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Actually in the deep south it was called the "nigger agenda." No kidding. I know my history. Please don't compare gay marriage to civil rights or women's suffrage. It is NOT the same. Not even close. I was going to let this go but since you and hobo keep beating the horse I am riding as Mike put it :P now the fucker is dead with you still beating on it so I can't bury it, and I am walking, and not happy about it either! :blush:


Here is my FINAL view on gays and lesbians and their marriage rights. I don't support it, I think it is disgusting, I would rather not know about it, and would like to never see it. But is my or anyone else's disapproval stopping people from making the choices they make to be gay, NO. Am I tolerant of it, yes, but not to the extent I will ever recognize an transvestite as a woman, or a butch as a man. My daughter is straight, but I certainly would not disown her or love her any less if she were gay, but the rules in my house would change! No more sleepovers with girls, and the damn door to your room stays open with ANY visitors. And yes, I personally think marriage is sacred, that is why I have been married to the same woman for nineteen years. But is marriage sacred in AMERICA? No, it is a joke in society, hell some celebrities have been married eight times, we have shows on television making marriage a joke as well, such as "the Bachelor". So marriage is NOT a "sacred religious institution." Does God hate fags? I dunno, does your imaginary friend hate fags? Because I don't believe in a god. So do what you want. Get married, adopt children. Be happy. Might as well have the marriage license since it means so much to you, yet nothing to lots of others. At least then you can list your partner as a spouse on tax forms, and the kids no one else wanted as dependents for a larger refund, and list your partner as a spouse for insurance purposes so they can help with the burden of burying you.


See, I am not against gays at all. You just can't take a joke. And NO it is not the same as a "Jew joke" or a "black joke" so don't go there. It is more of a "blond joke."  Lighten up and get a sense of humor. :poke:  Stop throwing stones before a crime is even committed. And check your own innocence while you're at it.





A transvestite is not a man trying to be a woman. It's (usually) a man who likes to dress as a woman. A transvestite does not have to be gay or want to be a woman at all.


Made up words? All words are made up, and through use (or diss use) become part of our language (or not) Homo (single ((in this case sex))) and phobe (fear) Both real and in use words from Greek or Latin language. I doubt very much is was 'made up' by a homosexual but who knows? It doesn't change anything or make it less meaningful any more than a pair of shoes worn by a gay man are somehow 'disgusting and wrong.'.


Gay people don't choose to be gay, this implies a possible wrong choice. People are, or aren't gay or possibly confused or repressed in their feelings about themselves. They can choose to be open about it, or not. I guess a homophobe fears the less open gay than the obvious openly gay person, as who knows what your friends and neighbors and friends close to you are? I doubt your daughter would feel free to tell you if she was.


There's lots of stuff I don't like so I choose not to watch or join in or have anything to do with. I like to think I'm tolerant but I'm probably not. If I fear something I try to find out why by learning what I can about it. Knowledge dispels fear and you always fear what you don't know.

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what I have never understood is why so many gays come out out of the closet and go straight into self-imposed segregation. I have family and friends who have come out and then almost totally retreated to 100% LGBT environs.

My ex-brother-in-law and a buddy came out about the same time and it made me so sad - not because they were openly gay but because I knew they would abandon all their old ties and sure enough they did.

......and then, after they have come out and I have lost them but they finally start coming to see me again I get lectures, i.e."guns are bad, mmmkay?", "Christianity is bad, mmmmkay?", "those radicals in Islam who say they wanna behead homosexuals are kidding, mmmkay?".

It's like they want to be tolerated but once they are out they never want to let you forget that they believe mainstream/traditional (call them what you will) people have oppressed them for your years and that you now belong to the only group in the US not worthy of tolerance. I think a lot of gays have chips on their shoulders and are seeking not tolerance but celebration of their lifestyle and if you do not celebrate their way of life then you are automatically a homophobe and worthy of their disdain.

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I doubt your daughter would feel free to tell you if she was.



i can actually vouch for something along these lines. my father once saw me with my fingernails painted and wasn't very accepting of it so i don't go around him if my nails are painted anymore. much worse, he's never seen me wear any skirts and probably has no idea and i keep the girly side of my personality away from him as much as possible



what I have never understood is why so many gays come out out of the closet and go straight into self-imposed segregation. I have family and friends who have come out and then almost totally retreated to 100% LGBT environs.


