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datsunlandsocal Weather seals Q & A

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I'll still his seals knowing what I know, all of his other seals work great. He's really not a bad guy.


This all may be true, but from my unbiased opinion he certainly hasn't done himself any favours from creating this post.


Seems communicating isn't his strong point (I'll admit I reply sometimes without taking time to process the questions). So if he wants to take away some constructive criticism, this is what I can summarize for him;


- Improve your product descriptions to provide any customers good instructions for proper installation. This will be good for you and the buyer, especially if you supply it prior to purchase. Less overhead dealing with problems or after sale issues.


If warranty is supplied or implied on any product, make sure the terms are clearly stated to avoid confusion.


- Communication - Ideally get someone else to do the front of house, in my experience a women is generally better received for these things. But fix the first thing and you'll find you will have less disputes to deal with.


Just trying to help, as I'm all for guys providing Datsun parts to get our cars on the road. There will always be disputes, but it's the way you deal with them that people will remember.


The users on here and other Datsun forums (I would imagine) make up a big percentage of your customer base, so helps to resolve disputes diplomatically where possible to keep the peace.


All the best.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

If you weren't part of the original fiasco and aren't looking for windshield seals, then I would say DatsunSocal is the place to get what you need. I've had nothing but pleasant dealings with him and all four door seals I bought worked out great. When I repaint the car, I'll buy four more from him.

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I just bought Wagon Hatch seals from him. Delayed in updating, well actually never updated. I just suddenly had the package, but online still said pending.


Basically never expect a warranty, even if he says so, but you can try.



Oh and FYI, anyone who buys the wagon hatch seal. The inner seal on the bottom needs to lightly tapped with a hammer to push it "on" more. I pushed mine on all the way, and couldnt close the hatch all the way. Had to flair our the bottom to get it to sit closer to the car, Now it takes some effort, but it at least closes.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm a bit torn here.  


I haven't forgotten the way DatsunlandSoCal treated the young lady here with the 510, bashing her "upholstery pattern" and calling her a liar about her car's originality.  Not cool.


On the flip side, I may have a need for a smooth rear glass seal - The one I have on my car MAY have originally come from DLSC (bought by prior owner), but it has split on the lower radius (after 3 years of being garaged).


Such a dilemma.

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theres a reason hes been banned from multiple forums

and managed to get banned from here not once... but twice even.



saw him at a meet this year actually :rofl:


first thing he said to me was


"you banned me from Ratsun"


I was just like


"yup :rofl: lulz I sure did"

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Mike was polite and kept his opinion to PMs, you brought it into your own thread. Seems to me your slamming yourself.



My opinion, you are one step away from a spammer, your spam PMs regarding your seals are annoying and your previous rant here shows you to be a bit unstable.


You have been banned from here before and it seems your heading down that path again.


As far as your first post in this thread, if you are running a business you might want to keep up on your email. Especially if that is your main conduit to your customers. Also, that 'bad publicity' is 'good publicity' really only applies to actors, musicians and politicians, not businesses...history has proven that many times, but please continue to get down with your bad self :rolleyes:

every post or thread about or involving datsunland socal turns into this....with such a narrow customer base its hard to believe you havent changed your approach to communication....my friend bought a two dr kit ....some seals are fine, a couple have split....cars not finished so its a wait and see......i just dont see the point in this approach....sovwhat are some alternatives for vendors

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Vintagerubber.com makes some stuff, the rear cali seal is still being made it looks like. (made in USA, from their own molds I believe. I know the 510 windshield one is made from a mold from a NOS seal)


If its in a spot that doesnt see the sun a lot, thailand seals are ok...


Aussie stuff will always be good, just expensive to acquire.

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Vintagerubber.com makes some stuff, the rear cali seal is still being made it looks like. (made in USA, from their own molds I believe. I know the 510 windshield one is made from a mold from a NOS seal)


If its in a spot that doesnt see the sun a lot, thailand seals are ok...


Aussie stuff will always be good, just expensive to acquire.


I will probably pick up Vintage seals when I need windshields done... Id like to see theirs for the chrome trim, but they dont have any pictures yet. 

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I got most of my seals direct from Precision.  Spent some time with their rep at SEMA last year and asked him to scrounge around and find me some old Datsun stuff.


I've emailed VintageRubber several times over the past couple years, with no response.


Anyone have a link to the rear glass seals from the seller in Thailand?  

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Q: Mike i have emailed you with no response. A: sorry to hear that. some emails slip by me, did you leave me a callback number? here at datsunlandsocal it's only me. datsunlandsocal is a hobby for me. i have a full time job of 22 years plus. i work for the state of Calif. alot of times i'm on call 24/7/365 a year. 


Sorry, can't let this slide.


I work F/T for the state of AZ (15 years).  I also own an exhaust manufacturing business.  I also run the web's largest online resource for Nissan owners (just me and my wife), which is another full-time job in itself.  We're also raising 3 teenagers, maintaining a whole fleet of needy old Datsuns, taking care of my aging Mom, and doing all the other things that responsible adults do.


I don't miss an email.  I don't neglect customers.  I don't fail to return calls.  If something DOES slip through the cracks, I make it right - immediately... even if it's something that's out of my control, and even if it costs me every penny of profit.


I've been running my businesses for 11 years now, and while it can be thankless at times, I can sleep well knowing that no one in the Nissan / Infiniti / Datsun community is legitimately pissed at me.


It's all a matter of who you put FIRST.  It's a lesson that can't be taught.  It's either part of who you are, or it's not.


I hope you turn over a new leaf in 2013.  These guys deserve better - they're good people.

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Yeah... call it "keyboard diarrhea"... sometimes, it;s just gotta come out.  :)


I can't get past this crap: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/34638-1968-510-4-doors-for-sale/page-2


Anyhow, back on-topic... sorry for the rant.  I'm going to order a rear glass seal from our Thai friends and see how it does.  


Maybe Mr. Bigmouth will stop by at JCCS this year and critique the fitment.  :)

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