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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/ratio.html
  2. Ok,,,,,,,next time im up there for a rod event i will go inside and take pictures of other people eating. Just for you
  3. It`s all good i ( we ) never made those Christmas cruises up by you either .. Greasy food you say ,,,,well i take this much crap for cholesterol, thinner blood and high blood pressure every night soooo ...we ate somewheres else. Enjoy,,
  4. So what are ya gonna drive to the Puyallup BBQ at the Pumpkin palace then??..You should at least keep it through one more monthly get together...
  5. So the 2 guys coming from tumwater one was to hung over and the other couldn`t keep car running for some reason ..and all the rest were burnt out from Saturdays survival of the Datsuns ,trip to the garage..BUT ,,,and i know you all like big butts..we went and it didn`t rain or wind blow a bit.. Your Euro trash fix for the month Bullett rivets
  6. The weather forecast for tomorrow is,, it`s going to be like a cow pissing on a flat rock... Yeah like we talked about ,,the Volvo guys probably wont bring the really cool rare stuff out in the rain so there wont be much to see..but im still going cuz i needed to trade some parts back and forth with my brother anyway.
  7. This exact thing happened to me on our 83 280zxt.....except key got stuck in lock, never did get the damn thing out..
  8. Mooooo ........ Feel free to put some batteries in that thing and every time Brody pisses you off just keep pulling the handle, till he says he`s sorry or has a mental breakdown. or both..
  9. You got them from the Mine Safety Administration ?? .....
  10. I heard some butt wipe drove a mini van to this shiz-nit,,,, WTF .Do you guys have no pride whatsoever??
  11. So when going north we get off on the Tacoma mall exit and follow it to the downtown exit ....Right?? .... It says exit 133 but only 132 is shown on google maps,. We missed the down town exit going to high school football at the dome,a while back ,because they moved it further south on the freeway.. Help yer southern brothers out YO..
  12. Yeah, they have a digital version they want you to buy. cool truck though
  13. I can no speak for the other stuff cuz,, teenagers be teenagers,,but if one of you two is going to Tacoma ,i could bring the shorter driveline so you can get as accurate measurements as you needs.. Also ..i am about to send you a pm about maybe acquiring a shorter trans. ( NOTE ) ....the driveline will be going home with me also.
  14. I think if your worried about being NSFW the insomniacs thread should not be clickus-oponus.. You never know what your gonna get. Childishness and random acts of stupidity are what makes it so great. ,,I think my real question would be , why would i go to another website to read about stuff on Ratsun...,,
  15. Oh yeeeahhh i must have just made it just under the wire cuz it worked on the 13th...But now i have probably used up any luck i ever had.
  16. Im thinking about 11:30-ish at the XXX ....ish Yeah man ,, it don't matter if you roll with us , cuz im going to be standing next to your truck when it`s parked ,telling everybody it`s mine anyway.
  17. Those pumps aren`t impossible to find ( hard ) but not impossible..My friend got a couple of those back in April for his J13(s) in his 520 and 411. The place he bought them at were more of a local store with only 4 stores total, so just hound parts guys till they get you one .. Both pumps have been installed and work fine...((( My friend has NO computer at all ))) The link to his new pumps,,,notice pump aren`t exactly the same and even though same company there`s more numbers on one of the boxes ,, http://community.rat...mps-for-ma-boy/
  18. yeah, ...............to fucking bad 11012 Canyon Road East, Puyallup, WA New meet up------instead of Fox`s we will meet in the parking lot of Albertsons / Save-on/ Shari`s just down the freeway a couple a miles . should be way easier to get to,and get back on freeway from, than other spot because no fighting that Pacific off ramp interchange type deal..of the other spot. 11012 Canyon Road East, Puyallup, WA
  19. tomorrow the twin`s diapers get delivered and there`s like 6 huge boxes you can`t leave in the rain..Maybe monday.

  20. Yes, it acts like it`s a master,, like you posted,, i was just saying make sure you do all the cheap / free stuff first..Make sure you bench bleed master before install ,,it will be easier to get the air out. ,, ...Not trying to act like a know-it all i just notice your age and trying to help you get it going as cheap as ....well.... a Datsun owner. ...Ya gotta love Rockauto though ...just got a timing chain delivered this morning..
  21. Pumped the brakes ..as in bleeding them?? .. Is there no air bubbles coming out of each wheel cylinder and the shoes are adjusted out. I like to adjust them out till they scrape about 3/4 of the way around ,,,OR at least somewhat evenly side to side.. But im sure others have other opinions..Those need to be right so the wheel cylinders dont have to move shoes out very far. If those are right then it might be the master cylinder...
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