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mklotz70 RNL320(Melvin)


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Guy....If I'm gonna have you perform your magic on one of my rigs, it's going to be the first NL!! :) It would be extremely cool to watch someone resurect this one, but it's just not worth it and I'm certainly not going to be the one trying to fix all this rust.....at least I don't plan on it at this point! If it was the last NL....I'd say yes, but I've cut up rigs in better shape.


Okay Ice....since YOU asked :)


This rig as been rode hard and put away wet......so I think I'm simply going to put another saddle on it and run it into the ground! :) I'm going to run with the roadster theme on this one. It may be a test run for how to do my other one....or, it will get the urge out of my system and leave the first one alone. Basically, I'm going to take the roadster hood out of the shed and tack weld the scoop on. Then, I'm going to chop the roof on this one. I'll cap the holes, but it will be down and dirty....don't plan on even painting it afterwards. I'm going to pull the chrome door frames and roll down the top inch to cap the doors. I'll shave the lip off the top of the bed. I'll see how froggy I feel at the time as to whether or not I make it a walk through from the cab. I've got some extra buckets I can put in here. If I didn't have to store it over the winter....I'd cut the top now...but it will "keep" a lot better through the rain if I leave the top on for now. I'll try to get the front bumper back into shape a bit. I'm thinking I'll swap to the '65 grill I have....I think those fog lamps will just about fit where the blinkers go on the '65 grill. Then I'll get the fender top units working as the blinkers. I may even lay the window back just a bit...we'll see. I just don't want to spend a ton of time doing these mods. I'll keep a couple of trash bags under the seats to put over them if it's going to rain. It ought to make one heck of fun thrasher!!! :)


Charlie....love the flannel idea....but it won't last with the top off.


okay...back to the shop!

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..not convertible......roadster :) Top will be permanently removed. :) If I like driving it with the top gone, I may do a removeable hardtop on my first NL.


...oh.....and it won't be staying in the garage either. It will be lucky if it gets to stay under a canopy. Maybe a tarp.

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nice find. it looks like that motor was a tight squeeze in there. its too bad they had to cut the fenderwell for the carbs.


I agree....I have an idea of how to fix that, but I'm not sure it will work...we'll see.


Not sure if they showed up in the pics, but he also cut fresh air vents with the torch in the sides :)

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I'll have to look to be sure, but I'm nearly positive that it does not....at least it hasn't jumped out at me while looking it over.


I'm not much of a motor head. I'd rather have more 'stock' power than hop up a motor. I've already got two G15's and this R16...all of which are over 40% more horsepower than what I drive with in the other NL......sorry.....can't see me spending any money or time on hopping it up. :)

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LOL!! That's small potatoes compared to your usual ideas. And he only posted that one.....I'm pretty sure you've got at least 6-10 running around your head on any given day!!


Does that upgrade work on both 3 and 5 main bearing motors? I suppose that would let me roast the tires with 3.89's in the rear :)

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I would be inclined to think just the 5 main motors...maybe you could talk one of the roadster guys into loaning you a converted one.


Does Melvin have an aluminum oil pan? I know you already have one, but another would be nice. The R15/R16's are pretty engines. Too bad the British didn't learn form the Japanese like the Japanese learned from them.

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Maybe monday we can get the serial number off the eng. There should be a way to tell if it's a 5 main without having to drop the pan.


I sold that aluminum hammerhead pan at Canby. There's no way it was going to fit....it sat right where the cross memeber is.


Nice pic! But, it really needs to be one of Melvin. I guess I'll have to get a nice 3/4 shot of it. I'm not sure I want to drop Melvin. Not sure I want to put that much effort into it ....it's such a pile!! :)

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Coming from you...that's hilarious!!!!! :) LOL ....so how many projects do you have now?! :)


No doubt. Sarcasm is hard to type.

Answer: Too many -- and I bought another wagon at the auction yesterday:lol:


If you do the top-chop you might consider one or two rows of seats for the bed (think minivan bench with no legs). 5 or 6 Ratsun round-boys stacked up in that would be a true circus attraction.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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Nice pic! But, it really needs to be one of Melvin. I guess I'll have to get a nice 3/4 shot of it. I'm not sure I want to drop Melvin. Not sure I want to put that much effort into it ....it's such a pile!! :)


LOL - "it's such a pile!!" Mike you crack me up.:lol::lol::lol:


Melvin has alot of interest for such a "pile"! Is it the truck or the mad man building it that has our attention?

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Mike the plans sound awesome!!!!! IMO thinking up all the ideas for a newly purchased rig is the fun part. Even if they never happen or if it takes a few years.




I'm not sure I want to drop Melvin. Not sure I want to put that much effort into it ....it's such a pile!! :)


That's the cool part though, if shit scrapes who cares. Get us a few different shots, I want to do some photo chopping on your new rig :D

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Seriously....it's a pile! There isn't a straight, unrusted panel on it. I bought it for the window, motor, and tail light bezels. It's bad enough, I won't feel bad when I start chopping.


Jester....if you're serious, pm me, but if you're thinking about restoring it to it's glory.....it's just not worth it.


I have another 320 window sitting in the shed with a tiny star crack in it. It's out of the line of sight and far enough from the edge, I think it will reinstall without getting bigger. I had originally bought to sell to Strautman since he was always whining about not being able to find a windshield. I won't go into that rant right now..... Anyway.....I think I'm going to pickup a new rubber and put that window in....saving this perfect window for my NL when it's finished :)


Here's a couple more pics of the blinkers for those that are curious.









The broken compass is a statement of just how lost this rig is!! :)




The gunk on the windshield is on the inside!




I picked up the floor mat....mmmmm.....Flinstone floorboards! :)


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Here's a couple more pics of the blinkers for those that are curious.











You know the 1957 (I think?) had these crazy-awesome blinkers on the fenders. How I wish I could find some! But they weren't on the 58-60. So unless someone pulled a set off in Tokyo and stashed them in a closet, I am guessing it is impossible!





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We have a winner!



heheheeh...in the backround is the blue 510 wagon I am yanking my engine from,LOL...


nice find! are you able to still get parts for those? I noticed one of the tail lights got munched...my 72 wagon had munched tail lights too, and all I could find was a solid red aftermarket reproduction for an insane amount of money...and I have seen alot of 510 wagons on the road, but that is the first

little truck like that I have even seen pictures of, never mind actually seeing one in person.


either way, score!

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Spades......if you look in the second blinker pic and in my avatar, you'll see the red/black truck. The pic in front of Bill's is a real pic someone photochopped for me to see what it would look like as a roadster. If you're in the portland area.....easy enough to see it in person :)

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