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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. just roll that thing right in the gate and there will be somebody there that will help you out ..
  2. Welcome and where the heck are the dealership pictures.??
  3. Another one in Medford area.. geeeze it`s like an un-ending supply ..
  4. No...the picture is you...get it?? Didn`t even notice that that was even at the bottom of my posts ..it was a Ratsun members quote on another site about the people on here, he used as to show how " su-fisticated" and mature he was as compared to us...but dont remember putting it on there at all..Which is even creepier than an old guy posting childish things in order to prove his own maturity ... :huh:
  5. Well now you will have more time to sell stereo equipment out the back of your car.. :D
  6. Not "tow truck " tow truck a tow---truck But i did get to spectate this bit of hilarity.. we all got laughing so hard my stomach started hurting.This was taking it OFF the trailer :rofl: :rofl:
  7. saw a lot as usual ...but happened to be riding in tow truck and no driving so i got a couple.. truck had some really weird lookin hubcaps..and couldn`t figure how to crop photo since they changed the photobucket site..And dudes garage was open and wanted to edit that out hence the white cloud.. Nice 2 door and nice 521 ..
  8. Ok, im back ......sandy vaginans aside I think the real 510 brother maybe the only one would be the BMW 2002 ..much like the one me and my sons pulled outta it`s death spiral ,,just yesterday. 1968 but earlier versions were built i think starting in 1966 Independent rear suspension ,,, standard Front disc brakes ,,,standard 4 speed manual ,,,standard and overhead cam 1600 ,, standard Oops did i mention it`s in my front yard..
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lge2_H_8IQ Oh, and. the only Chevy that Doesn`t SUCK.
  10. Did you buy this car over off Trosper in Tumwater about 2 years ago.??
  11. The video reminds me of the time i a came home early and caught my wife having an affair with the weeed wacker.
  12. Nope ,,be saving a couple nickels to get to Oregon the week after.
  13. It`s all on the Datsunsnw.org web page ... click this it`s PDF so you should be able to print it right off http://datsunsnw.org...lHalfPoster.pdf ALSO i have a couple aluminum rims i need the lip polished on ...can i bring them and have you guys do it for me.??
  14. And like Dr Dre .....everyone forgot about Phil..
  15. Thanks man ..i just built it to have fun zipping around in, and being kinda a beater alot of people can relate to it .. Get yours going and almost every old woman will park and talk to you about driving one to college every time you get gas... If your into that sorta thing.. :lol: Sunk a bit of money into these the other day ,,Going to build me a L16 Twin cam.. :frantics: Thanks Bill....Now i need a set of those side drafts you have ten pairs of.. :ninja: (edit) not the Bill in Oregon everybody hates... the one in Elma that everybody hates.. :rofl: :rofl:
  16. Yes but it is another almost 600 miles from Redding to the Queen Mary,, one way ,, where the show is being held.
  17. i aint afraid a no ghost.. Now that psycho Dracula mutherfucker that used to be the host of Nightmare theater when i was a kid, that`s a different story.....Even as a little kid you knew that dude was not right in the head..
  18. Does no one else see the ghost escaping from the drain hole??
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