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but....my cousin was hot


Mine was too! And for a while she lived in my house. And I accidentally saw her naked once... DAMN! But no, never could do that, Hell, we acted more like big bother and little sister. I was two years older and on the football team. I was her protector.

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Mine used to make passes at me. I only realized that was what she was doing when I got a bit older. I dunno, I think if I'm being honest, I might have pounced on it and then felt bad about it afterward.

If it makes you feel better, I didn't feel bad.


Your cousin really knows how to hokey-pokey.

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Mine used to make passes at me. I only realized that was what she was doing when I got a bit older. I dunno, I think if I'm being honest, I might have pounced on it and then felt bad about it afterward.


T'is better to ask for forgiveness later than permission now.

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No big plans for Easter this year. Not a weed smoker anymore either, too many jobs drug test, so 4/20 means nothing! So this is what I did this afternoon...


(Yeah, kind of a product review as well)

Restoring old faded and oxidized plastic headlights by hand is hard work! Worth the effort in the end though, made a big difference on our cars. Used the Turtle Wax kit I got on sale at Autozone for $8. (Walmart has it for $8.99 regular price)  Easy to use, all in one kit, no machines or tools required, just lots of elbow grease! Did two sets. First the wife's/family car, a 2006 Ford Taurus. Hers were mildly oxidized and hazed over. One I skipped all the sanding with the little disks and wet sanding lube they included, other one just a light wet sanding. Polished up nice! Then on to the badly neglected 2000 Saturn SL1 I just bought for the daughter. SHEESH! Those were awful. Badly hazed, they were so bad you literally needed high beams on at night to see no matter where you drove! The plastic was an opaque yellow. First I knew I had to do a lot of wet sanding with the little disks included, so I just grabbed a sheet of 220 grit I had around and started off using it with the included lube spray. THEN used the kit. And on the polishing compound step I brought out the buffer. After repeating the seven steps twice (hey, I am a perfectionist!), they turned out great, look almost new. Yes, I know what is really in the kits, but by the time I bought compound, various sandpapers, lube spray, and sealer it would amount to a lot more than $8. So I'd say it was worth it. On another note, knowing what is in these kits, it is ridiculous what some of them cost! One Meguires kit they had was $50... F**K YOUR PAYING FOR THE NAME PRICE GOUGING! 


Got dull headlights? I highly recommend this stuff. Fairly easy to use, mainly requires the good ol' "elbow grease!"




Sorry, no pictures. Didn't think to take "before" pics, and it was getting dark by the time I reinstalled the lenses back on the cars.

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I went into the parts store to buy a new headlight and the counter guy sold me something like that over my many skeptical protests of it being just another snake oil bullshit...   I went back and thanked the dude after using it,, it worked so good, ( and easy )  and saved me something like $190. .

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Yup. I used it on my Mercedes. The problem is you inevitably take off the UV layer if there was one. Not really an issue since they are already fuct. But they will go yellow much faster the second time around. At least in my experience. I used the McGuire's. My boss gifted it to me.

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Yup. I used it on my Mercedes. The problem is you inevitably take off the UV layer if there was one. Not really an issue since they are already fuct. But they will go yellow much faster the second time around. At least in my experience. I used the McGuire's. My boss gifted it to me.

This was my only issue with it. Works great, much better than I thought it would have, but kinda turns shitty again pretty quick. Not a big deal when compared to a new housing though.

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^^.........greedy fuckin' kids......


Whoever has to pay their kids to hang around them has NO personality.........


..........................................................just sad really

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Unfortunately it doesn't pay an editor/proof reader.  I get embarrassed when I find spelling and grammar errors in my posts on Ratsun.  I can't imagine the shame of having it be put up for sale.


Hopefully the person who wrote that is using some of that money to put the kids in school.

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Well, spelling or a typo on a forum...no one really cares as long as they can read and understand it (aside from some turd attempting to justify his existence) but, the fuckers actually printed out a sign. How many of those do you knock out before you actually take the time to read it?

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