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I'm curious what this agenda is? You mean the fight for civil rights? Was The Dream a negro agenda. To use ta term from that era.


Actually in the deep south it was called the "nigger agenda." No kidding. I know my history. Please don't compare gay marriage to civil rights or women's suffrage. It is NOT the same. Not even close. I was going to let this go but since you and hobo keep beating the horse I am riding as Mike put it :P now the fucker is dead with you still beating on it so I can't bury it, and I am walking, and not happy about it either! :blush:


Here is my FINAL view on gays and lesbians and their marriage rights. I don't support it, I think it is disgusting, I would rather not know about it, and would like to never see it. But is my or anyone else's disapproval stopping people from making the choices they make to be gay, NO. Am I tolerant of it, yes, but not to the extent I will ever recognize an transvestite as a woman, or a butch as a man. My daughter is straight, but I certainly would not disown her or love her any less if she were gay, but the rules in my house would change! No more sleepovers with girls, and the damn door to your room stays open with ANY visitors. And yes, I personally think marriage is sacred, that is why I have been married to the same woman for nineteen years. But is marriage sacred in AMERICA? No, it is a joke in society, hell some celebrities have been married eight times, we have shows on television making marriage a joke as well, such as "the Bachelor". So marriage is NOT a "sacred religious institution." Does God hate fags? I dunno, does your imaginary friend hate fags? Because I don't believe in a god. So do what you want. Get married, adopt children. Be happy. Might as well have the marriage license since it means so much to you, yet nothing to lots of others. At least then you can list your partner as a spouse on tax forms, and the kids no one else wanted as dependents for a larger refund, and list your partner as a spouse for insurance purposes so they can help with the burden of burying you.


See, I am not against gays at all. You just can't take a joke. And NO it is not the same as a "Jew joke" or a "black joke" so don't go there. It is more of a "blond joke."  Lighten up and get a sense of humor. :poke:  Stop throwing stones before a crime is even committed. And check your own innocence while you're at it.

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Maybe I should tell the story about the "woman" who showed us her penis while we were camping on Kauai.  Well, that about sums up the story.  Personally, I don't like anyone showing me their penis, male or female.


You didn't enjoy it? you didn't compliment "her" on it's size and girth? You insensitive homophobe! :rofl: (it's funny my computer made in 2013 does not recognize that made up word and underlines it in red!)

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try binary


Intergender aka Intergendered is an identity under the nonbinarygenderqueer and transgender umbrellas. Intergender individuals have a gender identity and/or gender expression that is between thebinary genders. They may describe this in terms of being between female and male, between man and woman, between masculine and feminine or simply 'in between'.

The term 'intergender' is believed to have originated in the intersex community, referring to gender rather than sex.

Some people who use this labels identify with androgyny as a gender presentation or have or wish to obtain an androgynous or 'in between' body, others see this as solely a matter of gender identity and may express their intergender through their personality or activities such as crossdressing. See also androgyne.


Try a REAL dictionary. One that doesn't recognize made up words and terms.

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So you see what I did there! Clever! :P


no, not blue ones


You know that one was fabricated by the internet? Not a real condition. Well, not in the sense of being an actual disease. The woman in question was a rape victim, hence the lacerations and the blue is bruising.





(I love this picture Snopes uses!)

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I'm confused about how we got from transvestites to gay porn. Well, not actually confused. But I'll point out that transvestites can like either gender. Or both. And thank god for non pro creators. We truly need more of them. I wanted kids, but I admire those who dont

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I'm confused about how we got from transvestites to gay porn. Well, not actually confused. But I'll point out that transvestites can like either gender. Or both. And thank god for non pro creators. We truly need more of them. I wanted kids, but I admire those who dont

i didn't want kids.....


but i love my 5 year old to death

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Actually in the deep south it was called the "nigger agenda." No kidding. I know my history. Please don't compare gay marriage to civil rights or women's suffrage. It is NOT the same. Not even close. I was going to let this go but since you and hobo keep beating the horse I am riding as Mike put it :P now the fucker is dead with you still beating on it so I can't bury it, and I am walking, and not happy about it either! :blush:


