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I found it ironic

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If you are insinuating that this was caused by pot smoking and not shitty parenting then you are incredibly ignorant.

I was not insinuating that ... you can look up the definition of irony if you need to, but did you know that satire and sarcasm are synonyms?




Hey Capt'n Games ...

I also found it ironic that you pop on this thread to give everyone a bad time (basically flame us) for - writing stuff that doesn't help at all, stuff that only brings things down.

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I was not insinuating that ... you can look up the definition of irony if you need to, but did you know that satire and sarcasm are synonyms?




Hey Capt'n Games ...

I also found it ironic that you pop on this thread to give everyone a bad time (basically flame us) for - writing stuff that doesn't help at all, stuff that only brings things down.


I appologize, I didnt pick up on your sarcasm.



To the second part, meh.

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Someone over at NWdramas.com must have left a valve open and it spilled over into this forum last night.





Aw come on yo!  Nothing happened over there last night :rofl:   (this isn't directed at you banana) There is no "sides". Were all here for datsuns. There isn't this side, that side. Maybe little jokes about there being sides, but in reality - we all goto the same events no matter what site were on the most and we all get along just fine and we don't separate into "sides" or "groups"


On that note. Off to find a few old threads to necropost.

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I am on the side of Truth!! Justice!! and the Shenanigans way.



I am good with you aiming it at me,, it`s all about the lulz,, :lol:   if i had a side would i have tried to get half the frickin members of your forum to cruise with me and Ted and my son to the picnic last weekend.. But alas no amount of insults or shaming could get you guys to go....... :rofl:........









wait,,, what were we talking about again?







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DatzenMilke, I owe you an apology Dude. And I've learned I have much to learn before questioning the administrator's foresight. You saw this coming on page one.


A Futile Cycle: also known as a substrate cycle, occurs when two metabolic pathways run simultaneously in opposite directions and have no overall effect other than to dissipate energy in the form of heat.... also known as Fuck'n Blowing Hot Air. This thread has descended into the intellectual equivalent of bottle of gin; zero nutritional value and the more you consume the dumber you get.


On that note: Sparkle sparkle little twink, who the heck I are you think. I'm not under the affluence of inchahol like some thinker peep i are. All I know is the drunker I sit here the longer I get.


Batter up!



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gotta admit I like the "hasn't been drama here for a bit" comment.  I guess if you don't count the ermish/dtp thread lock and hide....and then the lock of the one calling out that it got hidden...ya, there hasn't been any for what? a month or so now?

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Frankly im tired of people here saying shit about nwd, i actually like that site better anymore because theirs not tons of shit on there, just people tlaking datsuns and having a good fucking time, yet i come here and see shit thrown about the "dark side"  grow the fuck up people.  You all love cars, yet we all sit here acting like dipshits on here...honestly.  I miss the old ratsun. The only reason people troll on here anymore is to piss people off on purpose that cause issues all the time.  You cant post anything on here without some dick bashing what you think you did a good job on, and it turns people away that could end up being great members.  Honestly guys. Your making the datsun community look like the honda community >.>

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I am on the side of Truth!! Justice!! and the Shenanigans way.



I am good with you aiming it at me,, it`s all about the lulz,, :lol:   if i had a side would i have tried to get half the frickin members of your forum to cruise with me and Ted and my son to the picnic last weekend.. But alas no amount of insults or shaming could get you guys to go....... :rofl:........









wait,,, what were we talking about again?









IDK. what were we talking about? I'mma go bump my next episode thread with some new pictures

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Frankly im tired of people here saying shit about nwd, i actually like that site better anymore because theirs not tons of shit on there, just people tlaking datsuns and having a good fucking time, yet i come here and see shit thrown about the "dark side"  grow the fuck up people.  You all love cars, yet we all sit here acting like dipshits on here...honestly.  I miss the old ratsun. The only reason people troll on here anymore is to piss people off on purpose that cause issues all the time.  You cant post anything on here without some dick bashing what you think you did a good job on, and it turns people away that could end up being great members.  Honestly guys. Your making the datsun community look like the honda community >.>


No one has said shit about NWD, least of all ME. Dark Side is NWD's expression of itself and I see members there throwing it around all the time. (I think they are proud of it) As a member there I think I can say 'dark side,'  but if not, let me know and I'll apologize.  I used it to indicate exactly who I meant and be understood by who I meant and as a shared inside joke. Perhaps once again my humor is too subtle for some.


