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Lots of cool Datsuns and great folks, but as the saying goes ... a few rotten apples spoil the whole bunch.


There are a half dozen old farts that don't follow the forum rules, and mods are all over the map as to when they will enforce the rules or not.  There are better places to hang out on the internet, and they like Datsuns too.

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K_trip - you must have your blinders on to miss the incessant whinefest that 510freak has been parading for months regarding the classifieds, as if anyone in their right mind could carry a grudge about a stupid minor change in forum format for that long.  Like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way, the parents can/should only take it so long before disciplining the child with a time-out.  But then the child leaves his time out to create more drama, under the guise of creating a do-good thread, what do you expect?  Why even bring up the classified vendetta at all if that's not his intention?  510freak is a drama queen, and everything he posts reeks of his animosity towards the change in the classified format and his trumped up feeling that he has been slighted by the moderators/admin.


I don't even know the guy, and I don't have any ill will towards him, but get a life and move on already.

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What are we having all these issues?

Its only a single member starting issues... its the same guy repeatedly. Thats the only reason he was forcibly removed in the first place.


I think it's healthy to let thread run their natural course.

Tons of threads run their course. Look how long all those classifieds threads stayed alive in the beginning. Most threads just end up turning into more boob threads.  


If a member posts something within the rules here, about something they want member feedback on, let them have it.

It wasnt within the rules. He was a permanently banned member coming back and posting. And on top of that, no matter how good his intentions were, he continued to bring up a topic for which he was banned in the first place. That doesnt sound like a smart move.


If the Classys were never mentioned in the first auction, no one would have thought twice about it and all would have been for the greater good of the auction.

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Drama I am blissfully unaware of.



You must spend most of your time in the new and improved classifieds.

Not much happening there.... :rofl:


..... stupid minor change in forum format for that long.  


Hardly a minor change.....

I would bet that if a poll was to allowed to run it's course....70% would prefer the old

That said...I realize that it's not going to happen



Tons of threads run their course. Look how long all those classifieds threads stayed alive in the beginning. Most threads just end up turning into more boob threads.  



So who cares how long they run???? 

What forum deletes ads????


There is a lot of info, price reference, pics.... etc..etc.......now it is MIA after 2+ weeks?....wrong.

Most are now somewhat confused on where to post what where and why.

......DO NOT POST ADS HERE!!!!....


How many threads have been locked since the change?

Sounds like you are suggesting that most of the old classie threads turned into boob threads?..... :huh:

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I know most of you could care less if me or another member continues to be here or not, this post is not about that.  This place has been changing, not all for the best, but change happens.  Maybe I'm here because I hope things will change back some, maybe I'm being foolish for thinking like that?



What are we having all these issues?


I think it's healthy to let thread run their natural course.  If a member posts something within the rules here, about something they want member feedback on, let them have it.  If we have members that don't agree with what's said, they can comment or not, or they can avoid the thread all together if they don't like it.  What I think sucks is when members request a thread get locked because they don't like the comments made, or the direction the thread is taking.


Do you know what chronic pain is? It's a pain caused by an injury that keeps hurting long after the injury has healed. For example a spinal injury. Sometimes the pain is random but lasting usually more than 6 months to permanent. Nothing is wrong but you are in constant or random pain that signals an injury that is no longer there. The pain, though real, serves no purpose any longer.


Not liking the new classifieds is fine and saying so is fine. Constantly saying so or bringing it up in posts is like a chronic pain. It serves no purpose whatever. Constant negativity, bitching, drama, sour grapes and trolling is what I see. I take this post as an attack on our community.... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/58314-barnfind-521-in-california/?do=findComment&comment=999886   What ratsun member would tell a new member to go somewhere else to look for a Datsun???? or parts.




Welcome to Ratsun!


If you're looking for "barnfind" you not going to find it in the classified here.  As a matter of fact the classified here is so messed up - folks posting parts for sale in the vehicles section, it's littered with hard to read posts without pictures, etc, etc ... it was a cool part of the board a while ago, but things have changed for the worse.


You're better off using Craigslist to buy and sell Datsun and/or Datsun parts.




