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I hate the term "grammar Nazi", or maybe just the people who choose to pick on them because they are too stupid to read and write properly. It is one thing if a word is mispelled or punctuation is off, etc, but a simple mistake is never the case, it is always just pure stupidity of a dumbass that points it out. Like that donk510 or whatever his name is that trolled here a while back.  Same philosophy as it's the teacher's fault your child is failing. It's a musician's fault someone committed suicide, etc. Blame everyone but me way of thinking.

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I hate the term "grammar Nazi", or maybe just the people who choose to pick on them because they are too stupid to read and write properly.

You hate people who pick on people who make grammatical errors because they are too stupid to read or write properly?


It is one thing if a word is mispelled or punctuation is off, etc, but a simple mistake is never the case, it is always just pure stupidity of a dumbass that points it out.

So those who point it out are stupid and dumb-asses?

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We all have our strong points.


My father-in law could turn any chunk of wood into a piece of art, build a level house without a sight and his work from small to enormous was beautiful. With his second grade education he could barely read and couldn't write. But when he died 10 years ago at 82 years of age I credited him with being one of the most intelligent and wise men I had the honor of knowing. His grammar was not important, what he had to say was.


Yes, I believe grammar Nazis have a lot to learn

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I have an entire team of proof readers who check my research work, because my mastery of the english language is... well you know. Growing up dyslexic, I've learned a great deal about human nature. Here's the thing, people who are spun out of control by a miss spelled word, or slight grammatical error are simply puckered too tight. Letting go of my fear of being judged by these people I've come to realize; if someone is thrown by my free spirited "creative" approach to word smithing, there is far less likelihood they will understand me as a person. If you want things to flow naturally and freely, I've found that up tight folks are a lot like processed foods; they are better left behind.

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I think it's all about content, and not how it is presented.

If you can understand what a grammar Nazi is saying ...... a stinging barb doesn't matter.



Seriously though the state of legibility and grammar is staggering. It's so unbelievable that I have become inured to it and it has become the norm. It's sad that people just don't care enough to 'get it right' in this day of spell check. As for grammar they are just writing down how they say it in real life.

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What pisses me off is when somebody will use the English language correctly, in an old world format and others will point out discrepancies do to unfamiliarity and their own lack of education.

Guys like Paradime and myself grew up in an era where people were judged harshly on literally and comprehensive skills, before the California public school system went to shit.

I remember sitting with a vocal therapist at age six trying to straighten out an ever so slight lisp.

If you struggled with vocabulary the whole playground knew and the advisers would encourage you to take wood shop.

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I should post some pics of my mothers handwriting, it looks like the screen titles of a French noir film.


If you were a lady back in 1963 and your handwriting was of sub-poooarh, forget about hosting bridge club.



If you are trying to get others to understand you are really using the words bridge club as a euphemism for sex party,,, you should have put it in quotation marks..

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Does anyone remember Willam F. Buckley, Jr.? It was advantageous to have a vintage dictionary within reach when he spoke. His mastery of the English language and tendency to sprinkle his sentences with archaic or disused words and phrases made him a joy!


Made him a pompous ass maybe. Part of his debate style was to hide behind language. This gave viewers the impression he was more learned on a subject than he actually was. The most predominant feature of his debate style was the art of obfuscation. When his opponent gained an intellectual advantage backed by solid facts and historical evidence, Buckley would introduce a barrage of tangential hypothetical analogies and flawed rhetorical absolutism, aka if you believe that, you also than must believe this. 


Gore Vidal cracked that thin veneer of Buckley's wide open at the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968. Like Mayweather runs from Pacquiao, William F Buckley never again accepted a debate with Vida. That speaks volumes to the man's true character.


If you haven't seen it:


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