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I almost think job termination has nothing to do with performance.

if you get written up for the same category three times you get fired. attendance. Worksmanship and something else I think. Not really sure. Insubordination is a big one. drugs alcohol and physical altercations are instant termination.


This guy has used every card in the books that I know of (and apparently some I didn't). Wouldn't be surprised if he pulled the race card even (he's white)

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If you are reprimanded in writing, never never ever sign it if asked. Even if they say it's just to show that you got it. Signing pretty much says that it was legit and you agree.


if you get written up for the same category three times you get fired. attendance. Worksmanship and something else I think. Not really sure. Insubordination is a big one. drugs alcohol and physical altercations are instant termination.

This guy has used every card in the books that I know of (and apparently some I didn't). Wouldn't be surprised if he pulled the race card even (he's white)


The good guy that was canned was probably honest about things. The other douche probably was just slippery. Good guys finish last.

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You sign and add "signed in protest." A boss from one of my college jobs was dealing with shady ass individuals wielding power plays all the time. They did everything they could to get him to quit. Didn't happen and they never had grounds to fire him. Basically everything they did was more fuel for a lawsuit that he could've filed.


It seems to be a common thing where fuck offs get to keep their job and the ones who are committed and do a good job lose theirs. I've worked for more than one company where the boss liked to employ simpletons. Mostly, and this is purely my theory, because the boss is a know nothing asstard who has to surround themselves with people equally as ignorant, if not more, so they look smarter. These hires are also yes men. If you need your ego stroked you hire yes men.

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Saw this Nissan Pulsar "SSS" today and thought "There was a time when a SSS badge on a Nissan/Datsun would mean you'd be looking at something exciting..." 





awww cool an SSS TURBO  POS

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Is going to work on a Saturday wrong? It underlines the decline of humanity under that hard fisted rule of capitalism. Instead of joyful interactions with my TV, Computer screen, and iPad where I can be exposed to the requisite amount of advertising media so I can be an informed consumer,  I'm going to work. 

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Is going to work on a Saturday wrong? It underlines the decline of humanity under that hard fisted rule of capitalism. Instead of joyful interactions with my TV, Computer screen, and iPad where I can be exposed to the requisite amount of advertising media so I can be an informed consumer, I'm going to work.

yeah this



I'm at work too dude, you're not alone

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I hear you on the shitty employee keeping his job. Losing my job of almost ten years at the local Ford dealer in 2009 made me realize there is no such thing as job security, just who kisses the most ass and who is more shady. I ratted out a worthless POS once for coming in to work drunk, fucked up a car, blamed me, and because he kissed ass they believed him, until I went over my supervisors head and told his boss he was drunk, the boss was not happy about that, and I was off the hook. So this sorry sack of sh*t framed me for stealing money that he was really stealing! And because he kissed my immediate supervisors and the new managers ass they believed it! NC unfortunatley is a "right to work" aka right to be screwed over by your employer state and if they think you are ugly you can be fired for it. And unless they fire you over race, religion, or sex there is not a damn thing you can do about it!

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I'm currently union and used to be nonunion at previous jobs. The union takes my money every month and the only time they really come in handy is contract time and we usually get screwed over but I still have a job at one of the best employers in the state so I can't complain too much. Just wish something can be done about the work ethic around me yaknow? And maybe something towards morale as well.

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Fuck unions.


Not really the people sucked into them, but rather the entities existence. They are a middle man, profit off others, coercive, waste of manpower. Your employer should hire you because you intrinsically bring value to his company. And should not fire you because you continue to bring value to the company. And one should get raises and benefits because they ask for it, and the company would prefer to pay it instead of losing you to competition.


They were needed, and may be again. But they should disband until then.

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i work for boeing and the union contract has actually kept me employed because of the strict rules regarding termination. i have had an attendance issue for the majority of the past 6.5 (going on 7 actually) years that i've been employed and only once has a supervisor actually caught me with a rule i didn't know. that aside i've known the rules and have ridden the line of being fired purposefully because i needed the time off for various reasons, mostly mental health days. 


now, i would prefer to actually know the top boss of the location i'm working at (previous employers i have met the owners of the two lumber mills i've worked for and the district manager for the pizza shop i worked at) but i know this is impossible at my current workplace. it's kind of a military chain of command style set up from what i've seen. i couldn't tell you my chain of leadership beyond my supervisors bosses boss which to me is acceptable at my current level and with the fact that they don't directly have any interactions with my level. i'm a grunt, i build the planes, i don't need to know much besides what job to work on any particular day


yes unions have the tendency to be useless but they also come in handy when you can see the rules written and they aren't arbitrary. it's a like/hate relationship with me and mine, particularly when they raise my dues without any warning and i don't notice it for a few months being as i don't look at my paycheck every payday

