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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Got the tail pipe put on now you can at least hear the radio.. :lol: not much room for that big of a pipe but he got it.. The he was someone else not us.. Yeah about the tails, he was going to change it out but they seem to have caught the Stretch virus,, We haven`t tried reverse drills yet but , well look at the picture. And a couple bugs on the new lip..
  2. Man if you were closer i would be all over that.. GLWS!!
  3. It is Kentucky.. it`s probably where they kept the gimp..
  4. Dude it took weeks to get all that BBQ sauce off me ..
  5. Comment in chevy thread wasn`t ment for you...Just so you know

  6. Oh crap ... So yeah , i was joking about the fat chick :blush:
  7. Went to the post office in Oly and,, Ron1200 .. I saw you
  8. Well he had one in his hands last weekend but i might have talked him out of it..It looked like the exact model you have. So maybe it`s a late model 510 lover thing..
  9. Looks good man very beefy.. the pyramid made of the rectangle and triangle pieces is pretty cool fabbing , :thumbup:
  10. Dude it`s hard enough talking the wife into letting me go to the meets to get a fudpucker burger ..Now what the hell am i gonna tell her to let me drive almost 3000 miles one way for some grill.. Looks ( from space ) to be a smaller town where a guy can get to know all his neighbors by name and relax a bit. . Seems like a good change , if a person was gonna make one. And a low mortgage to boot..
  11. So your going down to sell your hair to a wig shop , then..??
  12. Are you uploading off your PC ?? My sons cd burn it and load it off that drive if they are in a hurry ..sometimes But i don`t know if that would work in every situation. Maybe show it at Canby movie night ..
  13. Did you even take a look at the link i gave you in POST#4..?? If your going to be a ________ and start calling people names ..you should at least read through your own thread first. And that was after you acted childish ( like a punk ) to the first person that gave you help but was mistaken about what you wanted.. Remember typing this ??,,,,,,Ok let me try this again - I am not looking for replacement letters - Looking for the Name of the Font - but thanks Sarcasm has it`s place but being rude to the first guy for trying to help seems to be counter productive ,,,don`t you think.. Oh,,,,and .,,,Your welcome
  14. BinnerD maybe,, but the U looks wrong http://www.whatfonti...td-Regular.font
  15. My son wants to put a visor like your car has on his 79 ,,but i told him i am not going to let him drill holes into roof..
  16. :rofl: ....you know the super straight body panel , one color thing has been done to death ..but if your ok with being a follower it`s cool.
  17. Nope ..only if your going to the buffet or entering the Sunday car show ..The people they have at the gate are very friendly and will help you out..Actually they will encourage you to stay the night. You still are at the car show you just park with the rest of us ,,not quite show cars. (edit) since you have a 510 you could probably even sign up for the car show at the gate,, if you wanted to..cuz theres always enough of those to have a category..
  18. I think this car deserves to only have slight mods done to it..Boring up dates, , or not she`s a beauty and i will keep checking in on it.. :thumbup:
  19. If your not entering the show on Sunday ,dont worry so much ...just show up and pay then ..
  20. Yeah 1st, 2nd and 5th , you couldn`t hook anything into cigarette lighter jack and still shift to 1st.., plus it hit the sides of center console cuz it was made for a auto..
  21. Thanks Pants ,, he used up a whole can of blue on it ..then had to buy another to do the touch-up that always happens. :hmm: Did you get the plastic thing under the water in the picture to show how to heat up shifter rod without melting it.?? Yeah. Are you sure .?? YEAH !! DUH.!! It`s just i wanted that in the picture.. OK.! :huh: :sneaky: Yesterday... helped him get original auto center column matched up to 5 speed trans.. and his $1 swap meet antique shifter knob And him checking out a newer model at the swap meet..
  22. He`s on here also.......we could have picked it up for you from greasemonkey when we went to Portland swap meet Sat in the minivan of science ,,,,,but this is the first time seeing.. :hmm: http://community.rat.../11645-carterb/\ And tall white guy,,, ill send you a PM.
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