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Most stressful day ever.. need to vent

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I'm SO upset right now. Just trying to get it all out.




I was on my way to pick up Monkeygirl this morning to go job hunting when she called me to see where I was. We were on the phone for less then 2 minuets and I heard her bitch ass step mom confront her arguing. Out of nowhere I hear scrambling and screaming and a lot of frantic yelling and choking noises.


I floored it in the truck and blasted through every turn trying to get there. I didn't get any response on the phone so I called the cops on the other line. She finally picked back up the phone and told me that her fucking mom choked her and tried to suffocate her before she was able to get out of the house! I'm so fucking mad that I can't possibly comprehend what happened.


When I got there she was hysterically crying. We stopped a few houses down to wait for the cops and calm her down, and her mom took off up the road. When they got here and we talked to them she was nowhere to be found and we couldn't get her on the phone.




Now her Dad and family are trying to take her step-moms side because they weren't there to see it. They're super pissed at me for calling the cops and kicked me off the property. dry.gif Her blood mother on the other hand wants to strangle the bitch. All I wanna do right now is slap her so hard she feels like she kissed a freight train.



That crap just came out of nowhere and I have NO idea what to do for her. But I know what I did was right.

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Agree to the above.


These things can escalate and now you have a prior report on record. Keep in mind there are two sides to every story and you were not there to see what led up to this... but, physical violence is just wrong. Curious her dad and the family didn't support her in this, why? Doesn't she get along with them? See what the police suggest as they may suggest they be separated for a while to prevent a flare up again. Be there for her.

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Ya did the right thing man. Now ya need to be there for your girl and let the cops find the Step-mom, don't go doing something stupid cus yer mad. Understand completely where your coming from but your job now to help and protect Monkeygirl. My advice, make sure she doesn't stay with her dad til they find the step-mom and everything get's sorted out. I agree with Laecaon, is there any bruising or marks on MG? If so get pic's quick and get alot of them!

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She has a few scratches on her face, but nothing other then that. Cops noted that and I have some good pictures.




Her dad is FURIOUS because I called the cops. Her step-brother just tested her threatening me, so I guess this is gonna be one wild day laugh.gif





She's going to be pressing charges for assault, battery, and possibly attempted murder.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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you definitely did the right thing, dont back down. everything above is good advice, but stay calm and remember everything. Be there for your girl and see what she wants to do about the situation considering she has to live in the environment that this happened in. My personal suggestion is a can of mace for your girl, family or not no body deserves unprovoked physical violence.

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If the woman is truly innocent, they shouldn't be mad. Sounds like they know she's a psycho and are angry because she's been reported.


Yup. Exactly.




Bieber is about to go rambo on her family. She's on the phone with her dad right now, and he's accusing her of lying.

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Yup. Exactly.




Bieber is about to go rambo on her family. She's on the phone with her dad right now, and he's accusing her of lying.



Eyup, she doesn't need to stay there tonight and you don't need to go around saying or posting anything like that! If that get's back to the dad or anyone on the Step-mom's side you could be in hot water son. Just looking out for you man cus we all know what kinda of idoit's and A-holes there are in this world. Mind if I ask how old MG is?

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Mind if I ask how old MG is?


She's about to turn 19.














Gonna get a crew together, call the sherrifs department, and ask them to meet us over at her house and she's moving out in the next hour. We've been getting threatening texts from her step-mom's side of the family so we're gonna bust some ass over this.

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Yep, there are always two sides to every story, but if she has marks and you heard the scuffle and her mom fled the scene. Yeah. Pretty damn obvious. Move her in with you or a relative or someone. Anyone other than that household. Make sure the cops are with you so if there is any drama, the assholes can get arrested. Make sure they don't know where she's going to be moving to.


Sucks man, don't know why people have to be so messed up. Good looking out for your girl though.

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damn man that is one fucked up situation. i had to call the police on my own mother the other day so i have an understanding of what it is like to be in a fucked up household. im not a fan of police but there is a time and a place for when they are needed and it sounds like u have taken all the right steps. just stay level headed about the situation dont do something that is going to get u in a trouble... kill them with kindness it truly works. when someone is upset just be as nice to them as u can be and they tend to act out more. and just like working on a car or truck documentation is key

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Damn I'm PISSED!!


The local Sherrifs office told us that we can only make appointments between 8-5 on WEEKDAYS so unless theres an altercation, we won't be meeting with an officer.







this is about to go down like a flash mob. Got bags, boxes, and tie straps in the 620 and we're rolling 5 deep mellow.gif

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She's about to turn 19.














Gonna get a crew together, call the sherrifs department, and ask them to meet us over at her house and she's moving out in the next hour. We've been getting threatening texts from her step-mom's side of the family so we're gonna bust some ass over this.


If they are violent threats through text it is a crime, a lot of people don't realize that. When you report it they can request the copy from the phone company, won't be any argument over who said what as they record this shit.



Just keep that in mind, and hold your cool over text or even sites like facebook (trust me, we get subpenas at my work over this kinda shit often.)

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I went through this EXACT situation a few years ago. My advice, stay at the curb, go no further. Have her hand you stuff. I didn't handle the situation quite as well, and I ended up in the hospital. drugs alcohol and straight insanity are nothing to screw with. police escort for HER is a great idea, if you can get them to. She is 19 so your situation is way better, I went through it when the girl was 16, alot more complicated. Move out, move on. Absolute best for everyone.

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Put a video recorder on your hood or dashboard and advise these b***es on tape that you are recording the move out for your safety.


Get some neighbors to help you move.


Be respectful and open with MG on your feelings about this situation, so that she can feel secure.



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