Or was it arranged just so 'another member' could 'like' it and further his trolling? You know the 'other member' who was given a temp ban but started two more accounts that same night just to cause trouble? The 'other member' who made a verbal attack on one of our members and was asking weekly to be banned because he couldn't just leave quietly.


I'm fed up with it and so are a lot of people. When things are good and run smoothly no one posts about that because it's natural to complain more than compliment. A few complaining members are not going to change things. Change is natural and inevitable so contribute, be a member, get on board this train, we're going places. If it's the wrong direction we'll stop for you at the next station.



If someone wants to chronic complain perhaps a mod preview of his posts is in order. This means a mod must approve every post before it's allowed to be on the forum. Makes joining in or having a conversation rather difficult with a few hours or days delay. Sad if this has to happen, so if this is what it takes you know who to thank for this.

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You must spend most of your time in the new and improved classifieds.

Not much happening there.... :rofl:



Hardly a minor change.....

I would bet that if a poll was to allowed to run it's course....70% would prefer the old

That said...I realize that it's not going to happen

Afraid you're right about it not happening. So that leaves working with it, dealing with it.


So who cares how long they run???? 

What forum deletes ads????

Let me give an example. Something is up for sale and it sells or does not and someone not using their head opens up the post that's had no activity in a year and a half and asks 'is it for sale?' Yes even the ones that clearly said sold on them. A simple look at the original poster's profile (only a click away) might show that they sold and never came back, or haven't been active in months so are very unlikely to read this waste of a post. Craigs list, e-Bay do not keep ads indefinitely what's the point? Posters should re-new their ads to keep them up to date. Circumstances change for buyers and sellers and they don't up date them.


There is a lot of info, price reference, pics.... etc..etc.......now it is MIA after 2+ weeks?....wrong.

Most are now somewhat confused on where to post what where and why.

......DO NOT POST ADS HERE!!!!....

Classified Discussion clearly states: A discussion forum relating to the Datsun and Non-Datsun Vehicles and Parts classifieds. This forum is intended for topics too broad to be addressed by the question format within individual classified ads. Clearly it is NOT the place to post ads. It clearly says DISCUSSION


Example: Would the truck 4 speed for sale (link to part) fit my '79 510?


I agree that the CLASSIFIEDS could perhaps have an arrow pointing to it so it's easier to find. Or something.

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I said my piece about the classifieds way back when. My way of making a point is that I just don't visit them. Ever.


Threads get locked because people say things that just aren't acceptable. There needs to be policing of some sort, otherwise you end up with a bunch of asshats that just come along and berate everyone. Other forums are like that, and there's a few forums I don't visit anymore because of said asshats.


Be glad you're on here and not my forum. You'll get a warning, and then you're done. There's no reason for someone to be on any forum if they want to cause issues for others. I also don't just lock threads, I'll delete them altogether.

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I hated the new classifieds when they switched over, now that I have used them I don't see what the problem is. They work great. I buy shit and sell shit and don't have to wade through a bunch of BS to do it.




Sealick. I have probably locked less 'classified' threads since the change then I had to move to the classifieds in the past. Even when we had the old classifieds people were posting there ads all over the forum. Nothing we can do as a forum will get people to actually think about where they are posting ads. And don't get me started on necro threads in the classifieds with 10 people replying 'hey this thread is over a year old'. In fact, in general I have had to moderate less since the change.



Anyways, use them or don't that is up to you. I plan to continue using them as they have served me well. :)


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IBTL ?!  Cross fingers :thumbup: ... but a good chance... my posts are usually last ones before a lock (or otherwise a dead thread, lol ).  Btw, seems there's more policing ever of anti-new classifieds than the old.


If anyone is offended by my little remark here... I'm not being an anarchist or trolling or putting down admins or mods.  Just being my jovial self if you ever have met or will meet me in person.  I'm a lighthearted dude and try to ease tension with a little humor and humble attitude.


My take is this board needs to lighten up.  Jeez are we a bunch of Jag owners here or what ?


There's an old adage about walking around the block you live on... you take a clipboard and go door to door and ask the person that comes to the door "Is there anything you would limit your neighbors from doing?".... by the time you get around the block you will have a list that would dictate that no one can do anything, even to conduct the survey !   

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