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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. This picture makes me so hungry for a couple beef tacos this morning.. No joke..
  2. Most fat chicks have legs you just have to wait for them to move around to see them.. Did you mean this ???
  3. So in the top picture, did you cut off extra piece by your thumb,, or the part by your finger AND which hardware ( cuz im lazy and cheap ) did you find it at. Thanks
  4. Now im not usually a brown nose around here but damn dude..
  5. So these are mild steel and not aluminum? Re-read it a couple of times now,, and i will have to say this is something alot of us could do..Cuz when i first watched video i thought it was Aluminum which (( for me )) is something completely out of the question.
  6. Probably one of those dealer installed metal script labels, with dealers name.
  7. First emblem is on 70 510 colum shift ,, second is on late 71 510 floor shift ((card is exactly same size as credit card ) other than pictures i know nothing
  8. I know right. And don`t mention Subway this late at night cuz you never know what kind of picture HRH will post
  9. Applied.com I have a local distributor but they have a website, they can almost always get you what you want. And the fact you have a replacement bearing number should make it easy. Oh, and they do have a phone number to help you order bearings also. I have no idea how to link to websites
  10. This sounds just like our 280zxt. but i think it just doesn`t like me.And i think i heard it say " your lights are on "..................." Hal "
  11. Just hook a ohm meter to the wires and go through gears if it zeros thats it..Wagons looking good..
  12. Copied directly off E-bay web site. Policy overview A non-binding bid is a bid that shows a buyer's interest in purchasing an item, but it doesn't create a formal contract between the buyer and the seller. All bids made in the Real Estate and eBay Motors vehicles categories are considered non-binding.
  13. The truck has a 2.5 it`s mostly stock except for the a-arms and the bridge frames that were replaced with aluminum because he side swiped something and tore them off one side.
  14. Nice! I bought my son a bunch of paint when he bought this body thinking he would cherry his Tmaxx out...well, he went the other way. Although he`s probably just buttering me up so he can drive it to school next year.
  15. Napa is my store of choice although I don`t have a local one after the " no your son cant have a free bucket, on free bucket day " . I have to confer with my new NAPA Datsun parts expert,, in Spokane on some parts i buy.
  16. Caught a picture of the elusive , teen vurking on hees own car feesh , ( in your best Jaques Cousteau voice ),, or French Canadians just say it normally . Anyway he did some drilling to finally mount pump, although having points, he spent most of the day learning why it wouldn`t start, but he finally did get it .........and yes i am THAT kind of dad. I believe in the whole teach a person to fish type deal, cuz if i wanted to fix that boat i would have years ago. More pictures of progress tomorrow.
  17. Who keeps scooping up all the cheap 1200s ??

    1. skunk


      better question, whats up with all the cheep 1200 the last few months?

  18. Was kinda leery of clicking on this thread .Very leery actually ..But your at the perfect age to go on a road trip.Me and my wife ( not at the time ) graduated from high school we went on a road trip to Devils tower, mount Rushmore, then to Royal Gorge bridge Colorado. We were going to Oklahoma but spent so much time getting there we never got there. Then when we were thinking about going on first real family vacation in 2004,( 20 years later ), we went to almost the same attractions except they had been cleaned up with blacktopped trails and bigger parking lots,,which was perfect for our two youngest that were still in wheelchairs at the time. The next year we all went to Disneyland and the older boys kept saying that they wished we could have went on a road trip vacation like before. So we drove back home along coast ( which was awesome ) and then through Redwood forest. And before you chime in about tourist traps if you have never seen it it`s new to you. Although some advice NEVER go to Califlowerornia during a heat wave, cuz........................damn !!
  19. He`s 19 years old man ,who didn`t think that way at his age. Also in the post he does state it happened at his work which for someone his age is more than commendable..
  20. H2theizzo just gonna make it so i can putter around town but make it dependable enough to make a long trip, not that worried about it ever being finished. It will be good to shoot the shit with you again at Canby even if we both end up taking the bus to get there
  21. Maybe you could try sneaking in all disguised an shit..like these guys
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