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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. And what`s up with the doubling up of the same events ,,a week apart,, on the fricking events calender
  2. yeah , but those looked like neons and an S10 which run a engine that is almost twice as big to start with. and the dodges are twin cams...Even though they are front wheel drive they should be able to pull away in the straights..I think even the 2.5 the S10 has started life with 100 hp from the factory, and the 2.5 iron duke has a huge aftermarket support for them.. not meaning to discourage ,,just observing.
  3. Ah crap, and i was just in Australia earlier today..
  4. http://www.racetep.com/datsunsusp.html
  5. There is a chart for throw out collar sizes around here some where .. Found a couple threads about it with pics............over look my stupid replies in those threads.. :hmm: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/38186-wtb-throwout-bearing-sleeve/page__fromsearch__1 http://community.ratsun.net/topic/37644-200mm-clutch-discs-and-release-bearing-assembly/page__fromsearch__1
  6. When you use turn signal with brakes on does the brake light stay lit and outer ring flash?? Or does the center turn off and outer ring flash.?
  7. open bookmarks scroll to the one to be deleted right click select delete left click
  8. What he wanted us to read... All we actually read Many years ago I was coming into work late in the day from a job and the boss was in his office bent over books and charts. He looked up sheepishly.. Chicka chicka bow wow :unsure: :unsure: :lol:
  9. Nah, this is like a dirty little cheeep burger joint and the bigfoot is this monstrosity of grease that is so horrifying.. and beautiful at the same time.. I think they used to sell,, 6 burgers for $4.44 ..( not bigfoot )
  10. That back way thru Shelton is a cool trip..But man is it hard not to stop at Crazy Erics in Belfair for a arteries clogging Bigfoot burger basket.
  11. I think those might be the ones that have moved there from Washington.. :lol:
  12. Starter Pumpkin210 says there is a reputable electric shop that rebuilds in house , in Puyallup but i have forgotten the name .maybe send him a PM http://community.ratsun.net/user/164-pumpkn210/
  13. My mom was way into the zodiac thing, i remember as a kid all those small grocery store astrological magazines.. ..But my dad was even more into the pyramid stuff i remember him having his high school woodshop class make exact replicas is the great pyramids so they could put apples and razorblades in them, to see if the pyramids had special powers,,( yes razorblades ,,it was that long ago ),, as a class project. It might have been because the King Tut`s stuff was on it`s first tour with a stop at the Seattle science center....But it was more likely he was / is a nut.. :lol: :lol:
  14. We go every year but stay mostly at PIR because prices are more reasonable.. About 1/3 of the Expo buildings are going to be closed this year because of some theater group thing going on the same day.. And some pictures from last year here... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/30196-portland-swap-meet/
  15. Instead of mirrors maybe just use foil backed insulation. But the story was posted in June and his readings were taken a couple of days before written in 85 degree weather..so whether it would actually work NOT in the summer is still in question.
  16. We changed plans on lowering car,, he is going to go just 2 inches down till most of the bugs are tracked down so bought some blocks and called the rear good ..for now The front was started but the 79 struts were original and the 78 parts car had replacement gas inserts ..Soo i already had the drivers side all cleaned up and we just took off coil over set up and put original spring back together just lower..Then he took apart drivers side and while he was taking other strut out and the insert out i cut lower pad off and cleaned up strut ............ only to find out the top nut ( that is different because of gas strut ) doesn`t interchange between the two or at least it wont screw in easily....CURSES .....now we have to grind the lower pad off the 78 strut. Rear just need real u-bolts Fronts started.. Son in his puffy pants.. :rofl: :rofl: Cleaned up strut.. :angry: Thinking of selling this grandma owned 510 wagon for 3800. bucks and because it`s a California car you know it`s almost rust free..Great investment for a person who is somewhat handy with tools...Rare.. i have only seen one other in my yard today. Random picture of a Thule rack air deflector i picked up at Volvofest for $40 bucks a few weeks ago.
  17. They make a wire that you could buy that has single blade fuse in it that you could probably buy at a Auto zone,, if it is an emergency maybe soldier one of those in..
  18. Nice car man..Does it currently run ?? i hope you get her all washed up and make it to Canby, what`s the other vehicle an international? it looks to be in excellent shape also.
  19. Slow goings..But some more started Made some test sample U-bolts outta 3/8" all thread because i don`t think it will go as low as he wants and wanted to show him..They aren`t going to be used to drive around with EVER but i can get 3 foot sections super cheap at the nut house up the road. Once we figure out what we are going to do i will go to the logging truck supply and have him bend me a set ...again cheap but not as cheap as all thread and a couple nuts,,,,, ...I put the smaller spring on top of stack but i am going to put it back where it belongs and just make my blocks bigger.. Don`t make permanent u-bolts out of all-thread you will be very sorry you did. 4 1/2 inches longer than stock. 3" down closer than it looks in oics....and chickity check out the 2x4 spacer block of science. He / we got a lot of work left to do..cuz he was hoping to drive to school but track has me working with my younger son most of the time,which means more time spent explaining. ..
  20. Yeah, it was a pretty cold yesterday, hence the heavy clothing ..As you may notice by the oics my friend Charlie was "excited" to meet you also. ....Well,, not his real name but i call him that because he is Vietnamese. And i was good to finally meet you a few weeks ago also ...Jon see what i did there?
  21. :ninja: $25. bucks is barely even a 1/4 tank of gas..
  22. Google translated that first post into almost gibberish.. I could understand it only because the question has been asked many times before.. I can`t even imagine what i have posted on all those Polish off roading videos on YouTube.. :lol:
  23. Why only a 1/2" and not more, wouldn`t the axles be at a better angle the higher you went...??
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