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I get home earlier, can barely step one foot out of the car, and some salesboy comes walking up to me asking if I'm interested in some solar products.


"Hello, I'm from some company you want nothing from. Is the home owner around?"


"Do you know when the landlord will be home?" (Automatically assumes we're renters)


"Is there a good time for me to come back?"



Guy starts walking down the driveway to leave. He pauses, turns around and asks

"Do you know what color the sky is?"


"Hah. Didn't think so."


He probably smelled the exhaust and thought I was intoxicated by it.

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That is one one the blessings of looking you like I do. "Nope, my parents aren't home, they're on vacation and I don't remember when they get back".


I lived with a couple if buddies about 6 years ago, I looked like I was 16 (baby face), a friend of mine looked like he was about 35 (poor guy started balding at 15 then turned into am alcoholic) so I would always say "hold on, I'll get my dad". Worked everytime.

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Made him a pompous ass maybe. Part of his debate style was to hide behind language. This gave viewers the impression he was more learned on a subject than he actually was. The most predominant feature of his debate style was the art of obfuscation. W[/size]hen his opponent gained an intellectual advantage backed by solid facts and historical evidence, Buckley would introduce a barrage of tangential hypothetical analogies and flawed rhetorical absolutism, aka if you believe that, you also than must believe this. 


Gore Vidal cracked that thin veneer of Buckley's wide open at the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968. Like Mayweather runs from Pacquiao, William F Buckley never again accepted a debate with Vida. That speaks volumes to the man's true character.


If you haven't seen it:


Gore could belittle almost anyone without even speaking. I do love the look on Gores face when he knows he just won.

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Those solar guys are getting pushy as fauhk and it always boils down to " well you could be saving money ".


Signed up for free trial on "Houzz", its this new site that links craftspeople with homeowners, although its more like a wank fest for struggling contractor's and tightwads trying to save a penny using un licensed skilled.


anyway the second I posted that shit my whole Gmail said, Houzz, Houzz, Houzz,


some bitch started calling me everyday " I'm here to talk to you about marketing on "Houzz"


finally wrote them an email telling them to stop calling me, but now can't get rid of the email spam on phone, computer is ok.

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Those solar guys are getting pushy as fauhk and it always boils down to " well you could be saving money ".

Several years from now you'd be saving money, but most people don't have several to tens of thousands of dollars sitting around to have solar panels, batteries, and power inverters installed. "I just spend 10 grand by going solar so I don't have a $100 power bill each month."

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Not to open a can of worms but I think the "Bloom Box" is gonna tear solar a new one.


disclaimer: RVD's personal opinion, not an attack on anyone's personal crackpot beliefs.



damn, I think Smoke is running his generator on rain water now.

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Well I've got no problem with Solar, but door to door sales is fuct. I hate that crap!


I concur, however I'd like to add to that; H-vac, home security, Jahovah's Witnesses, News Paper, Girl Scouts cookies, Vinyl windows and siding, house cleaning services, storm drain cleaning services, ANY political group, I'm sure I'm forgetting some... Oh yah my neighbor asking to borrow my tools.

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Sounds like hell.  The entrance to my home is a couple of miles away from the nearest sidewalk.  Down a long driveway with old cars in the yard and a gocart that nature is trying to reclaim, and dogs.  Not bad scary dogs, but big enough that people who don't know them don't come to visit often.

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Sure anything to pay those heating bills.

Actually I'm more afraid of the kind of people I used to run around with as apposed to sales people.


back when they had that fucking California censes, everyday two hipsters would bang on my door asking about the apartment behind mine. Finally I said " ok there is a Mexican dude and a Philippino lady with two Iranian children, will you please go"

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At least when you shoo away solicitors, they don't come back. The census people will. not. stop. I'm sure the people who give the census people their jobs are like "I hate people knocking on my door, so go knock on people's doors."


I'm sure the four people living in a house is much more important than the 15 people living in a single family home.

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The thing with solicitors is that when you do not answer they check your house as an un known and are required to fallow up.

This went on for months with the California census not having access to my neighbors in law unit and me not filling out the scan tron. 


It's took me about 3 years to cut down on the telemarketing calls I used to get.

I'm convinced it came from one company I clicked on disguised as a gov. agency. This was when I thought I might has to file for unemployment back in the 2009 recession.


It was seriously like SHARKS sniffing out blood, they want to get you wrapped up in credit debt with their predatory, consoledation plans.

Holy jeez everyday some asshole calling me about debt options. 


Fought them forever and didn't have to change my number thank god.

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