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See what Us railroaders have to put up with ? ! ? ! ?

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Love it!


Some days I really miss my adrenalin junky days. Everything from hang gliding, to jumping out of 2nd and 3rd story balconys in to swimming pools at hotels, to racing anything with an engine, to crazy heli skiing, to dragging knees on my crotch rocket through the canyons, to whatever got me pumpin. Now with a family though, it's all just great memories. (however I don't miss all the concussions and coming home bloody all the time, lol)

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Love it!


Some days I really miss my adrenalin junky days. Everything from hang gliding, to jumping out of 2nd and 3rd story balconys in to swimming pools at hotels, to racing anything with an engine, to crazy heli skiing, to dragging knees on my crotch rocket through the canyons, to whatever got me pumpin. Now with a family though, it's all just great memories. (however I don't miss all the concussions and coming home bloody all the time, lol)




I'd like to tell you that you aren't missing much, but that would be a terrible lie.

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I've always wanted to hang glide, sure seems like fun. Unless the air drops out from under you!


It isn't so much as the air droping out from under you, as you are flying in air going up say 20 miles a hour and you fly out of it, the glider quits going up because you are not in air going up anymore, but your body keeps going up for a moment, it really gets on your nerves when you fly from 20mph up into 20mph down, after a couple times of that happening, you just fly away from that area and land, it isn't worth it.

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I am an engineer at the railroad.

Its all fun and games till we run over one of these idiots, and the results aint pretty,

Meatballs between the rails.


Double track runs through downtown Tucson and drunk college kids get stupid ideas.Two such morons thought it would be a great idea to "hop on trains" as they slow down there on the approach to the crew change point.One would get on a train and text the other one:"hey -i'm on this train over here.THe other would reply:"Well,i'm on this one here.How do we know this?The slack ran out when the train started pulling and popped the guy off the car he was hitching a ride on.He fell between the cars and the wheels cut his head off.He still had the cell in his hand.And so started the legend of the "Head-less texter".

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So, how many railroaders are on Ratsun? Me, Bill and Hercules at least. Scott Wilkie is an engineer out of L.A. but He rarely comes on Ratsun. There was also one other guy out of Barstow (I think with a 510) but He has never contacted Me. Is that all???

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Hey Skib. I "think" I know what You mean ! !


I went (along with Mark) to a model train show in San Bernardino last year. It was going on the same weekend as Our (SWDP) Bar-B-Que. There were HO scale models there that I didn't even know were being built. What some of those modelers do is to take a photograph of a railcar and then recreate EXACTLY the same art/graffiti that the real one has!!! It actually is amazing!! They then judge and award the model that is the most accurate. The crazy thing is that the original artist would never imagine that His "art" has been honored that way in model form!!! There might be a website somewhere showing these models and the original photo but I haven't looked yet to see.

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