My ex-brother-in-law and a buddy came out about the same time and it made me so sad - not because they were openly gay but because I knew they would abandon all their old ties and sure enough they did.


......and then, after they have come out and I have lost them but they finally start coming to see me again I get lectures, i.e."guns are bad, mmmkay?", "Christianity is bad, mmmmkay?", "those radicals in Islam who say they wanna behead homosexuals are kidding, mmmkay?".


It's like they want to be tolerated but once they are out they never want to let you forget that they believe mainstream/traditional (call them what you will) people have oppressed them for your years and that you now belong to the only group in the US not worthy of tolerance. I think a lot of gays have chips on their shoulders and are seeking not tolerance but celebration of their lifestyle and if you do not celebrate their way of life then you are automatically a homophobe and worthy of their disdain.


and this is all quite sad but true. i've seen it countless times with people that weren't friends having done it. 


for the record in all of this discussion i am a gender queer individual that cross-dresses and honestly don't give a shit if a person is male or female. my brain likes the people it likes for reasons i agree with. i'm rather open about the fact that i am me but i do have multiple personalities that i use depending on the situation. some of my friends welcome both my feminine and masculine sides with open arms, others i can only be a guy around. i don't get to wear my skirts as much as i used to due to working where i work and not having much free time period. i have and do wear my skirts still time permitting and i even wear them around my daughter so as to attempt to teach her that being herself is perfectly acceptable and as long as she is happy with who she is then society can go fuck itself. i wish my legs weren't so damn long, i would've shaved them and worn one of my minis over the summer but it takes way to damn long to go about shaving them after the winter

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Just to be contradictory I'll go with penis. Though it really doesn't matter to me


And by sleep with are we talking sex or actually sleeping? I tend to consider it actually sleeping because sex isn't really a big part of my life

Both, its the full meal deal.




And no just roll him/her over and imagine something else. This is a face to face experience

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I wonder in which levels of history was queer accepted and condoned. Some of the most powerful people in previous empires where full of rainbow love.


its only gay if you cuddle.

I thought it was only gay is balls touched.....man I've been using the wrong guidelines.....

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I wonder in which levels of history was queer accepted and condoned. Some of the most powerful people in previous empires where full of rainbow love.


its only gay if you cuddle.


i miss a good cuddling, it's been far too long


Both, its the full meal deal.




And no just roll him/her over and imagine something else. This is a face to face experience

enh, doesn't matter so much really. unless it's just take them home from a bar type of deal, i'm not much for that. i like actual relationships and getting to know the people i'm sleeping with and/or fucking

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Wierd Al annoys the hell out of me, but I do wish he would re-do "Cause I'm Happppeeeeee" with "Cause I'm Gayyyyyy" but I'm sure there would be all kinds of feelings hurt and shit.  


Skirts, well, I like wearing a towel.  And Lavalava's are common here (Samoan mans skirtish thing).  While it would certainly be comfortable attire, the attention it would bring would make it far less comfortable than my wardrobe.  But at least it doesn't have a direct and obvious contradiction, such as womens tops with breast pockets or corsets meant to define female hips.  It's not that others wearing the opposite genders clothing angers me, but it's silly when the article has fitment issues or is uncomfortable.  Such as high heels.  Holy shit!  They piss me off on women even.  Why the hell would anyone wear something so ridiculous.  

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i can actually vouch for something along these lines. my father once saw me with my fingernails painted and wasn't very accepting of it so i don't go around him if my nails are painted anymore. much worse, he's never seen me wear any skirts and probably has no idea and i keep the girly side of my personality away from him as much as possible




and this is all quite sad but true. i've seen it countless times with people that weren't friends having done it. 


for the record in all of this discussion i am a gender queer individual that cross-dresses and honestly don't give a shit if a person is male or female. my brain likes the people it likes for reasons i agree with. i'm rather open about the fact that i am me but i do have multiple personalities that i use depending on the situation. some of my friends welcome both my feminine and masculine sides with open arms, others i can only be a guy around. i don't get to wear my skirts as much as i used to due to working where i work and not having much free time period. i have and do wear my skirts still time permitting and i even wear them around my daughter so as to attempt to teach her that being herself is perfectly acceptable and as long as she is happy with who she is then society can go fuck itself. i wish my legs weren't so damn long, i would've shaved them and worn one of my minis over the summer but it takes way to damn long to go about shaving them after the winter

This took some guts and I find that admirable, for the record.

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