Here is my FINAL view on gays and lesbians and their marriage rights. I don't support it, I think it is disgusting, I would rather not know about it, and would like to never see it. But is my or anyone else's disapproval stopping people from making the choices they make to be gay, NO. Am I tolerant of it, yes, but not to the extent I will ever recognize an transvestite as a woman, or a butch as a man. My daughter is straight, but I certainly would not disown her or love her any less if she were gay, but the rules in my house would change! No more sleepovers with girls, and the damn door to your room stays open with ANY visitors. And yes, I personally think marriage is sacred, that is why I have been married to the same woman for nineteen years. But is marriage sacred in AMERICA? No, it is a joke in society, hell some celebrities have been married eight times, we have shows on television making marriage a joke as well, such as "the Bachelor". So marriage is NOT a "sacred religious institution." Does God hate fags? I dunno, does your imaginary friend hate fags? Because I don't believe in a god. So do what you want. Get married, adopt children. Be happy. Might as well have the marriage license since it means so much to you, yet nothing to lots of others. At least then you can list your partner as a spouse on tax forms, and the kids no one else wanted as dependents for a larger refund, and list your partner as a spouse for insurance purposes so they can help with the burden of burying you.


See, I am not against gays at all. You just can't take a joke. And NO it is not the same as a "Jew joke" or a "black joke" so don't go there. It is more of a "blond joke."  Lighten up and get a sense of humor. :poke:  Stop throwing stones before a crime is even committed. And check your own innocence while you're at it.








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In other topics, WOW, the stupidity of some people is amazing! I wonder how many fools actually believed this awful internet rumor?


I am not going to say what it is, as I don't feel like doing that much typing, it's 2am and I am getting tired! So click the link and read:



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Actually in the deep south it was called the "nigger agenda." No kidding. I know my history. Please don't compare gay marriage to civil rights or women's suffrage. It is NOT the same. Not even close. I was going to let this go but since you and hobo keep beating the horse I am riding as Mike put it :P now the fucker is dead with you still beating on it so I can't bury it, and I am walking, and not happy about it either! :blush:


Here is my FINAL view on gays and lesbians and their marriage rights. I don't support it, I think it is disgusting, I would rather not know about it, and would like to never see it. But is my or anyone else's disapproval stopping people from making the choices they make to be gay, NO. Am I tolerant of it, yes, but not to the extent I will ever recognize an transvestite as a woman, or a butch as a man. My daughter is straight, but I certainly would not disown her or love her any less if she were gay, but the rules in my house would change! No more sleepovers with girls, and the damn door to your room stays open with ANY visitors. And yes, I personally think marriage is sacred, that is why I have been married to the same woman for nineteen years. But is marriage sacred in AMERICA? No, it is a joke in society, hell some celebrities have been married eight times, we have shows on television making marriage a joke as well, such as "the Bachelor". So marriage is NOT a "sacred religious institution." Does God hate fags? I dunno, does your imaginary friend hate fags? Because I don't believe in a god. So do what you want. Get married, adopt children. Be happy. Might as well have the marriage license since it means so much to you, yet nothing to lots of others. At least then you can list your partner as a spouse on tax forms, and the kids no one else wanted as dependents for a larger refund, and list your partner as a spouse for insurance purposes so they can help with the burden of burying you.


See, I am not against gays at all. You just can't take a joke. And NO it is not the same as a "Jew joke" or a "black joke" so don't go there. It is more of a "blond joke."  Lighten up and get a sense of humor. :poke:  Stop throwing stones before a crime is even committed. And check your own innocence while you're at it.

you preface your statement of "acceptance" with words of hate, therefore nullifying your whole argument. Hate humor is not humor. It is hate. you say you wouldn't love someone any less if they were to come out to you and immediately state that you would change your behavior with them. Thus you are treating that person differently and in a less loving manner.


God accepts you for who you are. 


I judge you.

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A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten The red light by accelerating through the intersection.


The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.


As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, finger printed, photographed, and placed in a hold ing cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.


He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, Naturally... I assumed you had stolen the car."
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