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Guest Rick-rat

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Guest Rick-rat

This is a rant I want to start, This is not against your precious "Canby" get together, but is aimed more at the people that put this show on, (DatsunsNW). I have gone to Canby the five years and most of the people there are great. I was there last year and got 3rd place for my 620, which I thought was great because it is a daily driver and is still used as a truck at times. not just a truck for weekends and shows.The only problem I have is that I am still waiting for my plaque to arrive. I have made several attempts to contact Datsuns NW and have been blown off or promised that this matter would be taken care of soon. 1 Feb 2012 and still I wait. So my point is that if they are going to give out awards, the awards should be on hand to take with you if you win one, It would have been nice to enter and be able to say. I won't pay if I don't get an award.


This is not really about the plaque now, it is the principle of the way I have been treated by DatsunsNW


So I won't be going to Canby this year as a protest of how Datsuns NW operates, (nor will I support any of Datsun NW events)I will be going to Blue Lake which is more family friendly, has more room, they put on a great Barbeque, and have awards on hand for you to take home if you should win.


For those of you going to Canby , have fun. try to make it to Blue lake this year

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I'll be damned if a plaque would stop me from going to the Canby Datsun event. There's simply too many new people to meet, old friends and cars to see and parts to haggle over. It's great knowing that everyone within 200 meters knows exactly what a Datsun is. Good times to be had. All rolled up in a 5 speed road trip???





Canby, who's not going??? Well I'm not, not going!!!

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Ive heard that for months now, it will show up in time. as I said now it's the principle of it, and the only way this organization to get their shit together is not support their events


Tell them to have your plaque ready when you show up or let you in for free

Than you can still enjoy Canby and not support them

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Guest Rick-rat

A lot of people are missing the point here, If "Canby" wasn't the greatest thing since sliced bread to some people, they would understand that it is the responsibility of the organizers to be able to make good on the promises made to all entrants and to take care of any issues in a timely manner and not the way they have dealt with this.

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Guest Rick-rat

I have complained several times to Dave, Thats the problem, he can't or won't make it right. as I said I don't care who goes an dif you do have a great time. Just try to remember it wouldn't be the end of the world if you don't go

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I totally get where you're coming from. They did that to me at JCCS last year, and I'm not going back :lol: 1,950mi round trip. Fuck those guys.


But seriously.. it's not about getting a prize at Canby; it's about the people that go. Sorry you got hosed on a plaque, but really, you're not hurting DatsunsNW, you're hurting yourself and everyone that wants to see you and your truck.


If you really want to make a statement, show up with some crayons and construction paper and make a shitty plaque for your truck saying something like, "I won 3rd place at Canby last year and all I got was this shitty plaque". For The Lulz.

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Guest Rick-rat

Yes its only a plaque, I have not driven my Datsun since Dec 13, I went for an operation on the 14th and had a stroke during surgery, It may be the last plaque I will ever get for this truck because I am not sure I will ever be able to drive it again. My recovery is going very slowly and it will be some time before I can get out on the road again, so yes it's only a plaque, but it had special meaning to me

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Yes its only a plaque, I have not driven my Datsun since Dec 13, I went for an operation on the 14th and had a stroke during surgery, It may be the last plaque I will ever get for this truck because I am not sure I will ever be able to drive it again. My recovery is going very slowly and it will be some time before I can get out on the road again, so yes it's only a plaque, but it had special meaning to me


Sorry to hear about this :(

Dave is a stand up guy,maybe convey this to him :)

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You know, I think it took about 2 years once to get a plaque from ASNW for winning an autocross one time. Yes, it should be timely, but you still have the win. At that point, who really cares? I know I won, you know you won. Not going to Canby because of that is really kind of petty. You might say a lose. But you can still turn that frown upside-down and make it a win! ;)

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If you really want to make a statement, show up with some crayons and construction paper and make a shitty plaque for your truck saying something like, "I won 3rd place at Canby last year and all I got was this shitty plaque". For The Lulz.





I like micromachinerys idea here, I would be asking the organizers whats up with that, pointing at the sign, that would be embarassing for them.

I would still go if you are able Rick-rat, just don't enter that part of it.

It's depressing for you to not go, depressing for your friends that don't see you there, and it just seems wrong if a regular don't go, and two wrongs don't make it right.

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I have complained several times to Dave, Thats the problem, he can't or won't make it right. as I said I don't care who goes an dif you do have a great time. Just try to remember it wouldn't be the end of the world if you don't go


I had an issue with my DNW Free membership that I won from the raffle back in 10, and it was like a month before the 11 show before they got it sorted out for me to get the discount. As far as the contest, I will not bother with it again myself, too much effort for my lazy @ss to move my truck. I will pay to park and camp, but that is it, I am there to hang with Ratsun crew. The awards are cute and all but the big deal for me is all my crazy Ratsun Brothers and Sisters getting together make the awards worthless in comparison. I would look at it like this Rick, you are one of us, F#$% them. I think we will out number them nearly 2 to 1 this year anyway!

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