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i cannot beleve cops today

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i am completely fed up with cops. i have had so many problems with the cops in my city. when i was drivin my mazda and everytime i would do something different to it, this one cop would pull me over and want serial numbers off of the parts and claim he knew who my friends were by naming people ive never heard of and how they stole stuff all the time. i finally went through the right channels and long story short, he doesnt have a badge now. there has been so many other ones ive met just like that. when i finally needed a cop, it took them 4 days to come down to our shop that had the door kicked in and tons of shit was stolen. what pissed me off more was that everyday before they finaly came up there, there was always a cop just sitting there across the parking lot and when i talked to them they said "so-and-so has to be the one the file the report". they just dont like to have to do real police work and just like to harass easy targets.

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I f#%*ing hate pigs! Donut eatn bastards! I hate people that get an ounce of authority and there head swells so much they be mistaken for a hot air ballon! Cops always say just tell me the truth and i wont bust then wham they bust ya! F them! They think because they got a badge its ok to lie! Pisses me!


my neighbor, two of my brother-in-law's and my uncle are all cops, and they all tell me the same thing: cops are people too :o

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Hey fivendime! I wasn't complaining about the times I deserved a ticket and didn't get one. I was talking about blatant lies and harassment. Cops are here to "serve and protect" not "harass and extort" It's about money--I get it. A crime is a crime and they don't have any more right to lie or steal than I do. Just calling 'em like I see 'em. Now, have a nice day Sir. Click-it or ticket.:rollseyes:

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okheres my day. on my way to work my heater hose explodes in the cab. so io spent my lunch money on anti freeze an heater hose. ok shit happens 30 year old truck an retards put it together. after work i am on my home an get half way home an the wipers dashlight an taillights all go out. an of course i live in oregon sop its rainin. i hit bunside an i am like 14 blocks from home an a cop pulls out behind me. he follwed me 11 blocks an pulled me over. he walks up to my window an says" sir are you aware that your taillights are out? an why is you shirt off its kind of could out?" i responded with "yes sir they went out about 20 blocks back. and my heater went out this mornin so ts the only thing i had to wipe the winshield so i could see." he went to his car ran my info an came back to the truck an said" i am writing you a ticket for bad tags no taillight no turn signles. i asked him if he wod spit on it first. :lol: he wasnt pleased. an said i will see you in court mr epton.:fu: what makes life so great is that 2 months ago i got fired for 4 weeks an brought back but because of that i was late on my car payment for the second month so it got repoed. ftw. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: i hate the police. now i get to ride my bike 13 miles to work tomorrow cause he said if he see s me back on tjhe road with it he will have it towed.:eek: we pay taxes just so the police can bother us. thankls for readin my vent brother eppie.:cool:

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......Always, always, always have working signals running lights, marker lights and brake lights. Ever watch COPS? they always pull someone over with a broken light or no license light and the dummy has a pound of weed in the front seat. They see a loser driving a POS and all they need is an excuse. How friggin' hard and expensive is it to fix a bulb? If you are less than legal: KEEP A LOW PROFILE fix that exhaust and tail light.



:lol::lol::lol::lol: Agreed. If you are illegal and are stopped then it's your own damn fault for doing what you did or failing to fix that light.


It's shitty when this happens but you gambled when you drove without tags. This wasn't the cops fault. You can't expect him to give you a warning and let you go. If everything was to check out OK and just the lights were out, he might have issued a warning to fix them. Tough break.

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Guest DatsuNoob

I second that Redeye, mine's a "champagne" (beige/gold) 95 4 door corolla. Only time I've ever been pulled over was twice for speeding, and even then when I was driving 80+, (which is considered reckless driving in the state of WA) I was given a ticket for 10 over. Also once for a "red" light. Just gotta be humble and own up to what you did, and most of the time cops will be cool or atleast issue a lesser ticket. It's the small town cops that are the bass-turds. I live in Puyallup and cops around here are dicks. I was on my way home one day after fishing the skookumchuck last season, and saw the light was turning yellow. I gassed it a little and thought I'd made it, until I saw the flashers in my rear view. I had a few victory beers at the river to celebrate the catch, so I quickly lit up a cig with the windows up. When the cop came to the window I rolled it down and the officer backed up a couple steps (so as not to smell my beer breath). When I explained that it was raining and I didn't have enough time to stop safely, he handed me a ticket and told me I'd have a chance to explain it in court. He tweaked the report to say that I had passed through a light that had been red for a while. So, that man-hating bull dike of a judge hit me with the full amount. I guess it was cheap compared to a DUI, but a dishonest bit of creative writing from the cop nonetheless. I dont think drinking and driving is cool, but lying to make a ticket stick is b.s.

