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Sightings ...to bum or not to bum...

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missed two green lights when people stopped to give this guy money.....isnt there a anti traffic congestion law he is violating....and then he takes a break to field some calls on his cell phone :confused: ....i see hinmat various other intersctions.....olympia has them on every available corner and down town is vagrant city....i can sympatize with down on your luck but to just take advantage seems to be a little much :sneaky: :sick:



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That guy sold me a ticket to a rock show outside the Tacoma dome!!

Saw him the next day in a fucked up intersection that was under construction . I was trying to get back on the free way and was all " ain't that dude from ..... It is look at that guy!"

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I feel for the homeless don't get me wrong but I wont give shit to any of them directly.

Here in central California there are homeless begging on corners everywhere and you see them there every day, something I noticed was you never see crowds of them on a single corner, the reason is they have arrangements and own certain corners.

Near where I live I see the same wheel chair shared by at least 3 people and I've also seen them get out of cars, park and walk a couple blocks pull the sign out of a backpack and beg.

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Some scammers actually make a living panhandling and posing as homeless. There used to be a guy in Raleigh that made over $100k a year panhandling. He would get done for the day, change clothes, and get in a Mercedes in a parking lot a few blocks away and drive off.

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  • shoot, ain't nothing new, we did an undercover story years ago following one guy around for a month or so. When confronted, he told all. 50k in a bad year, all tax free. Drove a new hummer, lived in a nice house. I will give them food and water, but they ain't gettin no money from me!

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I'm gonna roll my goon with no doors to a corner and put a box and with a sign that says help me please and see her happens... I gave one a beer once I never give money..... I often wondered why u never see crowds or more than one...z some unspoken panhandle law or something

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Threes a homeless millionaire on a bus bench in Anderson. Saw him today for the first time in a while. Mentally ill, parent's left him with a couple local businesses, yada yada. He just sits there so he can talk to people all day. Then he hops on his Tricycle and pedals off to an old mill behind downtown.

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Homelessness isn't a crime, (god knows I know that) panhandling isn' t either nor mental defect. I ride my bike past several nearly every day and I say to myself "How the fuck can I bitch about the things in my life when I see those with nothing, less than nothing and the prospect of nothing tomorrow?" Some are defective and unemployable, some in a hole too deep to climb out of, maybe drugs or drink? I don't know. There is one guy that simply lives this way seemingly for no other reason than he's comfortable with it. They frequent the bike path and under the 17th street bridge where they are not seen by motorists. (out of sight, out of mind) They don't bother joggers or walkers lest a complaint bring the police. They sit quietly and some drink or whatever and look up as I approach in my yellow riding coat that looks like the police bike patrol, I nod to them and they nod back.


Then we have buskers. It's a pan handler that gives you some value for your money, (donation) they sing and play guitar. In a way they are making a living but likely don't need to do this and just enjoy their craft. Buskers are less intimidating, embarrassing or offensive than being approached by an obvious panhandler. The down side of busking is it takes away from those who really need it most.


Then there are the truly lazy who panhandle. We have a soup kitchen across from the office and if you watch, some show up in big cars, smoke and are on their cell phones. I don't care to see them. It takes all kinds.


Here in Portland it's really bad. I have a dude a dollar and he actually looked at me and said " is that all you have" I was pissed I parked and told him to give me my fucking dollar back...


I've never done that before but Jesus fucking Christ get a job you fucking rudder


A dollar doesn't go far, try $5 or $10 or don't bother. There isn't work for lots of employable people let alone them. Walk a mile in his shoes and you might be pissed enough to say "Is that all ya got". Sadly you have to make a value judgment about this person. Does he look like he's truly in need or just someone out to take advantage of you for a free handout.

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