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What the F is wrong with this country???

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All I have to say today is WTF! Here we loose a very large portion of the safety net that helps support segments of our society, schools get their budgets shortened. The U.S. now involved with 5 Damn Wars and the Defense budget gets over looked and untouched. as Americans, how much do we really like to get F'ed? there is a lot of F'ing going on and there isn't any sex involved!!!

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War makes more money (for the companies that make the war machines) than health care for the poor and education. More money = better lobbyists. Lobbyists = more campaign funding, so lobbyists control congress. Congresspeople want to stay in power. It's power they want. That's why they fight so hard to stay in office even when there's a better candidate in the same party vying for the position.


However, I can argue the other side too. Education and health care shouldn't be a federal issue. It should be a State and Local issue. However, Congress (and Presidents) keep pushing mandates without funding them.

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Here's some thoughts...


Oil makes the world go round not love


US domestic oil production peaked about 40 years ago.


Unless more is acquired the standard of living you are accustomed to will drop, has been dropping.


There are others emerging from the third world (like China) that are now competing for the oil that is left.

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Hey, I'm just sayin', isn't this the kind of thread we try to keep off Ratsun. I'm not saying I disagree with y'all, quite the opposite. It's just, isn't the kinda shit that gets people banned? Having stuff like this (especially with posts from mods), is severely going to impact the way members from the other side see this forum.


On a related note: Sublime, you meant lose, not loose. It is important to ensure you are using words correctly when making political arguments, otherwise, it becomes easy to discredit you as being uneducated, or just dumb.


Thanks for your time, hope I didn't piss anybody off too much.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Posts like this thin the herd.


:lol: :lol:



Every now and then we need to purge, take a good crap then lock it down (feel chagrined, foolish, righteous, hurt, vindicated, venerated, ridiculed) ... and move on until next time.

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It's not just the US where ignorance is key. Try, Mexico, Australia, France, The Netherlands. I don't care where you are, chances are there are some dumbasses just waiting to voice their opinion.


Take for example, my favorite sport: Rally racing! Ever see the videos where the spectators wade out into the road, and zip back only as the car is 10 feet away? And then the occasional person gets clipped and killed? WTF? Stupid much? It isn't just America that has problems of stupidity and obesity. It's just usually the more intelligent of us tend to be more hard on ourselves and the country we live in, in an effort to get people to pay attention and harden the fuck up! :)


That said, I would still say the US has the largest stupid fat people problem. But at least we don't have the largest craziest asshole problem like the middle east. Fuck me running, I'd rather have to have an articulate conversation with 10 "Bubbas" than spend one day in the middle east. Drop a bomb, glass the desert, that would solve a lot of problems.


Oooooo boy, I know I'm going to piss some people off now, aren't I! In before the lock! :D

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ,,, under "free datsun" right ???



There is NO FREE DATSUN! I repeat. NO. FREE. DATSUN!!!


Also 4g is a myth, but man bear pig is not.


and my country rocks...


I'm from Texas.

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