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Guy gets beat for vandalizing an EVO

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Like the title says...



Racist Navy Vet spray paints 12-7 USN (US Navy) on the side of a kids evo. As you know, it's the date that the US Pwned Japan. Kid beats his ASS. Too bad he sunk as low as the guy that did it :( It happened only hours ago.



more to the story. the old guy had apparently been targeting japanese cars all day and had done this to 6 other cars before getting to the evo. the owners proximety sensors for his alarm alerted him to this. when he confronted the guy, thats when the racial slurs came in, the old guy, as the story goes, then spit in the evo kids face and pushed him. thus causing the ass whoopin and boken leg form getting it slammed in the car door when he tried to flee.. old guy got arrested. evo owner did not













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I gotta say, as much as that guy's a fuck head. You don't stoop to his level. Call the cops, get his ass arrested, and then deal with it. It's paint, it comes off. But hey, it wasn't my car, and anyways, my cars aren't that nice.


It's easy to say, but so rarely do you actually catch vandals.... so...


But there's no reason not to detain him, given that police rarely ever catch anyone who does this type of stuff. But beating the shit out of him is just asking for assault charges. If there was no danger to you, there was no reason to use force. At least, as far as a grand jury is concerned. Of course, he could have resisted being detained, so...

I would have just spray painted 12-19 (2008) on his car, which appears to be a Disastro van/Safari. Then reported that to the police. "You can't miss it, license XYZ, and it has the date of the GM bailouts spray painted on it."

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Bit of a stretch calling it a hate crime. If he painted a swastika would it be hate crime? Definitely vandalism. Probably get off because the dick head owner assaulted him. No jail time unless indigent. Probably probation if he pays for it being fixed. Prison even more of a stretch. That shit will wipe off with some compound or whatever compared to a broken window or paint scratched. Agree, vandals should be shot.

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Let's be honest.. I'm sure the cops showed up and took the "ass-kicker" into jail too, for assaulting that douche. I'm sure he deserved it, if he really did it. But our country is too worried about stepping on somebody's toes or 'right' and swift justice,, they would rather worry about a technicality. Not to mention, he should have just beat his ass and kept his mouth shut, that would have been mega boss. Either way, this is messed up and I feel bad for both parties.

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Uh, the US was attacked by Japan on 12/7. there was no pwning had by the US other than what they did in Pearl Harbor, which in comparison to what the Japenese did, is nothing.


What a dick move though. I love that the guy is saying "that's gonna cost thousands of dollars", when a little brake cleaner will take that right off :rofl:

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I wish I was a cool as these guys! Hurrrrrrr.


Thousand dollars worth of damage... it would take 15 minutes and it'd be back to sparkling new. Hell at that point, give me an hour and I'd buff his whole damned car!


Seriously, these kids (I clearly hear two kids, not just one) are stupid. And the video is all-bad for both parties. One guy admits fault, other guy admits assault.

So, technically they'd all get in trouble if the DA's office wanted to set an example of them all.


Won't stand in court as a hate crime. Calling somebody a gook isn't a hate crime.

Nobody is going to prison, either. Older fella's probably gonna get in trouble for vandalism as stated above, and that's about it.


Anybody notice the amount of youtube lawyers these days? Lol "OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH IN DAMAGE THAT'S A FUCKING WARRANT!"


:blink: This is why I drive a Datsun. Thousand dollars worth of rust prevention, lololol.

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I love that the guy is saying "that's gonna cost thousands of dollars", when a little brake cleaner will take that right off :rofl:


Lol, that's what I'm sayin! Would probably wipe off with Windex, considering that car looks semi-freshly waxed...

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Tried to watch the vid, but my phone wears clown shoes

Firts off, what the fuck?

Lucky he cought him, dont usaly.

As soon as the guy spit in is face, wich is assault, I would have called the cops and detained him.

He not only got caught for the last car but 6 others?

I would have got him a beer if I was car 5.... To think what he would have done to my whip!





cristine come to mind..

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If it was my 510 i would have forced him to go back to the hardware store and buy enough spray cans of paint to finish ...laugh.gif



Tried to watch the vid, but my phone wears clown shoes

Firts off, what the fuck?

Lucky he cought him, dont usaly.

As soon as the guy spit in is face, wich is assault, I would have called the cops and detained him.

He not only got caught for the last car but 6 others?

I would have got him a beer if I was car 5.... To think what he would have done to my whip!





cristine come to mind..

Champion parking job is champion. :P

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I can kinda understand the dudes anger over his car, my miata was keyed not to long ago and I was not happy about it. Vet or not treating someone else's property like that is wrong.


Nobody should have to clean that shit off their car, if the guy knew his history he'd be doing more then mitsu's as plenty of other companies around today was back then that make shit we use every day including Nissan.

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I gotta say the guy deserved the ass beating. When I was like 18 I worked at Autojoke selling parts and the other guys thought it would be funny to cover my car with the left over blank pricing stickers on inventory day. Not only was I furious when I walked out and saw my car covered in green, orange, yellow, and white labels, but my manager refused to do anything about it even though they were all on the clock getting paid to vandalize my car. The real kicker is it was starting to snow, so all those sticker turned instantly to a nasty gummy mess and all that nasty winter snow slop ruined my paint. I never could get it fixed, due to lack of funds and lack of know how.

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