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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. :lol: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/3032249517.html
  2. Put a new seal in my engine the other day because i thought the voltron one ( i just put in ) was bad ...again . But come to find out it was leaking out the trans input shaft ,,,,,,,,,because i filled trans to high ,,Doh! Also put new seal in other end of 4speed And also made me a stack of strut rings to get rid of the clamps on all the rigs ,,,someday.. :D And a Oreilly`s u-joint was installed
  3. This is for the smaller falcon but yours is the older ,,smaller of the Fairlanes so maybe it could be of interest to you. http://www.fordfalco...powerbrakes.htm
  4. bananahamuck

    ka24de 210

    Bumping this to guilt you into a few pictures, videos, glamour shots,, a couple a words,,,anything .. :D
  5. I think i am gonna need a bigger umbrella for those conditions.
  6. I want to add,, a certain red 510 wagon had some severe mud flaps on his rig this year at Canby and since he`s my sons hero,, now he wants them to.
  7. Yeah, my sons high school buddies all have those flaps on their wheelers , or the police pull-em over till they do..and the sleeper is probably because the guys a cross country car shipper only with a smaller truck..
  8. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Let`s back this bitch right the fuck up.. Does that celica have a rear bumper ?? is the front bumper really bent or is that an optical illusion ?? what kinda price do you think the place would take ? .............and dibs lol Is the blue car a toyota ?
  9. I think your suffering from terminology disorder.... These are the 14" ones that are also referred to as snowflakes http://www.mgexperie...ke_rims/1885445
  10. Intro on Blacksheep http://blacksheepauto.com/forum2/ And i ment the chuckleheads that changed my name to flatcat.. On another note ....Oh, you were serious when you asked what was on video,,It was Kamikaze saying something that , no matter how many times you watch it , makes no sense what-so-ever. With the biggest shit eating grin of all time on his face. . It is one of the funnest videos i have ever watched.
  11. Oh! i almost forgot .. 510freak and DTP . :fu: :rofl:
  12. I said i wasn`t flat ,,,,,and if those pecker heads would have checked out the main page on Blacksheepauto under intros ( that i posted ) then watched the video of my 83 280zxt ( that i posted ), you would have seen the same vehicles in both.. Izzo got it with the hint about baloney sandwiches, because me and him ( and the dickheads i came with ) ate baloney sandwiches off the hood of my 510 at Canby. Then he caught us washing the grease and Miracle whip off hood later.. :D I just have so many e-mail accounts because of photobucket,, when i couldn`t remember what my password was for my old account as Heywood_Jabloeme, i couldn`t find where it was sending it to , so i became The Brown Finger. ..........With a new photobucket account to really throw people off.. :lol: The_Brown_Finger
  13. Oics of most epic road trip .......or ban. Sorry for making you haul those bed liners away before leaving ( and not picking them up like i told you i would ).. it was just a real busy time around here.
  14. Thanks for the link Skib . ...i have been wondering where a guy would even attempt to buy custom lash pads..Might open up a few weird ideas rollin around in that mess i call a brain... :thumbup:
  15. So since your asking.. measured from front of backing plate to firewall just to the side of throttle linkage and got 2 3/4 inches almost exactly ..........picture to show where i got measurement. 2 3/4 inches
  16. So is this your 510.?? some idiot was going to ask it .....so i beat them to it. :lol:......
  17. I would get the pan to stop hitting first , you might just be over thinking it.
  18. So you think your going to make it to Blue lake with the wagon or is that just a hopeful type thing?? Why is the paint color different under where the rear side marker goes.??
  19. Yeah just get some huge letters that say Datsun and stick them to the tail gate ,,,nobody will even notice.
  20. Are you adding / including the period at the end of his address ( if copy paste-ing )
  21. The 20v in picture has an intake on it worth more than my house.
  22. Dude,, what the hell? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  23. Till some knucklehead doesn`t ship item, and Icehouse`s paypal account gets locked because of dispute , that he can`t do anything about. Anonymous donations ... nobody's singled out as " less than " cuz they don't have a few bucks to spare.. :)
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