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2eDeYe;62128'']1990 4 door corrolla...the most invisible car in the world :D


that rolla is a 91, other than that i have no comment about what you can get away with those cars :P



tho aparently 95-105 negates the stealth properties in oregon.






and i drive cars that people constantly ask me if its even legal to drive, may not look that way but sure as shit it is. i think the secret to not getting tickets is to make sure you arnt driving something that has anything illegal on it or anything that could be "ricer" they do like to profile and put on a freakin boyscout hat if you get pulled.


for instance ive NEVER been pulled in my wheeler and it has looked like bits would fall off for a few years now.


looks a lil better now but i used to drive it looking like this













lights were zip tied on and so were the mudflaps, nothing secure but it was all there and legal to the letter:fu:


miss that body:(

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It's shitty when this happens but you gambled when you drove without tags. This wasn't the cops fault. You can't expect him to give you a warning and let you go. If everything was to check out OK and just the lights were out, he might have issued a warning to fix them. Tough break.


i just got the truck on the 10th of may. the lights went out at stark. i have a melted wire behind the fuse block. i thoght you had 30 days to do a title change an all that comes with it. there was a date on the title an bill of sale. i had insurance on her too. oh well shit happens. now i just need to find a new carb so i can get her through deq.

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I think it's 15 days, AND you have to have current registration to drive it (so if they're expired when you buy it, you have to register before you can move it). If the prior owner let it lapse, it's not street legal irregardless of when it was purchased. That's what trip permits/temp tags are for.


Before I got my trailer, I had a 2-day trip permit on hand whenever I picked up a "new" vehicle. I had a trip permit in hand when I brought home my Deuce last week.

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2eDeYe;62128'']1990 4 door corrolla...the most invisible car in the world :D


Or even an '88. That's the only reason why I keep mine around...:D


And the brown interior hides the dirt from j/y-ing real well.

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yea. all you need is to have proof of insurance. atleast in oregon.


although I sweet talked one of the dmv ladies into giving me one when I didn't have any proof of insurance becase the insurance guy wouldnt let me insure a vehicle that wasn't in my name and I bought the car out of state and it didn't have plates, and I needed to do a vin check at the DMV before I could register it in my name. so it was like a never ending loop.

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you can get a 30 day trip permit in oregon but only a 3 day in washington. Oh and if you want a never ending trip permit....just don't fill it out till you get pulled over and just tell them you bought it that day, lol. You wouldnt beieve the registration shit I am having to go through right now, and it SUCKS ASS!


Far as the lil piggly wiggly's go, its really hit and miss. Quite a few that have pulled me over were really cool and straight forward with why they pulled me over. I got profiled once while driving the pulsar through fishers landing on my way home. I had just put a new insurance paper in the vehicle and just set it on the passenger floor. I got pulled over and was trying to reach for it when the cop threatened to cuff me if I did, lol! I even asked if I could reach for it first but I didn't get an answer until I tried. Not the answer I wanted either. So.. he cited me for no insurance and then ignored me as I waved it in front of his police cruiser before he left, along with me screaming, "heres my INSURANCE PAPER!"


Every time I have gotten a ticket was because I had done something wrong, and even been asked if I wanted out of some of them. lol! Anyways, I dislike most city cops because they really DON'T give an F about you. Just look at police chases. The greatest cops are the ones who are bored and in small towns because they respond the fastest when you need them. peace.

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you can get a 30 day trip permit in oregon but only a 3 day in washington. Oh and if you want a never ending trip permit....just don't fill it out till you get pulled over and just tell them you bought it that day, lol.


I've had a few officers tell me they will pull over any car they see with a trip permit, legit or not. They say it's an easy way to find lawbreakers :rolleyes:

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ya, not filling it out doesn't work. I tried it.

They took the permit and I had to walk. They marked my truck (first 620) and I had to have it towed home. BAM! that'll teach me :D


to get it to work you need to quickly mark today's date on it while they are pulling you over... ;)


lesson learned

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I've been pulled over with a trip permit, but once they checked it (I had filled it out properly that day, so no issues) I was on my merry way. Explanationwas that too many people misuse them, and most that have them don't have insurance (there is no grace period for insurance in WA).


Washington has changed the trip permits so that now it's not the tiny little window tag, but an almost 8x8 square sheet that you have to write the expiration date in 4" tall numbers with a felt-tip marker. It used to be that I'd fill out the old type with an eraser-mate pen (it's ink, had a buddy busted for using a pencil once) but no more.



I have never once gotten a moving violation- ONE written warning and a couple verbal warnings (one for no front plate). I have been pulled over for BS reasons- once for throwing a lit cigarette (I don't smoke and never have) and once for having a camoflaged plate (when it was mounted in the stock location, lit by the stock lighting, and no there wasn't a cover or even a frame on it. But the cop said he couldn't see the plate). However in neither case did I get a ticket or even a written warning. I also didn't get an apology either when the cop realized he was wrong.

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let's get this straight: ratsun owners are victimized by the fuzz :fu:


hey, has anybody else had something like this happen?


i was pulled over for being in the intersection when the light turned red

the cop had a civilian drive a long geezer


the cop pulled me out, sat me down, interrogated me, accused me of nefarious activities, said i was assuming a fake identity, demanded i confess, kept me from my date for a firgg'n hour :mad:

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