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Lung "Association" Calls for Phasing out of Petroleum-fueled Combustion Engine by 2025

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Who had a voice code password on their computer and had to say "Soilent Green is people" to open it. ?????




The lung association can say whatever they want, big fuckin deal. Why are we even talking about horses when the post apocalyptic age isn't even here yet. Even mad max had dune buggys and shit. Water world had jet skis.

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Cars account for less than 1/3 of the total greenhouse emissions in the U.S. Why don't they spend more time concentrating on the other 2/3?


Because it's not about pollution it's about the power to control.

Environmentalists believe humans are the problem.

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People forget one thing: Our life expectancies have increased since the horse and buggy. Can we attribute that to the invention of the automobile? Perhaps. The fact that "strong" horses have not been bred in almost 100 years will prove to be a problem as well, so these Lung Association clowns can go and live in an air purified bubble and pray their bubble doesn't get a crack in it.


Here is my take on the whole thing: California smog laws have gotten tougher so that diesel trucks that puke smoke can continue to come from out of state, grab their goods and pollute all along the way to their final destination. And we as citizens of any city close to the coast have to pay the price for it? We have to make sure our cars continue to burn cleaner and cleaner so that Big Ben and Rubber Duck can pollute to their hearts content? Screw all that. Want to create jobs? create warehouses right on each border that allows each state to assign trucking companies to grab their cargo and move on out. You have high pollution in your state? Enact cleaner air laws for the big trucks, and leave us little car and trucks alone.


(Sorry for the rant)

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Gas/diesel is the most powerful / cheap / safe / abundant / consentrated energy source there is. Nothing else comes close to it. Until you can find something better, it's here to stay.


With enough power you can do anything, anything. We need solar panels in outer space that are hundreads of square miles in surface area. Send the power down via microwave beam.

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You guys are forgetting one thing:


Who would train all these damn horses? They aren't like cars, which are stamped out of a mold and rolled off and assembly line ready to roll. Horses have to be trained and anyone who's ever ever worked with horses or owns them knows it's not cheap or easy and takes a fucking long time.


Monkeygirl trains horses, and when I started going with her to do so, I noticed real quick that these full grown horses were stubborn and difficult to train. Not to mention dangerous. She's been reared off 3 times, kicked once, and nearly stepped on by an animal that ways more then my car.







I seriously wanna see what the fags that are trying to outlaw petroleum fueled automobiles are driving.

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Elephants are astonishingly fast too aren't they. When I think speed I think elephant. Not like they eat all that much either now do they. Petrloleum is here to stay the hippies have been defeated they just don't know it yet.

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Diesel exhaust isn't harmful.. it's just dirty. You could sit in a room all day long with a diesel engine running, and it'd be a black, sooty mess, but you wouldn't die.


Gasoline exhaust, however, is a killer. The room would be clean, but in maybe 15 minutes you'd be a goner..

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Elephants are astonishingly fast too aren't they. When I think speed I think elephant. Not like they eat all that much either now do they. Petrloleum is here to stay the hippies have been defeated they just don't know it yet.


I'm sure you could feed them horses

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Guest DatsuNoob

Just like how they've successfully phased out 2 stroke engines? Sure they may not sell as many of em now, but you can stuill get one, you can still buy parts for em and even the oil to mix up yourself for puking gobs of smoke into the precious air! That's funny, guess I'll be knocking on the door of the capital bldg for a bailout on the car payment they encouraged me and everyone else to get for economic recovery purposes. Fuckin hippies. I'm an American, the real terrorists are the self-righteous asshole citizens, our damn neighbors for fawks sake, who tell me how to live and push their birkenstock propaganda on my sense of content living. I love all of my Oregon friends and Oregon in general, and there's nothing wrong with cleaning up the place we live a little, but it seems like a very concentrated area for these types to impose their ways of thinking on others (*cough*portland). Fuckin hitler youth camp for Obama lovin sheep! :lol: If I choose to smoke 9 cigarettes at once or use excessive ammounts of fuel with my heavy right foot, it's my god damn right! Because it's only hurting me and my wallet. This country is headed straight to hell and fuckers keep polishing the brass on the Titanic with this shit! Unfuckinbelieveable. I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette and wind up my chainsaw now, I'm all worked up. end rant (for now)

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its funny you guys bring up dirty diesels, i'm gonna have to put particulate filters on my big rig so its not so dirty by the end of the year. at a cost of $17000.00. who do you think that bill is going to get passed on too? not to mention my fuel economy is going to go down along with my hoarse power which in turn will put me on the road longer... now lets see, im gonna get worse mileage along with use more fuel due to time on the road... and also these particulate filters have to be burned out roughly every thirty hours with uria and then once it does its cleaning mode it all goes right out the stacks anyway. in a nutshell just expect everything a truck touches or moves to get a hell of a lot more expensive... and one more thing, by 2015 i have to replace the truck all together so it will be up to new smog standards.

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its funny you guys bring up dirty diesels, i'm gonna have to put particulate filters on my big rig so its not so dirty by the end of the year. at a cost of $17000.00. who do you think that bill is going to get passed on too? not to mention my fuel economy is going to go down along with my hoarse power which in turn will put me on the road longer... now lets see, im gonna get worse mileage along with use more fuel due to time on the road... and also these particulate filters have to be burned out roughly every thirty hours with uria and then once it does its cleaning mode it all goes right out the stacks anyway. in a nutshell just expect everything a truck touches or moves to get a hell of a lot more expensive... and one more thing, by 2015 i have to replace the truck all together so it will be up to new smog standards.


its the same with new diesel trucks, my dad got a new dodge and it has that urea stuff in it.. it really does suck


so far only CA does this?

Edited by DAT510
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