems to be an active link to me. Take the actual effort to do the research rather than continue to spew largely inaccurate hyperbole.


Ad hominem is a style of argument of marginalizing a person who is using factual information. I never marginalized you.. You did that all through your own efforts.


You cannot legislate the prevention of death. It amazes me how people cannot see reality. The only thing you can do is legislate a punishment for committing an act.


This is an example of ad hominem ( You are fucking retarded ) then again it's still factually true.

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I leave for a couple days and this place turns into a really uniformed, finger pointing, version of FOX news,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wait..?  .




It's like a wall of dildos.










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I don't fully understand why I have a box full of medals for performing abortions all the way up to age 60 and am called a hero by most of those who don't agree with abortion.

Hey smoke, have I said thanks for your service yet?


On another note, for those who dont comprehend simple shit let me break it down for you. If a dog needs to shit, but the only grass around has a "No dogs allowed" sign, the dog will still shit there. Why? Because he's a dog, and he doesn't care about rules. Now compare this dog to a criminal. No matter how many rules there are, or how many "No guns allowed" signs you put up, they will still rob or shoot you. Why? Because fuck you, thats why. THEY DON'T CARE. THEY ARE CRIMINALS.


Get it yet?

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Lions are the king of the jungle because of tools they are born with that make them superior killers.


If mr. President Gizelle makes a law against biting other animals, lions won't give a shit. If the penalty is harsh enough, there may be a slight reduction in biting deaths, but not by much. And the obiders will be easier prey since they won't bite back.

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I don't fully understand why I have a box full of medals for performing abortions all the way up to age 60 and am called a hero by most of those who don't agree with abortion.

because when you perform what gub'ment deems "selective, retro-active abortions" in their name they love ya!


until ya get home!


then you're a well-trained killin' machine who has sworn an oath to the Constitution and who might be a little pissy that the feds use said document as so much orphanage-grade tissue paper and thus you are not to be trusted :rofl:.





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Lions are the king of the jungle because of tools they are born with that make them superior killers.


If mr. President Gizelle makes a law against biting other animals, lions won't give a shit. If the penalty is harsh enough, there may be a slight reduction in biting deaths, but not by much. And the obiders will be easier prey since they won't bite back.



well that's not entirely accurate.. the female (lioness) is the hunter ,,   the "king" usually hangs out and chills with the youngsters,, But that isn't so good for the youngsters as males are prone to kill the male young to keep competition to a minimum.  

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well that's not entirely accurate.. the female (lioness) is the hunter ,, the "king" usually hangs out and chills with the youngsters,, But that isn't so good for the youngsters as males are prone to kill the male young to keep competition to a minimum.

. Yeah, that's true.



My wife is an excellent marksman, too.



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On another note, for those who dont comprehend simple shit let me break it down for you. If a dog needs to shit, but the only grass around has a "No dogs allowed" sign, the dog will still shit there. Why? Because he's a dog, and he doesn't care about rules. Now compare this dog to a criminal. No matter how many rules there are, or how many "No guns allowed" signs you put up, they will still rob or shoot you. Why? Because fuck you, thats why. THEY DON'T CARE. THEY ARE CRIMINALS.


Get it yet?

Silly. You picked a useless sign so you would win your argument. Of course that sign will mean nothing to a criminal. What if the sign said: it's now the enforced law that there are no handguns. No making, owning, selling, carrying them. All handguns to be turned in, 20 years for possession, death penalty for using one in a crime.



Lions are the king of the jungle because of tools they are born with that make them superior killers.


If mr. President Gizelle makes a law against biting other animals, lions won't give a shit. If the penalty is harsh enough, there may be a slight reduction in biting deaths, but not by much. And the obiders will be easier prey since they won't bite back.

What if claws and teeth were outlawed and removed? Of course criminals will use guns that are not allowed so.... get rid of the guns. Make even looking at one a year in jail. It's no more ridiculous that saying 'no dogs allowed' or 'no biting'. Just get the right law in place. Course this will never happen because guns are loved way too much. If it weren't for criminals I would have little justification for my carry permit.

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