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Here's a perfect example of why unions are ruining this country. They are driving the company into bankruptcy, and it's going to go out of business. What I don't get, is their mentality......lets see, I can either chose a pay/benefit cut, or lose my job entirely and cause the company to cease to exist......I'll take losing my job entirely and killing the company. This is why all the jobs go overseas.

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Here's a perfect example of why unions are ruining this country. They are driving the company into bankruptcy, and it's going to go out of business. What I don't get, is their mentality......lets see, I can either chose a pay/benefit cut, or lose my job entirely and cause the company to cease to exist......I'll take losing my job entirely and killing the company. This is why all the jobs go overseas.


You have no idea what your talking about....


The reason the union went on strike was because 4 years ago the company started using pension funds to pay for the day to day operations of the company ..The workers at that time also took a pay CUT and they were striking to restore their pensions THAT THEY WERE STILL PAYING INTO ,,,but were and probably never going to get a refund on...That`s why the company can go bankrupt so fast,,,they were using the pension funds to help run company..

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Obviously hostess has a failing business model.. and in turn should fail.


If what bananahamuck was saying is correct, a strike sounds appropriate... and I would hate to see so many jobs lost. I say, let them go through bankruptcy and hopefully they will come back stronger than before. I mean, bankruptcy doesn't mean you are gone forever... just means you failed. That's why there is different levels of bankruptcy.


As for the workers I agree, probably overpaid anyway.

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You have no idea what your talking about....


The reason the union went on strike was because 4 years ago the company started using pension funds to pay for the day to day operations of the company ..The workers at that time also took a pay CUT and they were striking to restore their pensions THAT THEY WERE STILL PAYING INTO ,,,but were and probably never going to get a refund on...That`s why the company can go bankrupt so fast,,,they were using the pension funds to help run company..


That's how pension systems work, the current generation pays for the old-timers. There comes a time when you need to cut your losses and move on. The companies in this country can't continue to pay the pensions that people were used to 20 years ago, it's just not financially feasible. Companies can't stay competitive with our U.S. labor costs, and a BIG part of that cost is pensions. They have no choice but to make cuts. My comment is still relevant, they have to choose whether to take the cuts, or lose their jobs, and they are choosing to lose their jobs. Not smart.

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They have to choose whether to take a pay cut or let management run it into the ground. Pointy-haired bosses always blame someone else for their failed business.


Hostess pie cost 2.25 when every other brand is less than a dollar. I wouldn't buy them if they didn't taste so much better than all the others. But then I drive a Mercedes, I'm worth it.

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Failure on both sides. As a private company, the executives used it as a private wealth building source. Not until the company was on the brink of bankruptcy in 2011 did they cut executive pay. On the flip side the Unions thought they could call the executives bluff... except they weren't bluffing.


The Executives got their money. No amount of union posturing was going to change that. The company execs KNEW the company was headed for bankruptcy and raided every last bit of cash they could. It didn't really matter what the Union did- if they'd agreed to the massive wage and benefit cuts, that simply would have postponed the inevitable unless the company could streamline. Wasn't going to happen. The company's biggest asset was the pension fund which they raided to run daily operations. Since they knew the company was going under, there was no point in even trying to hide the raiding, since none of it appears to be illegal. Get what you can get and bail, leave the remains to the liquidators. Common practice, though it's harder to do with a public company. Grab the cash, because the "stock" (even private companies have stock) will soon be worthless.


The whole legacy pension problem is something that is driving a lot of older companies out, but it doesn't have to be that way. Legacy pensions were a way to pay back longtime employees for retirement, but it HAD to be funded. The collapsed because of several factors:


1) People live longer. Pensions were designed to pay a retiree for between 5-10 years, when folks were expected to retire at 65 and die before 75. But with more and more folks living longer, the pensions have to pay your 20, 30 years.

2) Pensions are paid for by employee contributions. But when the company is hiring FEWER workers, there's less of a pool. But the retiree numbers weren't declining as fast as the employee numbers

3) Pensions also were invested, but the market in those type of legacy companies has been stagnant for decades.



Benefits also keep costing more. The whole point of benefits was not to be an entitlement- benefits were meant to attract and hold quality employees. Unions turned these privileges into mandatory compensation for everyone.


These should still have been maintainable. The American standard of living demanded it. But the overriding factor is the globalization of the economy. The problem with that is, globalization leads to an equilibrium. The poorest industrialized economies will climb to match the highest, which decline to meet in the middle.

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Not sure I would be buying a product from a company that had disillusioned/disgruntled employees.

Young Jimmy in the back making his contribution to that 'special filling'............if you know what I mean.


Food for thought....................




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