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Quick, run to the store!!!

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You have no idea what your talking about....


The reason the union went on strike was because 4 years ago the company started using pension funds to pay for the day to day operations of the company ..The workers at that time also took a pay CUT and they were striking to restore their pensions THAT THEY WERE STILL PAYING INTO ,,,but were and probably never going to get a refund on...That`s why the company can go bankrupt so fast,,,they were using the pension funds to help run company..


Yeah, unions are needed and should be mandatory. Just try living in a fire at will, or "right to work" aka right to be screwed over state like NC. A company can fire anyone for any reason at will. Employees have ZERO rights.

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So I'm reading this shit, and I tell my mother in law, who is sitting here in the living room, "Hostess is going out of business, no more ding dongs or twinkies." She disappears in her room and comes back out in her shoes in a panic heading for the door "I'll be right back!". Crazy ass woman is going to Vons to load up on snack cakes.

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Slightly off topic but somebody else brought it up. I worked at Taco Smell as a teenager. The "taco meat filling" is labeled as just that in the boxes, not even hinting at its origin. The beans everyone likes so well, they come dry in a bag and resemble chocolate frosted flakes, just add water. We reused those caulk guns with the sour cream in them, and there is a method of refilling. They want to load you up on lettuce and beans, because thats the cheapest shit on the line.


Im not going to even get into the other gross shit that happens in the "kitchen", yet i still eat there...Chalupas are deep fat fried gorditas, cinnamon twists are deep fat fried pasta, it can get pretty fattening pretty fast, yet delicious

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Hostess has been in the bankruptcy process for awhile now ; from the article below

"The offer to the BCTGM included wage, benefit and work rule concessions but also gave Hostess Brands’ 12 unions a 25 percent ownership stake in the company, representation on its Board of Directors and $100 million in reorganized Hostess Brands’ debt."

The Teamsters 12,000 members accepted the deal the smaller union BCTGM with 6,000 said no.

I'm going to miss the cherry pies.



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Slightly off topic but somebody else brought it up. I worked at Taco Smell as a teenager. The "taco meat filling" is labeled as just that in the boxes, not even hinting at its origin. The beans everyone likes so well, they come dry in a bag and resemble chocolate frosted flakes, just add water. We reused those caulk guns with the sour cream in them, and there is a method of refilling. They want to load you up on lettuce and beans, because thats the cheapest shit on the line.


Im not going to even get into the other gross shit that happens in the "kitchen", yet i still eat there...Chalupas are deep fat fried gorditas, cinnamon twists are deep fat fried pasta, it can get pretty fattening pretty fast, yet delicious


I used to work at Taco Hell only a few months ago and everything is still the same, worst place to work ever.

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i will bet the exact current bid that its a bullshit bid by one of his friends




No doubt a couple of ex Hostess employees....'borrowed' the van with the payload to collect some back wages and or.

Now they 'ransom' out the Twinkies to the most discerning OCD sugar junkie(s) out thar....

Good on them.... :lol:


Eat up!!!!...............37 ingredients can't be wrong!


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