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kids under 6 banned from Mcdain's

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There was a place in Silverton called the Red Thai Room. They did that, too, and also got all kinds of shit from the media. WTF? It's their restaurant! If they can reserve the right to refuse service to ANYONE, then why can't they refuse service to children?

Go out to dinner at a nice place then the family down the street decides to turn the 3 tables next to you into Chuck'E'Cheese.. <_<

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It would be cool if there was a cut off time to kids in most restarants, like after 9pm. or adult sections only, I was at I-hop a month ago and some brats was playing tag and yelling. I requested the manager to do something and the mother got bent out of shape when she heard my request. I told here that other people are "paying good money too" and most of us dont need nor want the entertainment provided by her kids. She got really pissed and left and I got a discount on my bill. I dont mind kids that behave, it is called good parenting, but if the kid gets outline, take them home.

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Kids don't always behave, even the best parents have moments where keeping the kids wrangled is very difficult. I applaud parents who keep their kids in line, just as much as places who put their foot down about the out of hand kids (lack of parenting). When I am in a place and this situation happens, and I see the parents trying to get the child back under reign, and are having a hard time, I totally understand. When the parents have a total disregard for their children and think that what they are doing is cute, I lose it.....

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All i can say is this, hes lucky its not a resturant i go to and love, that did this and was local. Or i would burn the fucking place down. My son never acts up, he loves to sit there and eat his food. Yes their are parents out there that cant control their kids, and shoot be ejected from the resturant. But putting a total ban on kids. FUCK YOU! This is ignorant behavior, and i hope the media rapes the shit out of this story against this guy. Screw you guys that say fuck kids in resturants, you were kids once to, and i bet you had places you loved your prarents to take you to at that age as well. Now wait for the laws to be changed and kids to be protected like senior's. So freaking stupid, i bet some angry mother will get somethign done.



Tell ya what. How would you feel if tacobell, mcdonalds, burgerking, kfc, popeyes, all put a ban and did not serve to 10 - 40 year olds because you are all to rowdy, to prevent kids and drunks from coming in and causing problems. HMM? Or banning people untill the age of 25 because your not yet (mature enough) to eat there? Think about that now, if some idiot is starting this shit, whats goign to keep it from being taken to a extreme now. Idiot belongs in politics with all the other dipshits. This shit just pisses me off being a father, specially a father of a good quiet lil boy who only acts up when hes teething.

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oh snap. at first i thought mc.donalds, i was gunna say gooood luck!...but then its a mc dains



theres a pro and con to this. im sure this isnt going to sit well with parents but it is what it is. i think its a bit foolish just to ban a certain age group but its not my business to say so. besides, i would go somewhere else. (denny's, i.hop, waffle house)...mmmmm waffles! :P


great post!

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Ollz. Kids are noobs to life, no one likes noobs. It might be a little harsh, but its their business to do what they want with. I can't see any good coming out of it thought.


And on the subject of wild kids, if I'm out eating with the wife or friends and there is a kid acting up, I ask the parents to keep them under controll. It has never not worked, all you have to do is speak up.

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Who gives a shit? This used to be a car forum where people came to talk about cars. I say keep this shit on the child care forums.


Who gives a shit what you say? Last time I checked, this was the general discussion forum, meaning discuss anything. If you want to read about cars, go to your vehicles section or look in the technical section. If you don't like it, don't read it or post in it. Don't be a troll.

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Who gives a shit? This used to be a car forum where people came to talk about cars. I say keep this shit on the child care forums.

Um, can you bitch on the "im gona bitch forum"? I think more places should ban kids, more importantly teens, i was a teen before and can say from experiance they piss me off when in groups. Id go out of my way to eat there, I love kids but sometimes you need a break.

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See, what is unfortunate here is that some people can't see this kind of thing without getting emotional. "My freedoms and my childrens' rights are being infringed upon. FUCK YOU!" Hogwash I say. Nobody is coming into your house and telling you what you can and can't do.. but in a sense, you're trying to go into someone else's house and tell them what they can and can't do.. and trying to get the media and others to back your selfish case. Don't get me wrong, I like kids, and appreciate when they are well behaved. It's actually the parents I want to slap when I see out of control kids. I don't hate those kids, I pity them.

This is America, and everybody's freedoms need to be protected. People and businesses alike. If we start telling businesses that they can't make business decisions, how is that any different than someone telling you how you can and can't raise your kids? I think that it's sick the way that so many people whine and picket to manipulate the innocent, when there are such worse injustices being done right under their very noses. Instead of griping about a restaurant that you can no longer take your kid into(well behaved or not), why not stand up for a cause a little more worthwhile? This isn't like a politician or government institution that is oppressing the public for it's own gain or hunger for power, it's a man that owns a restaurant that is setting boundaries to improve/protect his establishment. For crying out loud, stop being so petty.

