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My entire family were dirt bike riders, like everyone, even the grand parents and us kids would start riding before even entering grade school. I was the one black sheep in the bunch that rode 2 stroke stuff, I just liked them better. Over the last ten years or so, I have had mostly 4 stroke bikes, some really great ones. But just the other day, I rode my friends KTM 300 (2 stroke), I gotta say, I still like the 2 stroke better. It's all personal preference of course, maybe I just made sort of a muscle memory around those kind of bikes, it just feels better to me.

depends where i am riding. trails? 4 stroke. everywhere else? nothing gets your blood boiling like the high revs and power band of a 2 stroke. :D

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depends where i am riding. trails? 4 stroke. everywhere else? nothing gets your blood boiling like the high revs and power band of a 2 stroke. :D

4 strokes only on trails? that's not any kind of a challenge. I've done nothing but ride the good ol 2 smoker and I wouldn't have it any other way. I like killing off the mosquitoes when I ride by. :lol:

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2 stroke=crap your pants if it is over 250cc or a cr80 (so I am told) and 4 stroke=wee I'm having fun...oh crap my valves just shattered and my bike went boom and my legs are gone and my arms are broken and now I am dead that was a blast!

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so i was out cruisin around and i see this yellow 620 on the side of the road with its hazards flashing, and so i loop around and check it out. the dude wasnt there. so i waited across the street for about 45 minutes. and the the dude came back. and so i go across the street to check it out.


the engine ran out of oil


heres the carnage







the valve cover was stuck to the head. the guy was on top of the engine trying to rip it off.

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2 stroke=crap your pants if it is over 250cc or a cr80 (so I am told) and 4 stroke=wee I'm having fun...oh crap my valves just shattered and my bike went boom and my legs are gone and my arms are broken and now I am dead that was a blast!


To tell the truth I would be more comfortable on a two stroke 500 than a two stroke 80, yeah its crazy powerful but its a lot more predictable.


The bigger four strokes will hand you your ass for sure.


Respect what you are riding and it just might spare you're life and or limbs.

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so i was out cruisin around and i see this yellow 620 on the side of the road with its hazards flashing, and so i loop around and check it out. the dude wasnt there. so i waited across the street for about 45 minutes. and the the dude came back. and so i go across the street to check it out.


the engine ran out of oil


heres the carnage







the valve cover was stuck to the head. the guy was on top of the engine trying to rip it off.


Totally believable and preventable. If he'd do this what's the chance he'll swap a head on and save his Datsun????? What a waste... truck will likely end up on the pile.

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