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The title is clean and I have the information for that person. Android didnt put it in his name and was SUPER hard for to get ahold of.



I think you're in the clear in this one, obviously there's no wrongdoing. For the record though, this is exactly why I don't even mess with cars with no titles. The only time I get one of those is if I'm cutting it up for scrap where there's no evidence of it existing. And even then, I still check the VIN to make sure it's not stolen.

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The day after android posted that the car was gone I pmd him stating that I wanted to pay for the car.


The title is clean and I have the information for that person. Android didnt put it in his name and was SUPER hard for to get ahold of.



Dave, this could possibly been avoided if you had p/m'd android before you towed it away, although it's still not clear to me who owns it and even if he could give permission. If you don't own it, it's not yours. I know this is a harsh thing to say so don't take is as a rebuke, but more of a statement of fact. Sometimes when time is short and there is a need for action it can overwhelm our usual caution and common sense. It's a risk you take. I too am sorry this all went to shit and for others who butted in or were dragged into it.




So many times I have gotten cars from ppl for free with no title, never has a shit storm like this gone down. Im not saying that I did no wrong in this. I learned that I cant save all of em and I can only hope you guys dont think im a total dirt bag. I never was goin for stealing this car, only saving it. And I fucked up bigtime! I regret everything I did envolving this situation, I shouldnt have went and asked for the car, and when I saw the post from android I should have come clean right away.


I will never do anything like this ever again, I have learned a HUGE lesson here and can only hope that you can forgive me!


I thank you all for reading this, and appologise for all the BS that it has created.




Dave, I've always thought you were an alright guy with his heart in the right place. That hasn't changed. Takes a lot of character to say what you have here. Life is live and learn and ...move on... hard lesson learned. I do hope the others involved here can try and put it behind them if not forgive.

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Glad you posted this thread Pumpkin.


Additionally, there were those (well, one really) that suggested the moderators here were somehow covering this up and protecting Dave from something. And worse, somehow in on it! So far from the 'truth'. We have a 9 page thread on this in the mod section trying to find out what was going on. We take this stuff serious.


Very glad it is finding resolution! Ratsun rules!

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

oh no dave I went to posi rep you and my phone screen jerked and negged you! I posi repped all your posts though to make up for it and hope some does a posi to cancel tha out


I gave him a plus for you

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So I guess somewhere a room is filled with loud screams of anger. More than a few that knew "truth" and of what was going on and had it covered. And the rest stood around and waited for the answer. Do I got that situation down right?


A room full of sighs of relief that this is mostly over. A twenty-four hours of playing catch up, keeping a lid on things, letting things work out.




Well shit, I didn't know!



There really was no need to tell anybody anything. It would have had everyone choosing a side, passing an opinion or flaming someone. It was confusing and muddy enough as it was. Just take a look at truth's comments page. When ratsuners smell blood in the water.... look out.

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This story has been so strange... I'm waiting until they come out with a TV movie that explains everything.


I hope that all humans and Datsuns involved turn out okay.




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