As to NWD  talking Datsuns and 'having a good fucking time' of course they do, you do, we do... because most of the threads are,  PAGE ONE... Tits, ASS, Insomniacs, T shirts, stickers, hobbies, CL list, suggestion box,  "The Rod Run" (Longbeach) event, Vancouver Meet event,  Cleaning the Datto port (project), Lets see your loot, Woops (trolling off site), Fuel pump needed (want ad), L20B needed (want ad) Save a Drive in, That's 17 out of 25 leaving  one technical question on wiring and 7-8 project threads by members that are the best of friends. Of course everyone gets along. Come back when you have 30 or 40 projects by members from all over who don't share the same location. When you have a larger cross section of members.


Is this why people come to ratsun to troll? because there's no outlet over there? because it wouldn't be put up with over there? Someone said that someone else 'doesn't have a vested interest in ratsun'. Well gee I got called a douche and an asshole and a few more things before. I don't feel the need to post to tell everyone that I'm not. Comments like that say more about the person saying them. SHRUG.

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DatzenMilke, I owe you an apology Dude. And I've learned I have much to learn before questioning the administrator's foresight. You saw this coming on page one.


Doesn't hurt to nudge it in the right direction too.

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No one has said shit about NWD, least of all ME. Dark Side is NWD's expression of itself and I see members there throwing it around all the time. (I think they are proud of it) As a member there I think I can say 'dark side,'  but if not, let me know and I'll apologize.  I used it to indicate exactly who I meant and be understood by who I meant and as a shared inside joke. Perhaps once again my humor is too subtle for some.


As to NWD  talking Datsuns and 'having a good fucking time' of course they do, you do, we do... because most of the threads are,  PAGE ONE... Tits, ASS, Insomniacs, T shirts, stickers, hobbies, CL list, suggestion box,  "The Rod Run" (Longbeach) event, Vancouver Meet event,  Cleaning the Datto port (project), Lets see your loot, Woops (trolling off site), Fuel pump needed (want ad), L20B needed (want ad) Save a Drive in, That's 17 out of 25 leaving  one technical question on wiring and 7-8 project threads by members that are the best of friends. Of course everyone gets along. Come back when you have 30 or 40 projects by members from all over who don't share the same location. When you have a larger cross section of members.


Is this why people come to ratsun to troll? because there's no outlet over there? because it wouldn't be put up with over there? Someone said that someone else 'doesn't have a vested interest in ratsun'. Well gee I got called a douche and an asshole and a few more things before. I don't feel the need to post to tell everyone that I'm not. Comments like that say more about the person saying them. SHRUG.

Mike, I've got respect for you. You're a contributing member on both sites so you have just as much as valid opinion of nwd as any of us. Of course page one is 90% bullshit, it's the general discussion. We're slowly establishing a unique userbase, but until then, there will be a lot of useless banter. I hate to say it, but we will also kind of play the role of red headed stepchild for a while. It's the nature of any offshoot of people who share common roots. All of us have given some sort of contribution to Ratsun. We all just need to step away from our dignity for a second and realize that neither site is better than the other. It's personal preference.

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Absolutely! NWD is probably 'friendlier' and for the reasons given, that doesn't lessen it any. The site there is still young but getting there. I'm looking forward to seeing more technical questions about Datsuns.






 Comments like that say more about the person saying them. SHRUG.


Well it's true, I think. People read this stuff and can't help forming an opinion of us from what they read. A comment here a comment there, it all adds up to what we are thought of by others.

