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Mmmmm soo sexy!!!

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What it needs is for a person to replace rubberbands with a set of these....And then ,,It`s on like Donkey Kong.






The suspension already has the lift kit and im sure you could get it into 4 gear in the slippery clay...

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Fuck me running, why are some people allowed to procreate? Fucking moron at the end, first bird on 32s. Ugly ugly ugly, and completely non-functional. Not to mention they probably brake worse than a 320 Datsun with all that rotating mass. I'd like to see the owner of those cars on the side of the road next to a pothole, all out of air and pissed off. THAT would make my day.

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Wonder how that affects the anti lock brakes? These people should be neutered.


Almost without question they've either reprogrammed or disabled the ABS.


Money > Brains


One thing that struck me though; this is a proof-of-concept. It's marketing. They're going to make a love of money from the people who REALLY want to drive these wrecks.


I love how the pony-tailed ginger doesn't give a lot of face time. Least his shame is enough not to make a douchey statement.

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Did he say first in flight at the end of the video?


Is that referring to how high the cars sit?






Wright brothers were first in flight, of course their egos got in the way of their intelligence.

and dignity. or lack of.





assholes ruin a perfectly good car, which they didn't pay for, cause I really doubt a thug like that is going to walk into their job and work hard.

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The wheels distract you from what is supposed to be the center point, the car.

Looks like an idea originating from someone watching saterday morning cartoons.

I think that the one that the wheels/caps that don't turn would be very distracting/dangerous on a hiway/public road to motorists around it, people would be looking at it rather than where they were going, but that's the point, drawing attention.

I suspect if I pulled up next to one of these vehicles at a signal, I would get away from it pronto, don't want anyone thinking I am associated with that, and don't want to be hit by someone not paying attention to their driving(distracted).

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Why is there so much hate towards these cars. That's jus the way they express them self. Those sets of wheels can easily, buy a couple of Datsuns. I read it here on this website plenty of times, it's form over function.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think that they are stupid looking and that is my opinion. Same people might think my 510 is stupid. they can say what they want because it is an opinion.

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I quote Dave formerly of sport compact car: I'm so sick of big dumb rims on big dumb trucks. They look terrible and handle like drunk school buses. That quote may be slightly off but pretty close.


The reason there is so much hate is because it completely defies any respect for the automobile. In fact it reitterates the insecurity of the people who drive these things with no suspension travel. You want big wheels? Go drive a horse and buggy. At least mud rigs have big wheels for a purpose. The only purpose these serve is so people with more money than intelligence can pretend they're all that with a change of wheels and nothing else.


I have no respect for people who don't understand basic physics.

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Why is there so much hate towards these cars. That's jus the way they express them self. Those sets of wheels can easily, buy a couple of Datsuns. I read it here on this website plenty of times, it's form over function.


Some people might actually entire smashing their dick with a hammer, but it doesn't make it a good idea regardless of how many dipshits start doing it. There are some things in life that "its their choice" isn't a good enough answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

laecons got a tire off one of these in his show room....i got a donk idea ... but its good not sure i wanna share it its a business idea...



i always get asked why i didnt put 26's on my bagged fullsize .... i like the twentys and wouldnt go bigger if i had the otpion...i like proportion

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