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Like the the rapist said, the unions aren't the problem. I work in a non union shop, sometimes I wish it was though. I am a machinist, I run old manual machines that actually require a skill to run, the higher ups in my company think that were just a bunch of lazy morons that can be replaced by anyone. Until they hire new guys that are so lost they usually quit. I can tell you how many times the dog and pony show had walked thru and they will say things like "once they get going they pretty much just sit there all day". Having absolutely no idea what we even do let alone how to do it. And they wonder why the guys on the floor don't seem to like them.

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Both hobo and qtip,


Taking days off knowing you can't get firs for it?!

That's a fuck unions moment.

Skilled workers can't be replaced with peons? I agree, and your employee should learn this pretty quickly. Else the company fails. New company takes market, and has another chance at recognizing the need for skilled workers.

This is self correction. This is how the free market/economy works. Unions falsely protecting employees because the employees pay them to is not free market. Look into what you just laid out as examples. To me these are Chrystal clear examples of how unions make a weak nation/economy. You should be of sufficient value to your employer to not get fired for missing a reasonable amount of days at work. If you get fired, it's because you took too many days/were not of sufficient value. Move down a rung. Next workers take a shot.


This is harsh, and I like you both. But I feel this is important, so I'm open with this opinion. The only union I do support is government employees unions because employees generally are not compensated based on worth. Rather a set amount that took an act of congress to adjust.

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Unions have got you everything you have, if it were not for unions, no one would have 40 hour work weeks, decent wages, overtime pay, medical coverage, this country would never have become great without them, having a decent wage made it possible for people to buy things creating more jobs, unions raised non union pay all over this country, before unions an employer could work you till you dropped dead, and they don't have to pay a dead person, they just have to replace them.

Now that a lot unions are gone, everything is going to shit, the stuff we buy is being made somewhere else where there are no unions, in them places if a worker refuses to work when they are told to work, and strikes for the lack of a better work, they get killed/dead, the direction this country is heading has been tried already elsewhere, it failed, BTW, this country, "The United States of America" is a Union, but maybe........................

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So about two years ago they come up with the bright idea to add a third shift at our facility, OK who the hell is going to work it? They ask for volunteers and Mr over achiever kiss ass is the only one. We can't have just one guy on a shift so I am FORCED to work graveyard shift. They are supposed to do this by seniority, I am the 6th most senior machinist on the floor, at the time there were 12 employees with less seniority. When I voice my objection to being volunTOLD to work graveyard shift I am informed that refusing as shift change is a willing termination of my employment through company policy. Now in a union shop, that would have never happened because they would have had to actually go thru the proper procedure to put employees on a different shift. Oh I almost forgot this "just for a couple weeks" shift change lasted 9 fucking months, temporary my ass.... I was even thanked by the regional president for volunteering for the shift change to which my exact reply was "I did fucking volunteer for this shit". Unions of there issues just as much but if they were run they way they arebj tended to be they protect both employee and employer, that all gets lost in the quest for the all mighty dollar.

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Here is my take on it. Unions are very needed, or more accurately these days, the idea of a union is needed. Without that, we would be slave labor for the wealthy. Problem is, these days the union is way too chummy with said wealthy. This makes them borderline on the same team, which is not in your best interest. If it were the same as the unions of old, those guys used to really hold the richies feet to the fire. Now, I don't even think they argue.

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Ceos will blaim unions for pushing manufacturing out of the states. In realitly its the higher ups that pushed it out for the sake if making more money for themselves. The wealth gap has been consistently growing for the last 20 years and is showing no sign of slowing down.

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Make or do something needed, better, cheaper and make a profit.


Become too successful at this, then your profits needs to be trimmed and shared with the workers by unions. Possibly in better safer worker conditions or more pay.


At some point it's cheaper to move to another country with cheaper labor or no unions to protect profits or keep growing.

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The boys (girls) with big money will do whatever is needed to maintain their big buck status, the smart ones that is. If we push them to pay more, better benefits, etc and they see there bottom line dwindle they well let that business go to a "wanna be" big bucks boy and go onto another money making proposition. The fantasy that we are going to show them who is in control is an illusion they permit to continue.

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