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Well it's true, I think. People read this stuff and can't help forming an opinion of us from what they read. A comment here a comment there, it all adds up to what we are thought of by others.


And to add to that, our typed words don't convey our expressions and intended sarcasm, and thus usually ends in our meaning being miss interpreted. 

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No one has said shit about NWD, least of all ME. Dark Side is NWD's expression of itself and I see members there throwing it around all the time. (I think they are proud of it) As a member there I think I can say 'dark side,'  but if not, let me know and I'll apologize.  I used it to indicate exactly who I meant and be understood by who I meant and as a shared inside joke. Perhaps once again my humor is too subtle for some.


As to NWD  talking Datsuns and 'having a good fucking time' of course they do, you do, we do... because most of the threads are,  PAGE ONE... Tits, ASS, Insomniacs, T shirts, stickers, hobbies, CL list, suggestion box,  "The Rod Run" (Longbeach) event, Vancouver Meet event,  Cleaning the Datto port (project), Lets see your loot, Woops (trolling off site), Fuel pump needed (want ad), L20B needed (want ad) Save a Drive in, That's 17 out of 25 leaving  one technical question on wiring and 7-8 project threads by members that are the best of friends. Of course everyone gets along. Come back when you have 30 or 40 projects by members from all over who don't share the same location. When you have a larger cross section of members.


Is this why people come to ratsun to troll? because there's no outlet over there? because it wouldn't be put up with over there? Someone said that someone else 'doesn't have a vested interest in ratsun'. Well gee I got called a douche and an asshole and a few more things before. I don't feel the need to post to tell everyone that I'm not. Comments like that say more about the person saying them. SHRUG.

most of the time i agree with you mike, but honestly i think you're off base on a few things. first, you have never talked shit about nwd, but there are people here on ratsun that have, most of the more serious stuff was said when it first came out, now it seems to mostly just be joking but its still being said and some of the people saying it are ones that went off originally. second, threads aren't all that go on over there, and while yes there is fuckery in the chat, theres a lot of questions being asked down there for a quicker response. its kinda a give and take because while the person needing an answer doesn't have to wait as long as making a thread, the answer to the question is only seen by people on while that chat is still around. third, the no outlet/wont put up with it. in general disc. 4th page, 4th up from the bottom, by 1fat 620. still not locked, also goes back to number 1, and honestly if threads with someone being a major dick were gonna get locked, that one woulda done it. was real fun for me to watch someone from here go off about what faggots we all were, and me specifically for a thread i started here that was honestly for the ladies. lastly, the vested interest, i get why it was such an insult honestly, and maybe its just personalities.  like you, people can call me all sorts of shit and it doesn't bother me to the extreme that i go out and let people know that i'm not whatever i'm being called. but when i read that and people saying he shouldn't be mad about it, it made me think of how some members have gotten after selling their car, and then finding out it got parted or wrecked or some dumbass didn't know how to fix a clogged fuel filter and it got crushed.  now technically, they have no vested interest at all in the car anymore, they sold it, they cant drive it anymore, and yet they still get depressed and pissed when they find out something happened to it because they helped build it, mold it, and turn it into what it was, much as 510freak helped build, mold, and turn ratsun into what it is.  now, go tell those guys that are pissed or depressed that they have no reason to be down or care what happened because they no longer have a vested interest in the car.  i know my response would be the same as 510freaks, if i sold my z and found out someone had wrecked it, and then got told that...  and i'll see what i can do about getting some tech questions up over there, since i'm still an idiot and about to slowly start building my own knowledge, might as well start building the knowledge available over there too. plus i have 2 710s and a 510 to get moving again lol, imma be asking questions either way.

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And to add to that, our typed words don't convey our expressions and intended sarcasm, and thus usually ends in our meaning being miss interpreted.

They did last night loud and clear but lou has deleted/changed his post, or posts. So I guess it's a moot point and a lesson learned. If it's been changed then it's for the best. I have the original but no intention of shaming anyone by posting it.



edit: Lou's posts were not changed or deleted. Feel free to view them or not.

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