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I have four kids (5, 7, 10, 11) and I see no problem with not allowing kids in a restaurant. My kids never act up in a restaurant because they know the look of death looks like.



My kids looked at me as if I was The Hand Of God my youngest is now 13 oldest is 19, no sassback what so ever and that is in teenage years which is obviously a miracle in and of itself

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So you guys will be ok if bars start to ban middle aged men because they cause problems? And strip clubs banned people untill they are 30 so they definatly have some kind of money to bring into the establishment?


Im sorry in any case this is discrimination, towards both the child, and the parent for having a child. I guess soon resturants will not allow black people, midgets, asian, teens, alcholics, nerds, hotties, jocks, sluts? Discrimination is discrimination in any form, to any age group, ao any genter and nationality and deformity.


Sorry sir, you cant eat here, we have a severe no handicapped people policy. Your wheelchair makes it hard for people to get through the ailse's so to keep people from having to squeeze by your not allowed to eat here.


Ridiculous, just because im a parent i should not be told i can not go someplace. Instead, put a small section in the resturant for familys with kids. Otherwise only familys with kids should be allowed to come in, since we are going to buy more food since we have kids, and you people that complain can screw off and eat and kfc because there is only 1 or 2 of you buying, so your bill will end up being cheaper more than half the time.

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So you guys will be ok if bars start to ban middle aged men because they cause problems? And strip clubs banned people untill they are 30 so they definatly have some kind of money to bring into the establishment?


Im sorry in any case this is discrimination, towards both the child, and the parent for having a child. I guess soon resturants will not allow black people, midgets, asian, teens, alcholics, nerds, hotties, jocks, sluts? Discrimination is discrimination in any form, to any age group, ao any genter and nationality and deformity.


Sorry sir, you cant eat here, we have a severe no handicapped people policy. Your wheelchair makes it hard for people to get through the ailse's so to keep people from having to squeeze by your not allowed to eat here.


Ridiculous, just because im a parent i should not be told i can not go someplace. Instead, put a small section in the resturant for familys with kids. Otherwise only familys with kids should be allowed to come in, since we are going to buy more food since we have kids, and you people that complain can screw off and eat and kfc because there is only 1 or 2 of you buying, so your bill will end up being cheaper more than half the time.


Would you complain to a bar or a strip club if you walked in with your 2 year old and asked for a drink and/or lapdance, and they asked you to leave? Of course not.


It is obviously not a kid-friendly establishment, and appears to cater more toward the older generations; older generations that apparently want to eat their food and swing their clubs in peace-- and that brings up another point: Do you think that on the driving range, at some point there was POSSIBLY an incident involving a swinging club and an unattended child? Could this possibly be not only for the comfort of the guests, but for the safety of the children? I don't want kids coming into my repair shop and running amok. Does that mean I'm discriminating? By definition, yes, but because it's just not appropriate, and flat out unsafe. Strip clubs and bars 'discriminate' too. Hell, you can't just walk into a women's public restroom and throw a fit because you're being discriminated against. That doesn't even make sense! I work weekends in a pizza parlor. If a customer tried to walk into the kitchen, I would stop them. Why? Because I'm "discriminating". They are simply not allowed back there.



1. Recognize a distinction; differentiate.

2. Perceive or constitute the difference in or between.


People throw that word around like it's some kind of weapon. It's not.


Nobody said that because you have kids that you can no longer be a customer. All they are saying is that if you want to come in, get a babysitter for your child. If you like the food so much and can't find a sitter, then order it to go, and eat at the park with your kids. Simple.

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You are responsible for,you kids actions, if they break a window you pay for it, if they burn a house down your gona get a luttle attention your self, if yiu kid is being an annoying little brat YOU your self become a problem, no one should tell you how to parent your kids but they shouldnt have to, keep your kids under control and supervised its your responsibility not mine. I do like kids but I dont have any noir do I date girls with kids couse I dont like to deal with them, if people didnt freak out when i bent their spoiled little brat over my knee and do a little parenting for them then I wouldnt mind listening to them cry while I try and eat. Or you could buy my meal and then ill sit in the corner eating and shutting the fuck up( like your kids should be doing).

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seen but not heard is how to raise kids, unfortunantly many parents are told how they can or can not disipline there children, like a swat on the backside is illegal if done in a public place to get the kid to shut up. suddenly you have child care workers and police on your ass for disciplining (abusing) your child in public. No wonder this restaurant banned children under a certain age.

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You are completely missing these facilities target market. You talk about tacobell and McDs in your first comment. It would be stupid for them to ban young children because of the market/demographic they want there. This is a golf place, their target is completely different. You would probably never eat there anyway based on your attitude and lack of maturity in the matter. And still you are more than welcome to go to this place, just not with your kids. I am sure if you were loud and obnoxious they would toss you out on your immature ass. Talk about burning a place down because their business doesn't allow children under 6? Grow up.

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