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Dafuc, Boston and now Waco - thoughts and prayers with you people

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they know for a fact they were already fighting a small fire when it blew, once amonium nitrate hits a certain temprature, it starts a thermal runaway reaction, then there is no stopping it,  thats what happened in the 40's there  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_City_disaster   the entire plant was a bomb waiting to go off,  they take extreme precautions, but sometimes things happen, when you put a lot of it together, sometimes it starts a reaction on it's own.


Is that the one where the anchor was launched inland?

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Is that the one where the anchor was launched inland

yea, actually two anchors were launched inland. it was the same thing, ship full of amonium nitrate, it also ignited a second ship full of it nearby, which also blew up.  There have been several fertilizer plants that have blown up there over the years.  the stuff generates heat, just like spontaneous combustion, sometimes it catches fire, then all hell breaks loose  

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there were firefighters in there when it blew :confused:   why the hell werent they evacuated? you cant put that stuff out, it generates more and more heat until the entire mess becomes a bomb. every one of them are dead, no chance in hell you can survive that,  they wont even find their remains,

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I'm waiting for the conspiricy theories to start, the stuff isnt just a fertilizer, it's also a component of explosives, they should have all been gotten the hell out of there, it's not a matter of if it blows, it's when, once that fire was that size, evacuate all the firefighters out of there, no reason they should have died  

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Fertilizer dust is dangerous,,  as kids we used to take the empty bags of fertilizer and swing them around to inflate and then tape the end and throw them into a fire.. They didn`t all explode ( more didn`t than did ) but some did and it makes a pretty good boom..That was in the 70s so we knew nothing of mixing it with anything else..


A neighbors chemical storage shed caught fire once and there ended up a hole in the ground where at least a 60 x 40 building stood the day before..

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dam that is some lethal sh*t. sorry for the pun. i hope that everybody made it out ok and prayers sent to all the people that were there and i hope the little kid is ok and regains his hearing. we here in phoenix,az have some brutal fires like that.i.e. tires, metal recycle plants, forest fires, paint shops, but that would scare the $H!t out of me if i was there even at my current age of 44

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Saw that video yesterday on FB. I actually felt that explosion. My phone speaker was in full blast my phone actually fell when that explosion hit.



News claim as many as 15 ppl are feared dead & 160 injured. Thoughts & prayers to d ppl of Waco, TX.

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News stations are full this morning with pursuit of second bomber and death of first bomber.  Names etc. fully disclosed.  One glaring exception to reporting is Al Jazera English!  They are broadcasting what looks like live time reports with one exception.  Al Jazera is NOT giving out the names although showing the pictures, and is conveniently neglecting to mention that they are brothers and recent [10 years] immigrants from Chechen.

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Crazy times here in MA. My good friends were at the finish line for the marathon the morning of the bombing, thankfully not there when it happened. My parents use to live a couple blocks from the site. An artist acquaintance of mine knows someone who was hit with shrapnel, and her brother, also there, lost a leg.


Fast forward to the last 24hrs, My dad was in the same spot that the MIT police man was killed about 10 min prior as he gets the subway  to go home there. My sister lives less than 2 miles from the suspects apartment in Cambridge. She says, "Totally surreal. Fell asleep last night to the sound of endless sirens, woke up to a call from the city of cambridge at 6:30am asking us not to leave our home. Still in "lockdown", streets quiet.
Hanging in. Strange strange days."


My mom is now in Somerville which is between Watertown and Cambridge where they are also asking folks to stay inside.


Naturally the odds of anything bad happening to them are pretty infinitesimal, but it is a pretty bizarre day here in MA.

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The most messed up thing of it all while we were all occupied about the Boston bombing the government passed a bill "CISPA" to monitor the Internet it's a bill much like SOPA & PIPA. I usually don't talk about this kind of crap and always keep it out of a car forum but this stuff affects all us Internet users.

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