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I smell a FML thread.



Don't you give it another thought. He's just jealous. Has an ugly wife, kids that don't look like his and worse than being a city worker he doesn't own a Datsun. If anyone should be whining it should be him.


What time is it? Quarter to close the thread?

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Yep, who drives a Datsun to impress people? Isn't it BC we don't give a fuck what everyone thinks is cool, and like to rub in that we got skills beyond most? Plus people being offended just because we drive by is funny shit?



I'm still proud of the fact my VW scares children enough so that their mother called the police on me.

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You're missing the point.  What part of the city does he work for?  Can you perchance stick a flaming bag of poo he has to pick up somewhere nearby?  Like the cab of his city vehicle? :D

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