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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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My wife is leaving me cause I am a guy and she thinks I don't try but I just suck at stuff sometimes. She wanted to know if she could keep driving our Mazda pickup till she got another car and I said " I don't want the truck or the payment I just want my 620!" I like my 79 620 soo much better than

My 1998 Mazda b4000 screw American trucks pretending to be Japanese. I still love my wife so I did a quick fluid check before she drove away and left me. Kinda don't even know what to do... At least I have my Datsun to work on....

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Dude that's shitty. Sorry bro.


If you still love her than their is still a chance. Address the issues she has and make some changes.


I complain about my wife sometimes, she was not easy on the love I have for a datsunitus for a long time, but I did make some big changes for everything else and she has really come along and has a better understanding of this car love that I have.


I hope it works out.

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WOW! Sorry to hear dude. I agree with the other guy, if there is the slightest chance to win her back... DO IT! Been with my wife for 16 years, hopefully until death do us part.


But at least you kept the truck. Some bitches take everything!

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Been fighting to keep her for a couple months... She's set on never comming back. She doesn't want to take everything she's not the typical woman... Only been married a year. I actually gave her the Mazda cause I don't want it or the car payment.


I'll never give up on her but right now feels hopeless

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My wife and I have been married for 50 years. We have owned our Datsun for 44 years. No! The wife does come first! Good thing she has finally agreed that our RL411 is indeed "the cutest car in the world." She and our 3 children learned to drive in it, and our 3 kids took their driving test in it.

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Offer to go to counseling with her. Maybe things can be fixed. Both sides need to change. It ain't easy for sure.


Who owes on the Mazda??? You??? because if she has it, YOU'LL get the payments.


I got away with my 521 full of everything I could carry.

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I still love my wife so I did a quick fluid check before she drove away and left me. Kinda don't even know what to do... At least I have my Datsun to work on....


I think that's called being a stand-up dude/all around MAN. Maybe that will help sway her back to you. I hope so. if not, she may find out that decent guys like you are super rare.

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women come and go, but Datsuns are forever.

well at least you have your Datsun. When i get stressed, working on my Datsuns always helps clear my mind.


this EXACTLY what I was gonna say and what I do (as the working on the Datsuns goes) Like so similar its creepy. women come and go but Datsuns are forever is no joke. You know they say the only two things that can be said for certain in life are "death and taxes" well I believe the only two things that are certain are death and DATSUN. and that will stay true as long as I make it stay true. in fact I'm going to get a "death and datsun" tattoo, just working on coming up with a design for it.


and finally...


if there's still a hint of hope to save the marriage i say give it a shot. if not move on. Life's too short to linger.


^this....life is too short to linger....

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Yep I'm young and no kids yet, I think there's something there to save but no matter what I do I can't help her see that. Thanks For the support guys I don't even want to tell my family just in case I can win her back. Working on cars has always been one of my favorite stress relievers too and my Datsun is my favorite truck I've ever owned. It's simple to fix and cool to look at. Probably my favorite thing to do on a Saturday is go to the junk yard and look for parts haha. Once my wife even took my on a drive to spot Datsuns for the spotted blog. Funny thing about the whole thing is her parents and friends are on my side... Which makes her more mad at me.


Oh and in response to mike both our names are on the Mazda but I'm gonna transfer it to her name. She's just going to trade it in for a Nissan Altima. At least she wants a Nissan haha. And I have offered counseling but she's going to go by herself and I don't think she plans to even try to go with me

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How long prior to the marriage were you together?

Is it any different than any other break-up you've had?


You made it through the others. You'll make it through this.


No more sending flowers or remembering dates.

Just work, Datsun, and yourself.


The way I see it, better to have it happen sooner than later.

It leaves you available for when you finally meet Mrs. Right.


And when you meet her, you will know.


Cuz you will be posting pics of her in a short skirt and tall shoes leaning over the hood of your truck!


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How long prior to the marriage were you together?

Is it any different than any other break-up you've had?


You made it through the others. You'll make it through this.


No more sending flowers or remembering dates.

Just work, Datsun, and yourself.


The way I see it, better to have it happen sooner than later.

It leaves you available for when you finally meet Mrs. Right.


And when you meet her, you will know.


Cuz you will be posting pics of her in a short skirt and tall shoes leaning over the hood of your truck!



We were together 2 years before we got married. And I normally take a girl on a couple dates then decide she's wrong and move to the next. Kept some for awhile but I know what I want and I looked till I met my wife.


Thanks dude I know I'll pull through. At least I have ratsun right? Haha


Maybe I'll find me a Datsun girl or a sexy country girl. My friends I grew up with are withe collar and I'm a blue collar red neck haha

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Nothing is hopeless man..... Showing her u don't wanna give up goes farther than anythig u can say to her..... Shit if she came on here and read this she might be pissed at first but then she would read what u say and probably feel pretty good about the person u can be ...... In a day age where everyone takes the easy road and gives up or runs forest run.....it takes. Real person to stop and stand up and say I don't want this or don't wanna give up.... It's honorable of u to make sure even though u are getting what u want in gving up a payment, it goes along way in speaking to your character that u would make sure u also gave her a safe car .....so keep yor head up keep being supportive to what she wants cause in the end she will realize all guys are the same.... We're never gonna read there minds and romance them like them like in the notebook ..... At least not longer than the first 6 month's.....lol... But we will show them we care in stupid ways like a sweet v neck datsun shirt ..... Or that we would buy a wagon instead of the more single choice of a two door sedan ....wagons are family friendly ......skibs, right women are always gonna ultimatem u to death.... And if it ain't datsuns it will be porn.... And so on ..... Women are Prown to bitch like dudes are prown to be inconsiderate..... The difference is men can admit it while women are shocked by the thought ..... U will be ok ...... Just show her the u she fell I love with and that's not whiney and please don't leave ..... Agree with her and be supportive of what she thinks and watch the reality tide roll back in ......bitches just wanna feel right and we suck at letting them .... Once she feels she's right she will forget why she really was wanting this ....

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been there before with my first wife, we even tried counselling but she did not want to work things out and later on she finally told me that while i was in germany she had a few affairs, 1 was with my best friend and the other was with my section chief(military) and wanted to know what my thoughts were about her dating my ex best friend. i told her that i can give a rats ass who she sees, cuz i started the divorce papers after we separated and she packed up whatever she could in my jeep cherokee and her and her slut cousin took off back to N.C. that was back in 96' my current wife have been together 16 yrs. and we have some problems now and then but when i meet her i told her up front that i was going thru a divorce and told her if she wants to leave i'll understand and my passion for cars.

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If I could read her mind I'd probably have better luck. Problem isn't me telling her she's wrong it's everyone around her think she's wrong to leave me which makes her more set on doing it cause they can't tell her what to do. People who I've e never met are taking my side which sounds great but it works against me. Basically i'll never completely understand women and she'll never stop thinking that I am making her mad on purpose. Like she tells me I need to have my car fixed by the time she gets home but she comes home and gets mad because the house is still cluttered when I had no time to do both. She seems to think I should know exactly what she wants.



And from this thread i would say owning a Datsun defiantly makes you a stand up guy haha never met any of you in person but I'm thinking I should go to the next ratsun meet in my area. Probably be pretty awesome

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Sometimes, things are too broken to fix !


Spent 16 years with my first wife, the last six which just made both of us miserable.


Divorced, lost the WRX and the house but kept my tools, dogs and most importantly, my Datsuns.


Played the field for a while, had fun, remarried and have great wife and two kids who I adore.


Life's too short.


It sucks breaking up, but, sometimes you gotta do it.


All the best !



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