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should we conform? transformers

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Honestly, I think it was portrayed fine. Why take offense to it when it will keep it more of a small, legit following rather than becoming some mainstream, bullshit following because of a movie? I'd rather people think of them as being just another car from the 60's & 70's, rather than being blown up and played out. People who appreciate them for the right reasons will continue to buy, fix and drive them, and get the parts and shit for reasonable prices.


I'm with Brodster, in the aspect of being stoked to see it on the big screen, and I thought it was cute that it was defended by Sam, but sort of snubbed by others. Now, if it had a badass paint job, and actually had the interior shit in it, I think it would have been portrayed much differently in the film. But, I can say that I use to get similar looks and attitude from co-workers when I drove our rattle-can flat black Dime on a daily basis. Personally, I never gave a shit. Some people get it, and many don't..... such is life. But I love our little beater 510, and was sad when it became garaged, and will be happy as a pig in shit when we finally get it all put back together with our intended plans for it :w00t:

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I used to get a bit offended about 10 years ago when I told people my plans. I would get the typical questions: "Why would you do that?" "You mean that ugly boxey thing?" Now I joke with people and don't care. There is this guy at work that gives me crap about it all the time: "With all the money you want to spend on that car, you could just save it up and get a cool car." He is half serious and comes from a muscle-car background. We just talk crap back and forth and have a good time with it.


But honestly there are A LOT of people out there that don't understand it. They think Datsuns are garbage. They can't understand why we would even spend a cent on a car like that. Some will be impressed with the glossy, souped up 510. More will be stoked on a Z-car or Roadster. But for the rest of us that don't have the time, money, resources, etc. to build something like that or drive some odd-ball datsun with a spray-can paint job and carbs sticking out of the hood:D ;) , we just get used to the weird stares and bewilderment. Quite frankly, it's kind of cool. Datsuns have an incredible history. It has forced me to learn WAY more about cars than if were able to just by everything from Summit racing and bolt it right in. Datsun people seem to drum to a different beat, which happens to be my beat. Plus everytime somebody gives me crap, it drives me harder. And of course, I just appreciate Datsuns.


So I guess in that regard, the movie actually did the Datsun culture a bit of justice and portrayed it very well (IMO). Regardless, it was a fun movie. Incredible special effects for almost two hours!



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Honestly, I think it was portrayed fine. Why take offense to it when it will keep it more of a small, legit following rather than becoming some mainstream, bullshit following because of a movie? I'd rather people think of them as being just another car from the 60's & 70's, rather than being blown up and played out. People who appreciate them for the right reasons will continue to buy, fix and drive them, and get the parts and shit for reasonable prices.


Exaclty. I'm old enough to remember when you could buy a clean 1986 Corolla GT-S hatchback for $600 all day long. Then it got used in a popular cartoon/movie and the fan boys drove the prices through the roof. :unsure:


Under the radar is always better. :cool:

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Exaclty. I'm old enough to remember when you could buy a clean 1986 Corolla GT-S hatchback for $600 all day long. Then it got used in a popular cartoon/movie and the fan boys drove the prices through the roof. :unsure:


Under the radar is always better. :cool:

INITIAL D!!!! :cool:

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Exaclty. I'm old enough to remember when you could buy a clean 1986 Corolla GT-S hatchback for $600 all day long. Then it got used in a popular cartoon/movie and the fan boys drove the prices through the roof. :unsure:


Under the radar is always better. :cool:



Initial-D/drift tax :rolleyes:

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I used to get a bit offended about 10 years ago when I told people my plans. I would get the typical questions: "Why would you do that?" "You mean that ugly boxey thing?" Now I joke with people and don't care. There is this guy at work that gives me crap about it all the time: "With all the money you want to spend on that car, you could just save it up and get a cool car." He is half serious and comes from a muscle-car background. We just talk crap back and forth and have a good time with it.


But honestly there are A LOT of people out there that don't understand it. They think Datsuns are garbage. They can't understand why we would even spend a cent on a car like that. Some will be impressed with the glossy, souped up 510. More will be stoked on a Z-car or Roadster. But for the rest of us that don't have the time, money, resources, etc. to build something like that or drive some odd-ball datsun with a spray-can paint job and carbs sticking out of the hood:D ;) , we just get used to the weird stares and bewilderment. Quite frankly, it's kind of cool. Datsuns have an incredible history. It has forced me to learn WAY more about cars than if were able to just by everything from Summit racing and bolt it right in. Datsun people seem to drum to a different beat, which happens to be my beat. Plus everytime somebody gives me crap, it drives me harder. And of course, I just appreciate Datsuns.


So I guess in that regard, the movie actually did the Datsun culture a bit of justice and portrayed it very well (IMO). Regardless, it was a fun movie. Incredible special effects for almost two hours!





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And IF they do end up depicting a 510 in the movie, piece of junk or not, Takumi tax will take place.



Exaclty. I'm old enough to remember when you could buy a clean 1986 Corolla GT-S hatchback for $600 all day long. Then it got used in a popular cartoon/movie and the fan boys drove the prices through the roof. :unsure:


Under the radar is always better. :cool:



INITIAL D!!!! :cool:



Initial-D/drift tax :rolleyes:

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Saw it today and the 510 doesn't get "smashed", but instead just gets lifted in the ass end by poles that come up from the ground. All good so us Datto-lovers don't cringe. If it did, I'm sure we all would throw a fit...or at least some of us will.


With all the pre-production shots, it really looked like there was gonna be a 510 bumblebee...with the same yellow paint scheme(which was unnecessary since there was only like one time someone asked "what happened to bumblebee?")


The 510 is portrayed as a POS and as others have said, Sam defended it by saying it is a "collector's item", which is cool because I'm sure that's how we justify it to our wives :lol:.


All-in-all, I'm glad it didn't get over glorified like what Initial D did to the AE86. I'm also kinda glad that Wangan Midnight didn't get released here in the states (yet) to over glorify the S30 and all the ricer kids rush to craigslist to find a Z.




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3D or not?


I just watched it in 3D ..... deffinately worth the extra $3 ..... :cool: .... it made the 510 look GOOD .... :lol: ..... . the plot on the other hand.... <_< .... not so much



all of the cars looked really cool in 3D ....... .. "Avatar" looked like a SouthPark cut-out paper movie ... . .. :lol:




I wish I could have edited the movie ... . <_< ..


it would have been 1.5hrs and "somewhat" believable . . . . but it wasn't .. <_< . . . .. I think Walt Disney directed the last 20mins....:lol:.... . or George Lucas

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3D or not?


taking the kid this fri. ditching work early for a 4 1/2 day weekend!






4dr's never get respect :unsure:


When 4 dr's are going to be way rarer sicne they get destroyed to fix up wagons and 2 dr's :). Ill stick with my four door, i love having real windows instead of wing windows :)




And yah the ending, wtf im not going to spoil anything, but it felt like someone just threw it on a table and said there it is.

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It started out decently, Except im tired of the love scene shit oh sam and the not megan fox, yah could do without any of that shit. Just have the dude be single, and fucking his car. Why cant he be alone? Be alone, save the world, and get all the pussy you can want. The building scene was way to long, but the fighting was good, jsut the ending sigh :(. It had soem good scenes, i just wish those discriminating twins would of been in it and died a horrible melting death :)

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